~Chapter 13~

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*Waves* Hello!

Story description has been changed slightly to better fit the story. That is all.

False jumped back, almost smacking the poor guard behind her. She forgotten that there was someone else with her. The other guard gave an apologetic look before backing off.

False held out a pendant she was carrying, the cell door unlocked. Scar had casted a spell on the cell so that a normal key wouldn't work. It was all magic and definitely harder to escape.

False walked inside and looked down at Xelqua. She knew almost instantly what was happening. He was having a nightmare. Xisuma sometimes had nightmares and when that happened he screamed.

The blonde guard dropped to her knees as instinct took over. False tried to shake the man awake. It took awhile but his finally came to. The assassin blocked tiredly as he wiped tears from his eyes.

He looked into False eyes before he spoke very softly, "Yalqua?"

False was taken aback. First of all the voice that just talked was not the same one as the one she fought. Second, Yalqua was the name of one of the Watchers that had died in this very castle.

False shook her head and started to correct the assassin, "Sorry Xelqua that's not my nam-"

"That's not my name," the man said as he tensed and looked down, "My name is Grian."

Then there was silence. It was a long beat of silence.

"Where did you hear that name from," Grian asked, his voice softer than ever.

"You told me," False answered, something was definitely off about this situation, "When we fought."

There was more silence from the small person in front of her. Then he looked up. Tears were forming in his eyes again. Well, expect his eyes went from a glowing purple to a normal brown. Which added to more confusion, cause False swore his eyes were purple surrounded by black when they first met.

"Help, please," He said before passing out of the floor.

False blinked, a little confused. She sighed and stood up, she'd have to tell someone about this. She walked out of the cell and locked the door again.

The other guard, the one she forgot was there, stood there awkwardly.

"You can go," False said with a small wave of her hand and the guard nodded and quickly ran off.

She rubbed the bridge if her nose as she thought. There was gonna be a lot to talk about tomorrow.


"So yeah, that's basically the gist of it," False said.

"Hmm," Joe said thinking, "This sounds like a case of possession."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that," Etho countered, "I hit him with an enchanted knife meant to knock out other beings. Besides didn't Gem say Xisuma was soaked in magic that was keeping him out of commission? Beings with that much magic aren't able to be possessed"

"Well yes, Gem did say that," Joe said carefully, "However might I add that this Grian fellow, as he said his name was, is clearly a Watcher. Or at least had some resemblance to them."

"He also knew the name of one of the Watchers," Ren added on, "Which is a thing very few people know."

"So he's a Watcher," Cleo said bluntly, "Quick, Joe what has the magic capability to possess a Watcher?"

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