~Chapter 14~

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Fun fact, I've completely derailed from the original plot.
Meaning the fic might end earlier than intended and tons of plot holes have been opened

Pearl nervously followed the guard that led her down the stairs. She fiddled with the edge of her cloak nervously. This meeting could probably go in so many directions and that was not a comforting thought.

Firstly though, she needed to know if this was the Grian that she knew. Then if not she could go about her day and not have to deal with the feeling of finding her friend. If it was the Grian she knew that things got a bit more complicated.

Pearl didn't know what she'd say or what exactly she was supposed to be doing. Like yes, she was supposed to see if she knew this Grian, then what? Have a conversation?

All thoughts came to a stop as she arrived facing the person in the cell. Grian sat on the floor one leg up, and facing towards the ground. That was until he looked up and locked eyes with Pearl.

She froze, this was in fact someone she knew. He was the same Grian that was in charge of that small village. He was the same Grian that had disappeared unexpectedly. He was the same Grian the Watchers did not go looking for.

"Grian?" Pearl asked, though she didn't need to, she knew for a fact who this was.

Grian's eyes widened as he looked at Pearl, "Pearl," he said.

"I..." Pearl started before cutting herself off, "Where have you been?"

Grian frowned as he looked off to the side, not answering the question.

Pearl stood there in the silence, thinking. She could leave, tell False she recognized Grian. Then again Pearl wanted answers too.

"Are you a a watcher?" Pearl asked, getting straight to the point, "False mentioned you said your name was Xelqua."

"If you really want answers, then ask Mumbo," Grian said.

"Mumbo?" Pearl questioned, "Why him?"

"Cause he has answers," Grian responded.

Pearl let out a silent huff, Grian clearly didn't want to talk to her. That was fine. She bid Grian a farewell before turning to walk back up the stairs to leave.

"Pearl," Grian said, immediately causing Pearl to turn around, "What happened to Evo after I...... disappeared?"

Pearl weighted out her options. She could tell Grian, she could demand he tell her something in return, or she could leave.

"You tell me why you disappeared, I tell you what happened," Pearl stated.

Grian thought about it for a second before nodding his head.

Pearl let out a sigh before starting her story, "After you disappeared we told the Watchers that our leader was gone. They did nothing. There was a short period of time where everyone was rebuilding, but we were vulnerable. One thing led to another and now Evo is destroyed, only ruins now."

There was a silence before Grian started talking, "It was the Watchers. They needed someone else to be their successor. So they chose me," Grian paused, wondering if he should continue and he did, "They took me to train, along side someone they called Welqua. They were very bloodthirsty, but we're incredibly creative and had written so many stories in their free time. I think they looked up to me. I was older and was taken around the same time as them."

Pearl took that all in. Well at least the Watcher part made sense, but it brought more questions than she had before.

"I have to get going now," She said, "Goodbye Grian."

And she left.


"Impulse?!" False yelled into poking her head into a room.

As she expected the brown haired demon was hanging out with the over ambitious sheep hybrid and a fire born. Other wise known had Impulse, Zedaph, and Tango.

"False?" Impulse asked, "You need something?"

"I do indeed," False point at Zedaph and Tango, "Get out."

After a bit of whining and stern talking False managed to kick them out.

"I need you to do something for me," False told Impulse.

"Uh oh," Impulse said, "Anytime you need something I end up doing something with this demon magic I have."

False let out a laugh, "Well I mean I do need you for that," she said, "I wanted to known if there was a way for you to see what is possessing Grian."

"The Assassin?"

"Yes, the Assassin."

"I might," Impulse said rubbing the back of his neck, "Not sure. I'm not that powerful, so chances are I'm not gonna be able to."

"Can you at least try?" False asked, "Cause I gotta monitor a trial that's happening with this hitman that we captured and X is out of commission so Stress is doing everything.

"I don't have a choice do I?"


"I'll do it," Impulse said, "Just not today."

"That's fine," False said handing Impulse some papers, "Just do it soon." And with that she left.

"Alright," Impulse said reading the papers he had been handed, "Let's see what I have to work with."

Technically got this chapter out at 11:50 soooo I did post it today :D
I'm so tired so like do your best to ignore mistakes and bad pacing.

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