~Chapter 11~

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Silence filled the room. False was released from whatever forces held her down. She got up and looked around, confused to what just had happened. Cautiously she walked towards the body of the Assassin.

When she got there she noticed two things, one he was knocked out and two he had a knife in his back.

False looked around and saw Etho, carefully perched on one of the pillars in the room. He held two knives in his hands as he looked down on to False.

"What the heck did you do to them?" False asked.

"Enchanted knives," Etho said, "You know a thank you would be nice."

"Well thank you," False said before turning her attention to the person on the ground. She looked around spotting Wels in the corner underneath a shattered Window. He seemed to have a cut on his cheek but other than that he seemed fine.

"Wels!" False called, getting the attention of the blonde knight. Wels was a general under False and was quiet talented. "If you're not to busy can you take care of them," she gestured to the Assassin.

With that False looked at Xisuma, still unconscious and relatively unscathed. Though you could never be sure. False picked up The King and walked to go find someone more capable.

As she walked multiple questions filled her mind. How did the Assassin get in here? How did they get to X? What was the magic they used? Was magic holding her down? What would have happened if Etho hadn't came?

All thoughts stopped as she entered the hospital wing. Two Monarchs down within a matter of days. That was certainly worrying.


All Grian could see was darkness. No seriously. Like where they heck were his hands and the rest of his body. He had to be dreaming, or dead.


Grian turned around to see a very familiar person standing there.

"Yalqua?" He asked, then suddenly he was there again. Standing in the elaborate room, wings gently folded up, wearing the mask and cloak.

"Xelqua have you seen Welqua?" Yalqua asked. (Why did I create such complicated names)

Gri- Xelqua shook his head, "I haven't seen them since I got here."

Suddenly another person came through the doors, "Yalqua, I told you that Welqua was in the library," they said.

Yalqua turned to the other Watcher, "You didn't tell me that Zilqua," they said.

Zilqua sighed, "Continue with your studies Xelqua," they said as they put a hand on Yalqua leading them out.

The doors closed and for a moment he was at peace. Then he heard it. The scream. He turned around and saw it.

(Gore warning the next paragraph, I don't go into detail but just warning you)

A shadow like figure floating over the (slightly) dismembered bodies and feathers. Xelqua was frozen, couldn't move.

The figured cocked it's head to look at him. Xelqua felt the familiar sensation of magic flowing through him as he figure got closer. It was so sudden. The reach of it's claws. The feeling of losing control. Then nothing.

When Grian woke up it was slow, almost calm. Though there wasn't many things calm about waking up on a cold stone floor.

He sat up, and clutched his head. It was no surprise he would have a head ache. Grian blinked and looked around. He was in a cell of the castle dungeon. There was basically nothing around him. And the only light there was, was coming from a torch the was burning out and his eyes.

His eyes.

Grian could see the purple refection coming off of the stone that came from his eyes. His hand hovered over his eye before he saw the glow fade away.

Grian relaxed against the wall, there wasn't much he could do anyways but wait.

I'm sorry that was kinda short (・–・;)ゞ
But I hope you enjoyed it!

Also I wrote the prologue of the other fic that was set in the same world as this one but is about dream smp instead. Should I finish this fic first or do you guys want me to publish it now?

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