~Chapter 12~

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1. I deleted most of the non-fic related stuff

2. My last update was me asking about opinions and you can ask me questions too, and I would like for you to give me opinions so go look at that XD


As of June 8th this fic is number one on Hermitcraft au and I'm a little too proud of that fact

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As of June 8th this fic is number one on Hermitcraft au and I'm a little too proud of that fact. It is now #2 and I am still a little too proud

Anyways enough a/n enjoy the chapter.

Grian sat there for who knows how long. He let his mind wander, his thoughts ranged from wondering what the weather was to when someone was gonna come down and deal with him.

Eventually he got one of the two questions answered, and sadly it wasn't the weather question.

Grian perked up when he heard the sound of foot steps and saw the light coming around the corner. He adjusted his sitting position to be facing whoever was gonna come down that hallway

Grian inhaled, only did it wrong and started coughing. The person who came into view wasn't the blonde haired guard captain or the King, it was a tall lanky man in a suit with black hair and a mustache. And Grian knew him.

The person stood there awkwardly as he waited for Grian to stop coughing.

"Are you even supposed to be down here?" Grian asked as his coughing died down.

"No," Mumbo said hesitantly.

"Then why are you here?" Grian asked, sending Mumbo an almost glare.

Mumbo sighed, "You know why, Grian."

Grian flinched at the use of his name, he hadn't been expecting that. He looked up to make eye contact with the mustached man. They started at each other for a second before Grian answered.

"I really don't," Grian said, "Unless you're here because you're worried about me, which I doubt is the case."


Grian stared at Mumbo confused, he opened his mouth to get some more explanation before he was given it.

"Why are you trying to kill X? Wait, no, why are you killing people in general?"

Grian thought about it, why was he? Well the answer was simple, he had to. Okay, there was more to it but he couldn't explain it.

"Why do you want to know?" Grian asked instead, maybe if was stubborn he could make Mumbo leave.

"I don't know, maybe because I find out my best friend who went missing years ago, and many thought was dead, is the assassin going around murdering people," Mumbo said, "Because, my friend is not a murderer. My friend is a prankster, and cares for people. Which is one of the reasons why the-"

"Stop," Grian said, "Just stop talking." He had been momentarily stunned by the out burst that just happened but regained his senses after the beginning of the last sentence.

Mumbo did stop talking, Grian had looked away from the man in front of him. He couldn't see his face but he was sure Mumbo was looking at him with a look telling him to talk.

He could just say it, then all problems would be solved. But they wouldn't. It would come and finish everything that Grian didn't. It would do more damage then Grian could ever do.

"I want you to leave," Grian muttered, just loud enough to be heard.

Mumbo let out a small, almost friendly chuckle, "I don't think you can really make any demands."

Okay, well Grian was stating a want not making a demand, but he could.

"Just leave!" Grian shouted, staring directly into Mumbo's eyes. And there it was, the fear he'd rather see then friendliness or pity.

Mumbo sighed and left. Leaving Grian alone again, in silence. After all this is what he wanted, right?

He let out a yawn, he hadn't slept since.... Well since he woke up and he had to have been awake for a full day by this point. Or maybe he was just tried.

Either way Grian felt himself slowly drift off. He tried to fight it off, knowing that his dreams will be filled with memories and nightmares. However all his efforts were in vain, as he feel asleep.






"So you heard screaming?"


False sighed as she followed the guard. It was the middle of the night and she was woken up. Supposedly she should be there just in case something happened or whatever.

"Alright, let's go," False said, shoving a lantern into the other guards hands as well as taking her own.

Before they took a step False heard one of those screams, sounding pleading. She hesitated, before bounding down the stairs.

False nearly tripped as she rounded the corner. There, curled up, was... Well it was hard to tell. It was almost glowing, a purple glow.

"I only know one thing with that glow..." False said, trailing off.

"Watcher," The guard behind False barely even whispered.

Also like, I have this really cool animation/animatic idea for this fic using the song Jekyll and Hyde by Jonathan Thulin. But I'm moving so I can't do it TwT

But yes, I would like to inform you all that I am moving and either will have a ton of time to write or won't write at all. It's a 50/50. Anyways bye!


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