~Chapter 19~

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Trying something new for a chapter

This wasn't even the original chapter idea

Also short, like 500 words short

Date: Day of Murder

Zilqua walked through the halls of the Ermitist castle. She's been quite worried recently. After all there was an unknown presence lurking around.

Zilqua vaguely remembered Welqua mentioning something about Xelqua. But Yalqua had said he'd look into it.

It was their job to watch over the kingdom, it was kind of in the name. And here she is, pacing down the halls trying to sense what ever was going on.

It was almost like fog. She could sense it from far away, but when she got close it wasn't there. It had to be good a hiding, or else Yalqua would've found it.

Zilqua opened the doors to her room and sat down. This was stressful. Sometimes she hated being a Watcher. Though if anyone new that she's definitely be thrown out, the Head Watcher we're always looking for a reason to get rid of her.

All this mess was giving her a headache. Perhaps she could continue tomorrow. She had the time after all. Maybe taking a nap would be good. Yeah. After all nothing was going to happen. Nothing ever did.

Date: Three days after the capture of the Assassin

A red eyes man looked up at the looming figure. Well, more like he was having a glaring contest with it.

"So, what's your great plan now?"

"It's quite simple," Said the figure, "You'll need to be there though."

His brows furrowed, "You wanted me to sneak in don't you."

"Why of course I do," the voice said with a smug tone, "After all the agreement said you would have to do some work."

The man's brows furrowed as he brought his hand to run at his nose bridge. With an annoyed sigh he looked straight up as the figure.


Date: A year after Շ̸̧̪͈̤͎͔̺̅̒̎̅̒̾ђ̷̢͉̜̭̟̤̠̹̯̙͙̐̂̀̽̐̓́̉є̶̨̡̛̝̰̟͈̭̟͍̗̼̝̒͊̓̍̈́̄̒̽̆ ̴͚͚͔͔̲͉͍͔̼̻̺̝̜̓͊̉́๔̴̧͈̝̈́̚є̶̡̡̢͇̙̮̰̱̥̞̗̍̇̀́̾̃̈́͑̉͆̾̈̒̓ค̷̢̡̛̖̤̟̗͎͌̋͆̓̇͝͝Շ̷̨̥̰̜̣͚͇̺̬̏̅̌̈̀̒́̊͆̌̊̀̅́̚ђ̸̘͔̜̪̭̰͖̞̲͇̰͈̗̼̃̈́̿͒͌͒̃̕͝ ̶̢̧̳͍͇͕͇̾̈́̏̆̆͛̎̊̈́͌̔̄͜๏̶̙̺̟̠͔̪̫̬̲̈́̑̀Ŧ̴̢̼̻̖͔͕̝̱͍̈́͆͛̍̋͂̉̾̈̊̏̚͘ ̵̡̖̩̥̠̗̲͉̥̫͛̓͝͠ͅђ̴̡̨̡͙͖̦̖͍͔̝̌̉̾̿̉́̅̏͠͠เ̷͙͓̞̩̝̯͚̙͔̭͇͉̹͓̈́̊̀̏͜๓̵͕͓͙̭̫̰̟̄̌͂̇͆̑̚ͅ

Xisuma stood in front of the statue that sat in it's very own place in the garden. He came here way to often for it to be healthy. As Gem had said, 'You may be unexpectedly grieving an unexpected death, but that didn't mean you visit the statue dedicated to him.'

It had been a year.

A year since his life was saved.

A year since the end of a problem that had been plaguing his kingdom since he became king.

A year since the death.

Xisuma clenched his fists. He was the King, the ruler, the protector of his kingdom and people. He didn't - no - shouldn't have died because of him. It was all his fault.

Xisuma stared the statue down. No one else would die. He would have to make sure of it. After all who was gonna stop him? He was a King.

๔̴͖̺̪̱̰͓̲͖̬͎̹͇͍̲̜̌̿͊̆̇͆̎̍̈̅̃͐̕͝ค̵̨̧̺̣͍̪̳̯̌͒̀̀̊̄̆̋́̕͜͝Շ̶̢̛͔̟̖͔͔͚̫̱̮͎̯̙̉̃є̴̰̲̯̘̼͔̼̖̺͔͙̥̇̈́̽͂͜͝:̸̣͚̳̫̘̜͓̻͊̆̉ ̵̨̱̙̱̺̪͕̗͖̩̐͂̀͌͑̓̐̎͊́̾̔͘͜͝ย̸̧̨̢͔͎͉̠̬͛̑͗̚ภ̶̢̗̰̰̞͚̱̲̩̳̤̠̼̈̍̔͑́̍̈́͆̓̈́̅̆̚͝к̴̟̥̤̻̘̣̙͐̽̉͠ภ̸͕̑̈́̃͘๏̸̛̥̂̀̽̔̽̒̈́͠ฬ̸̢̢̤̤̠͔́̊̋ͅภ̸̡̛̛̼̰̬̫̳̞͓̲̲̮̗̫̥̺͋̓̐͆̈́́̄̊͐






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