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Tw: Gore, can't believe that's what's happening in my first chapter. Also very much unedited.

Xisuma was only 10 then, he was merely a prince or was it the prince? It didn't matter, what did matter was what the child saw.


The small prince was the one to find it. He'd offten wake at night and wander to this area. And the people here were more than happy to help him.


That night was different, ever so different. It started the same. The prince woke up, snuck past the guards at his door, then wander around till he found it.


Xisuma sensed something was off, but couldn't tell what it was. He just continued with his path. Walking through the halls of the palace till he got there. The Watcher Wing.


The prince didn't know much about Watchers. He knew that they watched over the kingdom and we're very powerful. He also knew they had two apprentices if you wanted to call them that. He had no idea what that was, he just knew they were his age.


Prince Xisuma opened the door and immediately knew something was wrong. He may only be a child but he knew that The Watcher Wing was never this quite. Nervously he opened one of the doors and screamed.

The End

Of course the scream of the Prince got people's attention. They came to see what he was screaming about, and it was a horrible sight.


There was blood every where. The room was a mess and it looked as if the Watcher in here was torn apart and had their insides thrown at the wall. A guard quickly ushered the tiny prince out.

The prince waited outside the wing as the guards and his parents talked to each other. All the Watchers were dead, all killed in different horrible ways. However the two apprentices were missing. Their room was a mess hinting that they were taken, no one knew.


     The slightly traumatized prince was sitting in his room. He was trying to read a book about diplomacy or something like that but instead was staring out the window. Then there was a small knock on his door.


    "Come in!" Xisuma called. He didn't know who he was expecting but it wasn't the head that popped into the door way. "Shashwhamy!" Yelled the person coming into the prince's room.  The boy standing in the door way was named Keralis, he was one of Xisuma's only friends. Seeing how not many of the 1st through 3rd circle families had children, child behavior can affect your circle.


     "Hey there Keralis." Xisuma said waving at his friend. The prince pulled out a chair for his friend, in which Keralis sat down. Keralis picked up Xisuma's crown, which he had taken off, and examined it.


    "What are you doing?" Keralis asked, still examining the crown. "Reading." The Prince answered. "It didn't look like you were reading, you looked like you were looking out the window."  Xisuma sighed, "Then I'm thinking."

     "About what?"

     "What happened last night."

     A small silence happened. "I heard about that from my parents." Keralis sad putting down the crown. "It wasn't pretty." Xisuma said, closing his book. "What are your parents doing about it?" Keralis asked the Prince. "I'm not actually sure."



      Xisuma ran his hand through his hair, almost knocking off his crown. To say he was stressed was an understatement. He had turned 19 and just a few months later his dad was assassinated, and they didn't exactly know who. Five months later his mom was gone too.

     Having barely anytime to adjust he was stressed, not to mention he didn't know anything about changing the circles. At least there was Keralis, though ever since turned 18 he had to focus on his circle and whatever job he had at the moment.

     The new king looked at a few reports of murders happening around the kingdom. No one knew who did them, but they did know it was all by the same person. Their targets seemed to be random and they wore a red cloak out of all the colors. Xisuma simply called him The Assassin.

     The Assassin was clearly a threat to the kingdom, but no one could catch them. He'd have to find a way to deal with that later. For now Xisuma would deal with normal stuff like alliances and taxes.

I hope you like that prologue. This is the first Hermitcraft fanfiction I've ever written so I don't know how good it is. I do know that everyone is ooc (〒﹏〒) Anyways really do hope you enjoyed that.


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