~Chapter 3~

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People actually read my story? Well thank you for over 200 reads

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People actually read my story? Well thank you for over 200 reads. That more then I've ever gotten in the three years I've been on wattpad. Again thank you!  Anyways please enjoy this chapter.

Short chapter and unedited!

The Ice Queen sat in her carriage, looking out the window. Despite what the public thought Stress was visiting purely because of friends. (And maybe to yell slightly at Xisuma about Ice)

Stress smiled to herself. Her advisers told her not to go, after all a deadly assassin roamed the streets. They already came close to killing the King once. But Stress trusted False and knew she would be kept safe.

She wished she could somehow help, but her ice kingdom was small and so were her numbers. Not many people wanted to live in the icy kingdom of Khione, and she couldn't blame them.

The cold and ice was not for everyone. Stress however, loved it. As queen she couldn't just move kingdoms so she thought it was a good thing she was queen.

Stress went to move her hands off the side of the carriage, however they appeared to stuck. Looking down she saw that she self consciously frosted over her hands with ice. Sometimes, like now, Stress wondered why she had this power.

Her, like every ruler, had a power. Often relating to their kingdom. For example Stress and her ice powers. (This is totally plot relevant and not just because I wanted to give Stress ice powers)

Stress laughed at the fact she got stuck, and with some struggle managed to get unstuck. She must of made a lot of noise when she did that, because the next thing that happened what someone asking her if she was already.

"Your Majesty?" Someone in the front asked, "Are you ok?"

"Everything is fine love." Stress said back. Really everything was fine.

Actually everything was more than fine. Stress hadn't realize till now, how happy she was. Being a Queen was a very busy job, and now she's get to spend some time with her friends.

Obviously she'd have to act formal when others were looking, but when it was just her and the other hermits she could be herself.

Stress's smile widened as she entered into the kingdom. She was a little too happy, even she knew that. Though Stress couldn't care less. (Rhymes)

This kingdom really was beautiful. While Stress's kingdom was pretty in a glassy crystal way, X's kingdom was beautiful in a natural everything just fits way.

There were crowds of people, most likely wanting to see the Queen of Khione. Stress didn't mind the attention, she kinda liked it.

The carriage came within the castle. Stress relaxed a bit, she knew most of these people personality so she didn't need to be as formal.

Stress straightened out there dress as the carriage started to slow to a stop. She wasn't wearing normal royalty attire, just a lose dress, her cape, and her crown.

The door opened and Stress stepped out. The warm sun hit her face and it felt amazing. She smiled and knew she was going to have a great time, one way or another.

There we go. I lost inspiration in the middle of writing this.

Anywho I'm curious, what's your favorite ship?

Ok byyyyyeeeee.

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