~Chapter 21~

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I need a proof reader

I would just like to say
Dang some of you guys are fast when it comes to voting for the next chapter

Another short one, sorry inspiration went down the drain.

Ren ended up leaving the duo after about five minutes of talking. Must've scared him off.

Grian wasn't too bothered by that fact. Talking with Scar has been interesting and enjoyable. Even if you don't ignore the fact that Grian was infact, still a prisoner.

That didn't matter because the Royal Gardens were infact, very nice. And he enjoyed throwing leaves at Scar. There was also the time where Grian made Scar roll down a hill.

Needless to say Grian was having far to much fun for someone who is currently in prison.

At some point they both ended up laying down on the same hill Grian totally didn't push Scar off of.

"We should ask each other questions!" Scar said excitedly as he pet Jellie, who was laying on his stomach.

"Why?" Grian asked.

Scar shrugged, "Why not, seems fun."

Grian gave Scar a concerned look. What was this man trying to do? Who decides randomly that they're gonna play a game with some dude who tried to assassinated your king?

Not that it mattered. Grian was down.

"Hmmm," Grian pondered, "Why do you look like you struggle to walk sometimes?"

"Oh that's simple," Scar said, with a slight wave of his hand, "I can't walk."


"When I was younger I lost the ability to walk," Scar started explaining, "So now I use magic!" There was a pause, "Why do you look like you struggle to walk?"

"Oh," Grian said, slightly embarrassed, "I used to fly more than walk."

There was a silence after that. Grian was sure it was because Scar wanted to take turns, but he have anything he wanted to ask the aforementioned wizard.

Well, there was one thing.

"Why'd you let me out?" Grian asked.

There was nothing, before Scar answered.

"Because I couldn't just let you sit there," Scar said, "Everyone needs to go out. And besides I knew that you weren't going to try anything. After all I should know better than anyone that not everyone is evil!"

"You know know better than everyone?" Grian asked, repeating the phase.

"Don't worry about it," Scar said waving his hand, "It doesn't matter because of my goal. I'm going to make everyone happy and show the entire world that I am not evil. I'm going to become the best landscaper. It'll shall be know that Vexes are not evil!"

Grian listened to Scar's speech, who didn't seem to realize what he said.

If Grian remembered correctly Vexes we're creatures that differed in appearance but had the same magic. They're main attribute was being annoying as we as causing harm and bringing back luck to those who saw them.

They were also a pain to deal with.

"Do you have a goal you want to accomplish?" Scar asked Grian.

Grian was slightly taken aback, having been so deep in thought.

"Uhhhh," Grian said, thinking. He didn't thing he did. "No. There's nothing."

Scar gave Grian a confused look, in which Grian gave a confused one back. Though it was quickly replaced with Scar's smile.

"So what's your favorite phase of the moon?"



"This is quite annoying you know."

".....We should wait."

"Oh you tell me that now!?!"


"Don't stay silent!"

"We should wait three days."

"Why three?"

"In three days there will be a trial."

"His trial?"

"No. But he will make an appearance."

"And you're so sure about this because?"

"I'll make sure of it."

"Ah yes, I love intrusting you with everything."


"Alright sorry, don't want my powers getting taken away. I'll wait three days."


"By the way, if it's not his trial who's is it?"

"A hitman you don't need to worry about."

Do y'all know how hard it is to write when everytime you want to write 'Were' it'll auto correct to 'We're'?

Anyways we're getting into the endgame now. Get ready.

Also I'd still like people's input on the potential for a IWEY extras book.

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