~Chapter 20~

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I wanna make a IWEY extras/oneshot book.

What do y'all think?

Scar burst through the door and ran over to Grian, Jellie trailing behind him at a more reasonable pace.

Honestly Grian doesn't know why he's surprised anymore. Scar had been coming to visit nearly everyday. Grian wasn't even sure if it was allowed or not. Not the he cares much anyway. It wasn't his business and totally not because he liked the human interaction.

Scar would often talk to Grian about mundane things, such as the weather. But he'd also talk about himself and life. Grian had learned a lot about the man, as he tended to ramble. Such as Scar using magic to help him walk, or how he uses crystals to chanel his magic. Grian had also found out it was very fun easy to prank and get a reaction out of Scar.

Today was interesting though. Grian had known that his cell was enchanted with something that kept him from breaking out with magic. He could still use magic but the minute it it something it disappeared. And everytime Scar came he had sat on the other side. However here he was, standing in front of Grian inside his cell.

Scar had a checky grin on his face has he held up wrist cuffs, "I manged to get permission to let you roam around for a bit," Scar shook to cuffs, "As long as you wear these and you are always around me."

Grian blinked at Scar, slightly confused. Wasn't he a prisoner? How the in the ever living heck did Scar mange to get 'Permission' to let him out.

Questions aside, Grian was not going to decline seeing the sun again. So Grian held out his arm to let Scar put in the cuffs, not doubt having a magic damping enchantment.


Magic Damping.

Grian suddenly jerked back his arm just as Scar finished putting on both cuffs. Scar stumbled back, not expecting him to pull his arm back.

Grian stared at the cuffs as all magic he was using dropped.

"Woah!" Scar said, "You've been using magic this entire time? You look so cool." Scar held out his arms gesturing to Grian.

Grian knew what he looked like now. He obviously had the same clothes but he has a couple of extra limbs, in the form of wings. Two dark wings settled in his back, and two small ones replacing his ears. And of course the Watcher's halo with it's closed eye, showing that he had not completed his apprenticeship.

"I mean, it's pretty hard to be an assassin when you have wings," Grian said, rubbing the back of his neck. And here he was hoping to keep it a a secret.

"So how do those wings work?" Scar asked, "Does your clothes just gain a opening in the back for your wings?"

Despite knowing the answer Grian look back at his wings.

"They're more like accessories, then limbs," Grian hesitantly said, "They float above my back."

"What about the halo-"

"So are we leaving, cause I want to see the rest of this castle."

"Wah- No!" Scar stammered, "Don't change the subject!"

With a smile Grian looped his arm with Scar's as he walked out of the cell towards the exits. Though he slowly came to realization that he really didn't know where the exit was.

"Alright Wizard boy," Grian said, unlinking arm and pushing Scar in front of him, "Lead the way."

With that Scar led the way out, rambling about something every step of the way. They had made it out of the dungeons and halfway down the hallway before Scar finished his story. Though, it's not like he actually ended up finishing it as Grian ran up to a window staring in awe at the garden.

Ignoring the weird and scared looks he was being given by servants and guards Grian proceeded to motion towards the outside.

"I want to go outside."

Scar rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I'm not sure. I mean I could barely get permission to let out up here."

"Oh come on, you can't deny my right to see the sun," Grian said as he started running down the halls in a random direction.

Funny enough he did end up finding the way to the gardens. Grian spread his wings and floated about a foot above the ground.

"H-hey!" Scar said panting from running, "You can't just run off, must less outside!"

Scar started lecturing Grian, but his mind was else where. With a grin Grian grabbed Scar and flew into the air.

"And that's why- OH! OH MY GOSH!" Scar screamed as Grian snickered.

Grian then proceeded to drop Scar and then catch him a little before he hit the ground. Then he set Scar down, a relief to the wizard.

"Oh my God Scar, dude are you oka-" A voice said running up to the two, probably stopping mid way due to Grian just floating there.

Standing there was a man with brown hair that had wolf ears sticking out if it (paired with a tail) and wore a red shirt and blue pants.

"Oh uh, hey Ren," Scar said with a smile, "Yup, completely fine."

Ren looks between Scar and Grian, with a slightly concerned face.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Ren asked.

"Don't worry I got permission," Scar said with a proud smile, "Plus, if he tried to leave the castle grounds magic would knock him out!"

"Huh?!" Grian shouted turning to look at Scar, "Isn't that something I should be informed about?"

Scar blinked at Grian, "Oh, yeah. Probably."

Scar was given the look of disapproval by Grian.

Rather mundane chapter.

It has occurred to me that there are people who read this fanfic and I will never know they do.

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