Some AU Information

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     Haha, I have no idea what I'm doing ಥ‿ಥ


    This is somewhat medieval au, where Xisuma is the king and I'm going to try and make it so that the rest of the hermits are his staff? Is that the correct word?

     Any hermits who is a guard will be good at fight, regardless of whether or not they are actually. (・–・;)ゞ

     Are watchers a thing? Yes, but not in the normal way the most people write them as. More information will come as the story goes on.

     Grian is just know as: The Assassin. One plot reasons and to make my life easier.

    The Elite Guard is exactly what it sounds like, an Elite Guard force usually the ones guarding the king.

     There is a hierarchy system called the Rank Circle. Ever read wings of fire? The ranking system is sort of like the Icewings ranking system. A persons rank will move up and down depending on what they did, how they act, or just the King or Queen's own personal opinion. They are the only ones who can finalize the rank at the end of the day.
     Each level of the rank is called a circle. 1st though 3rd circle often live in the castle with the royal family. Most of the guards are in this circle. 4th through 6th live in the area of the castle. 7th through 10th are barely considered aristocrats and live in the general area.

Magic does exist in this wonderful world.

Sooooo Jevin is magic slime boi.

I will probably at more information as I go. Due to the fact that his was just an idea and I was like, Hey I'ma write this with no full plan.

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