~Chapter 5~

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We doing Etho now.

Wrote most of this while my eyes were dilated and everything was blurry so ignore mistakes, I was also in a car.

Also not related at all but I was on the hermitpad discord server for about a month without saying anything and first this I decide to say is birds XD


Etho wasn't a bad person, per say, but he technically wasn't good. At least in the eyes of the monarchy. Even if at times he could be a nuisance, he was good at something. That something was called spying. So while the King (or the anyone in the palace for that matter) probably didn't fully trust him, he still basically worked for them.

Etho whistled as he walked through the halls of the palace. The Queen of Khione, Queen Stress, was visiting. But you knew that. Khione was an icy kingdom, but had a queen with a heart of fire and gold.

Etho quite liked the ice and the cold. He was from a northern kingdom after all. The only reason he live in Ermitist now was because of an old friend of his. (Haha came up with a name for this kingdom) There was nothing wrong with living here, actually it was nice living here.

Etho opened the door to a specific room to find False looking over some papers. She looked up at him and gave a look of frustration.

"And where have you been?" She asked, placing the down that papers, "You've been gone for like two days."

"Doing something," Etho said, coming over to look at the papers, "Whatcha got there?"

False muttered something about trust before hold up the papers, "Files. Another murder has happened, though not by the assassin. It was definitely done by a certain hitman." False said, she held out another paper, "A source told us that the hitman did his job then disappeared into the forest, quite literally."

"And this is important why?" Etho asked False.

"Not only do we have another murder to solve but a missing person case as well. Now," False put the papers down and turned to face Etho, "Where were you."

"Being specific I was in the forest," Etho said, then saw the look on False's face and quickly added, "But I had a good reason."

"I'm listening," False said.

"I was honestly just sitting out there, then I saw someone. A boy, he was walking pretty deep in the forest so I followed him," Etho said, starting his story, "Then he either redirect his path really easily and heard me or was walking to a far out lake in the forest."

False thought about that, "I mean you're not wrong, but who knows maybe that lake is special for all we know."

"Maybe,"  Etho said hesitantly.

"Did you see anything else?" False asked, which Etho responded with a no, "Well tell me if you do then." False then walked out of the room.

Though that was a lie, Etho had seen something. Something that he probably wasn't meant to see. While Etho was watching the boy, and he had sensed him. It was like he was a completely different person. It was like a shadow of some sort was following him.

This plot is moving very slowly. Also updates are gonna be slower as I have two other books to work on. Soooo go read those XD (especially the one where I collab with Miss) Shameless advertising.
Anyways we have over 900 reads now, thanks for that.
Ok seeya!

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