~Chapter 26~

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I got nothing.....
Last chapter before the epilogue
How do you feel?

Grian didn't have a harsh childhood. In fact, he quite enjoyed it. Eventually he became in charge of the small village at the wonderful age of 16. He was mischievous and sneaky, but he always cared and always made up for whatever he did, and even if he didn't, someone else always got him back.

At some point they got Watcher visits. It was weird. In the Watcher council's eyes they were too small to be Watched over. They would often help out with bigger tasks around the village. Some thought it was weird, others accepted the help and Grian didn't think much of it, until they whisked him away.

Grian woke up in an unfamiliar place. The walls and floor were made out of a stone he had never seen before and it was cold and dark. So dark he didn't notice the figure standing in the corner at first. He flinched back, staring at a Watcher.

Grian didn't have much time to think about what had happened when a door he didn't notice swung open, and more Watchers filed in.

"You have been selected by the council to become a Watcher," One of them said.

"Due to your track record of being a troublemaker on the side, you have been put here until you are ready to start your apprenticeship," Another one said, "Are you ready?"

"Did you kidnap me?" Grian asked, alarmed.

"No. We took you without anyone knowing and without your consent."

"That's kidnapping!"

"No. You are not being held captive," A Watcher said tilting their head slightly, "As long as you say yes, you may roam around within the confines of the stronghold until you become a Watcher."

"That is kidnapping!" Grian repeated.

"Are you ready or not?"

"No!" Grian shouted, pushing himself into the wall.

"We shall wait until you are." and all but one Watcher left the room.

He knew he was stuck there for at least a day before he caved and told them he was ready.

"This is Yalqua and Zilqua, they will be you mentors."

Yalqua gave Grian a nod while Zilqua cheerfully waved.

"They will lead you through the process of gaining your wings and halo as well as act as guardian."

Grian really liked his mentors and the other apprentice. Zilqua always had a motherly aura and Yalqua was honest and always cared. They let him be mischievous and loud. The Watchers weren't bad.

His opinion changed when he saw execution where the only crime was being a potential threat to a town. When Zilqua gently asked him if he was okay when they got back to his room, Grian got defensive.

"Don't do that!" Grian hissed, swatting Zilqua's hand away.

"Do what?" Zilqua asked, her voice softening.

"Act all nice, I saw what happened out there!" Grian said, "You all killed someone for no reason."

"It was the council's decision, Grian."

"The council is stupid!" Grian yelled.

"Shush!" Zilqua said, slapping her hand on Grian's mouth, "You can't say that!"

"That was wrong though!" Grian yelled as soon as he removed Zilqua's hand, "He didn't do anything wrong. They said he was dangerous just because he was a spider. He didn't do anything but live!"

"I think it's unfair too," Zilqua said in a hushed voice, "But as Watchers our goal is to protect humans and if the council decides that monsters, hybrids, elementborns, and demons are dangerous then they are."

"I don't want to be a Watcher," Grian said, curling in on himself, "Why hasn't anyone said anything about it?"

"Because most humans share the same sentiment," Zilqua said as she started rubbing Grian's back.

"We're evil, they're evil!" Grian suddenly outbursts.

"No one is evil," Zilqua responds, "We are all gray, some darker than others. But every single one of us is gray."

Grian gave no response. He leaned into Zilqua. Stupid motherly aura.

"Why don't I tell you about Yalqua and I when we were apprentices?"

Even though Grian felt incredible anger towards the Watcher council, he found himself enjoying his life as a watcher in the palace. It was nice and peaceful. Grian felt like he could breathe again. But that only lasted for a week.

Grian felt a searing pain in his head as he was walking to his room and it was hard to think or hear anything. He doesn't remember opening the door and laying on his bed.

He only remembers snippets after that. There were the bloody remains of his mentors and partner. Then he was running through the forest, no control over where he was going or his own body.

Some days he had more control than others. Like whenever Grian was supposed to be laying low he had almost full control, but he'd immediately lose that control if he tried to do anything that would out him. Other days he was completely at the whim of whatever was controlling him. Such as when he broke into the castle to try to kill both Queen Stress and King Xisuma.

When he finally had control over his body. He was in a cell in a dungeon. Being asked questions he didn't have answers to. If the last conscious choice he has ends him, he's fine with that.

Maybe in another lifetime he'll be able to have more control of his life




"Do you regret your choices dear reader?"


You be better ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ (jk. Jk)
Epilogue time

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