~Chapter 17~

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Impulse lore, essentially another Impulse chapter

Also *points*
Go read my other fanfic

There was silence. Then there was noise.

Too much noise.

Grian opened his eyes, or the ones in his mind did, as he came face to face with someone he'd never seen before. Brown hair, black and yellow attire, horns, and a tail.


This dude was a demon. And was in his brain.

Grian was about to say something before seemingly getting whisked away into something that seemed to be a memory.

Everything was very dark, and cold. He seemed to be running, and laughing? Grian had no control over his body, his voice, or his movements. Then he realized, this isn't his body. He's viewing through the eyes of someone else. Most likely the demon's

It seemed like this demon was from a different realm. One dark stones and closed off skies. Grian vaguely remembered learning about different demons and their original realms. It was a good way thing to know when you needed to get rid of one.

It wasn't that demons were necessarily bad. It's just the people who summon them tend to be. Also they like feed on the life force of many living creatures and that can be very problematic in Grian's opinion.

The ran through the halls of a big temple like building, made of dark stone like material that was cold against his skin. There was very little light coming from candles strung about.

That didn't seem to bother the demon as he kept running down the halls. There was a laugh as he slid and turn a corner.

"You're so slow!" The demon yelled as he looked back for a second.

There was someone chasing him, "Impulse!" He yelled back, drawing out the 'im' of the name, "That's not fair! You got longer limbs!"

From what Grian could tell, it was true. Impulse, or who he assumed was Impulse, had his firearms as big black claws. It was the same with legs. The other demon however looked human, minus the lack of color.

"Suck it Skizz!" Yelled Impulse as he sped up.

Skizz, again who he assumed was Skizz, huffed then suddenly Impulse slipped falling down. He looked around noticing the purple magic spread on the floor around him.

Skizz let out a shout of celebration, before letting out a screech as stone shot from the ground trapping him.

Impulse had his claws in the ground and was smirking.

"If you use magic, then I use magic," Impulse said, getting up and dusting his hands off.

Skizz let out whine of protest, he pounded on the stone, "But that's not fair, this is bedrock. You know indestructible material, the only thing sperating the void and the world."

Impulse stood there, "I mean, it was pretty funny hearing you screech."

The monochrome demon got a hint of color as he turned pink from embracement. "You gonna let me out?" He asked.


(He did)

Grian blinked and suddenly he was in a different memory.

"You sure this is a good idea?"

"Are you kidding?" Skizz asked, "Of course it is!"

Impulse looked down at a patch of bedrock. "Fine"

He put his claws on the ground and the bedrock moved, creating a hole in the ground leading straight to the void.

There was beat of silence before all Grian heard was a scream.

Different memory, but it was the same place.

He couldn't tell what was happening, all he could see was a hand reaching into the void.


Impulse was walking to a portal. Skizz was leaning against said portal. He looked the same, except of the purple arms that seemed to be dripping with magic.

"You ready?"

"Heck yeah!"


Impulse was running through a forest. From what Grian could tell he looked more human than before. No claws, just hands.

Impulse came to a stop at a the entrance of a city. He looked back and saw something Grian recognized. A Watcher. A Watcher named Silqua.

"Where do you think you're going, demon?" Silqua asked, using that weird voice that made you sound all god like.

Impulse started sprinting towards the city before a force grabbed him and yanked him back into the forest.

He fell to the ground with a grunt. Impulse tried to get up but found he couldn't as he was held down by magic. A trick Grian like using himself, and one he used against the guard captain.

Impulse flailed around trying to get up. 

"Now, what are you doing here?" Silqua asked, as she put her foot on Impulse, trying to get him to stop moving.

Now Grian had never met Silqua in all her silver winged, black hair, 5'9" glory. But he had heard of her. She was known for hunting down Demons. Grian could vaguely remember see her when they were both apprentices, but never afterwards.

"Answers me!" Silqua commanded.

"I was trying to visit a friend!" Impulse yelled back.

Silqua snarled, "I don't believe you," she bent down to look at Impulse's face, "All you demons are the same."

In a last ditch attempt to get out Impulse closed his eyes as he slammed his hands into the ground, causing bedrock to erupt from the ground. And caused Silqua to be caught off guard.

Impulse shot up from the ground and booked it to the city.






Grian's eyes shot open. He sat up looking around. The only thing he saw was a cape disappearing behind a corner.


"Did find out was possessing him?"

"Sort of."

"And what does that mean."

"This is so much more complicated that a simple possession."

"How so?"

"This is basically mind control. And the power traces.... I recognized them."

"You did? Do you know what they are?"

"I do,  and there is only one person in Ermitist in history who had that power."

"It can't be. Don't tell me it is."

"False. It's him."


This came out so much later than it was supposed to. Didn't help that I completely changed the middle part.

Anyways hope y'all have a happy holiday. Because I figured out how to write angst and I'm definitely gonna crush y'all.

Bye :D

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