~Chapter 22~

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Thinking about rewriting the prologue, thoughts?

Also sorry this chapter is late

Also, also, I finally posted the IWEY extras book as a sort of thanks for 100 followers :)

Thank you Heatherfall_3 for proof reading and giving me suggestions. I appreciate you <3

Scar had fallen asleep. Full on just taking a nap outside on the grass. Grian was really starting to question why Scar had any sort of authority.

At the very least he looked peaceful.

Actually now that Grian thought about it, the nagging in the back of his head had disappeared. Grian always ignored it anyways because it was annoying, but now it was just gone.

Grian looked at the cuffs on his wrist. Perhaps magic damping items also included damping out the nagging voice in your head that had been there since you woke up in the middle of a forest, instead of the castle room you were staying in.

But I digress.

Maybe it would be a good idea to wake up Scar. Grian was kind of stuck out here without him. Maybe he could do some wandering around outside and leave Scar to take his nap. As long as he didn't try to leave and didn't go inside he should be fine. Yeah, he'd be fine.

And with that Grian got up and walked away.

The gardens were still really pretty, even as the light was fading and Grian was literally tripping on his own feet. The tall hedges he was walking around probably didn't help, but at least they were cool to look at. And it wasn't a hedge maze, so that was a bonus.

What wasn't a bonus however, was turning a corner and running into someone.

The person he had run into kinda just stared at him before jumping back. "A-ah!" he said pointing at Grian with wide eyes, "Watcher!"

The pointing person was wearing mostly red and black, had pointed ears, and blonde hair with matching tail fluff similar to an elves. However his most notable feature (and what gave away he was not in fact, an elf) was his bright red eyes.

Now that Grian looked more closely at the other, he could see sparks flying off the fluff of the other's tail as he thwacked it against the ground, a common fireborn tactic, used to try and scare off another. And that's what this person was, a fireborn.

Though, didn't fireborns live in another realm? What was this one doing here? While fireborns weren't necessarily a common species to study, Grian knew a little bit, like how they lived on heat (and could turn heat and light into energy like plants). So why was this one walking around at night, when it was much colder.

"What are you doing here?" Grian blurted. Could you fault him for being curious?

"Well you see I heard Scar took you outside, and I was curious to see if I could actually find you, and I didn't think I actually would," The fireborn started rambling before pausing, "...Wait! I should be asking you this, not the other way around! What are you doing here?"

Grian shrugged and pointed in the general direction of Scar, "My tour guide fell asleep."

The fireborn let out a sigh, "Let me take you back to him."

And without checking if Grian was following him the Fireborn started walking away. I mean, Grian didn't really have a choice, after all the fireborn could just come and find him again. The garden was big, but it wasn't like it would be impossible to find him.

"You know I've been thinking about Watchers since you appeared," the fireborn started saying, "And like, the one thing that bothers me the most is what is with you guys' names? I mean I can't say much, my name is Tango."

'Tango' continued to ramble on about names till he turned around to face Grian (who had been trailing behind) to ask him a question.

"So is your name Xelqua or Grian?" Tango asked, "Adamantly I don't know that much about Watchers, but I've heard people call you both."

What a strange question. Probably shouldn't answer any Watcher related questions-

"My Watcher name was Xelqua," Grian said, ignoring the rational part of his brain.

"So is it like an alter ego or just a different name?" Tango asked, his tail wagging slightly with shimmers of heat rising up from it. "Should I be calling you Xelqua right now? Because everyone else has been calling you Grian, except Joe for some reason."

Grian slightly thought about it before answering, "Technically yes, you should be calling me Xelqua, it's supposed to be a show of respect or something," Grian looked up at the halo on his head, "Just call me Grian."

Tango lit up, literally. His tail and the tips of his hair ignited along with his excitement. Smiling Tango started walking and asking more questions again. Except they were questions Grian wasn't expecting, instead asking more questions about names and Watcher traditions.

Originally Grian thought these questions were a little weird before he remembered a rather important fact about fireborns. They're an extremely curious species. They like solving problems, and experimenting, which would explain why Tango started producing more fire as Grian answered each of his questions.

By the time they made it back to Scar, not only was the man awake, but night time had completely settled in and all of Tango's hair (which had been fully lit on fire at this point) was the only thing that allowed Grian to see.

"Oh hi Tang-WOAH!" Scar said as he jumped back from Tango, "You're a little on fire there."

"Scar, did you know that Watchers who permanently watch over a kingdom will often dye their wings the colors of kingdom's flags?" Tango said as he let the fire slowly extinguish.

Grian sighed, slightly regretting his decision to tell Tango anything.

Funfact: In the time it has taken me to get to this point in this fanfic I have left the Hermitcraft fandom 3 times before getting sucked back in.

This is the third time the Hermitcraft fandom has grabbed me by the ankles to drag me back in.

So I have concluded, I am stuck here forever

Also once again thank you Heatherfall_3 for proof reading this mess of a chapter

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