~Chapter 24~

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Are there people whose first Hermitcraft fic was mine?

False tightened her grip on her sword. The air was tense as the door closed behind Grian. There was a faint glow on the door, in which False could guess that meant it was now locked with magic.

She didn't have much time to think about it however, as a black tendril hit her right in the chest, causing the wind to get knocked out of her. False, being stuck to the ground, started violently coughing,unable to do anything as another tendril reached for her.

Suddenly, Stress slid in front of False protectively, holding her hands up and blasting the cloaked figure with ice. It was like looking at a glowing blizzard. So much power was being used that False could see the ghost of wings flicker in and out of existence.

After a few seconds Stress stopped shooting ice, but kept her hands up. What was once an intimidating figure, was now a ball of ice and snow. False could hear Stress's ragged breathing as well as see it in the air. All her attention was brought back to the ice ball when she heard a crack. Then another, before the ice ball exploded.

"Your Majesty!" False heard some poor guard scream.

False but didn't get too hurt by the flying ice shards despite being unable to move. Stress had taken most of it. Regardless of having taken the ice for False, Stress started hurling ice again, only for it to be stopped by Grian in all his glowing purple glory. Grian raised his hand and lobbed the ice back at Stress, sending her into a wall.

"You're not gonna beat a Watcher with magic like that," the figure said laughing. They brushed some ice off of them before walking to stand above False.

"Who are you!" False shouted, trying to not focus on the mass of inky black darkness above her.

"Your soon to be new King," The figure said, once again getting ready to attack False, only to be interrupted once again as they were sent flying into a wall with Grian

False felt her restraints disappear and she shot up to her feet and immediately got into a defensive position. The figure stood up and glared past False at someone else.

"You stupid Vexes!" They shouted, lunging at Scar.

False went to slice at the figure while their back was turned, only to be stopped by Grian, who was using his arm to block the attack. Alarmed, False ripped the sword out of the Watcher's arm and scanned him

His wings were darker than normal and the eye on his halo were slightly open. His normally brown eyes were also glowing purple. False also distantly remembered Grian's eyes glowing when he attacked the first time. He was also holding something that was glowing in his left hand.

When False went to grab Grian's wrist she was met with no resistance, but noticed something else. His eyes suddenly dimmed, reverting back to their usual warm brown instead. Recognition filled his eyes before they turned purple again. Back under whatever spell was placed upon him, Grian pulled his wrist away this time.

"Uh a little help!"

False abandoned any thought of Grian to run towards the yell, towards Scar, as he struggled to fight off the Figure. This time she made contact with the figure causing them to stumble. She went to strike again only to be stopped by their arm.

"What did you do to him?' False asked, swinging again.

The figure blocks with their armoured arm again. "I didn't do anything, he's been like that for a while now."They replied smugly.

False went for a strong swing, but it caused her to stumble, crashing into the Figure. Whether it was the heat of the moment or fast reflexes, False couldn't tell, but as she fell she pulled the hood of the figure down and all of her suspicions were confirmed.

Standing in front of her was someone who looked eerily like Xisuma, except for a different color scheme. This was, without a single doubt, Ex.

Before False could do anything else she felt herself getting thrown off of Ex. She tumbled a few inches before getting up to charge again.

"You!" Ex shouted at Grian, who was having a strange scuffle with Scar, "Deal with the knight."

Grian immediately abandoned his scuffle with Scar, and appeared in front of False. This time when magic got thrown her way, she blocked it with her sword. Looking down at Grian's unused left hand she swung the blunt end of her sword around to hit Grian's hand.

A purple glowing crystal fell out and slid across the floor hitting Ex's foot. She didn't think much of it until a black fog that surrounded Ex started getting sucked into it.

Ex tried to grab the crystal but Grian got to it first, and Ex tackled him

"Hand it over Xelqua," Ex said, pinning him to the ground.

Grian's eyes flashed purple before he shook his head and threw Ex off of him with his wings. He scrambled to get away, only to be pulled back by an invisible force.

The crystal started cracking as it sucked the black fog in more. This time, as Ex tried to get away, the same thing happened again. He turned to lunge at Grian.

"Neither of them can escape each other," Stress said, appearing out of nowhere behind False.

Grian kicked Ex away from him and held the crystal up as it started cracking more and more. Ex, still struggling against its pull, was thrashing around, however still unable to do anything. Grian worriedly looked around, his eyes still flashing between the glowing purple and his normal brown.

"The crystal is going to explode," False heard Stress whisper next to her. She turned to Stress and bit her lip, wondering if they should help or leave it to Grian

She turned her attention back to Grian, and went tense at the sight of Ex holding a small knife, sneaking up on an unsuspecting Grian. False went to draw her sword only to stop when she heard someone else call out.

"GRIAN!" Scar yelled as he ran over.

"What is he doing?" False frantically asked, going to go after the Vex until Stress grabbed her cape and pulled her down.

False's eyes widened as she watched the knife come down and an explosion happen.






A raven soared through the sky, its silky black wings shimmering in the rising moonlight. The black bird turned and landed on the window of a castle.

Inside sat a white haired Watcher.

The raven dropped a letter into the Watcher's lap. The Watcher carefully picked up the letter, examining it for a moment, before opening and reading it.

"Ah, it's time," said a voice off in the corner.

The Watcher nodded.

"It's their choice now," the voice said, gesturing to the side, "Dear readers."




Wooooo I live! We're at the final stretch guys and I've got an upload schedule

Chapter 24 - 04/14
Chapter 25 - 04/21
Chapter 26 - 04/28
Epilogue - 04/ 30

Love y'all bye <3

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