~Chapter 15~

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*Ghost noises* A new chapter with new someone's perspective

I'm gonna be honest I wasn't even gonna post this chapter and write a new one, but I'll give this one to y'all

Thank you GhostShreya , RoseBlueJay and lestrawberrydrop for helping me and giving me ideas for this chapter

They weren't sure why the Watchers chose them. But they knew why they chose Grian. Grian was smart and knew how to lead, he used to be the leader of Evo. However what they loved about Grian was his chaotic side and loved the pranks.

If only they could keep their mouth shut.

"So why did you think this was a good idea Xelqua?" Yalqua asked. Grian had decided to try and color as many things as possible in red. It worked, kinda. Yalqua was standing there covered in what seemed to be a red powder.

"It was supposed to be funny," Grian complained.

"It was funny," Zilqua agreed, covering her laugh, only to let it burst out when Yalqua glared at her.

"Zilqua," Yalqua muttered, "We're supposed to be the responsible ones. Heck I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."

"Yalqua my dear," Zilqua said, slinging her arm around a red covered Yalqua, "We both know that once you become a Watcher apprentice you stop aging normally."

Yalqua removed Zilqua's arm from touching him, "That's not the point," he said, "The point is, is that Xelqua needs to stop these pranks."

"What you wanna make a good first impression on the Kingdoms?"

"Yes!" Yalqua sighed as he face palmed, "Both of you just go to your room, and remember you have classes tomorrow."

"Okie!" Grian said as he grabbed their arm and left the room.

"I'm sorry Xelqua I couldn't stop myself from telling them," they said as they were being dragged away, "Not that it helped Yalqua much."

"It's fine," Grian said, "But I don't think I can tell you anything anymore, you can't keep a secret to save your life."

They let out a whine of disapproval, but being honest Grian was right. They really couldn't keep a secret. It was really a problem living with a prankster.


Classes were incredibly boring if you asked them. They'd much rather be drawing or writing. Much better things to do with their time then sit here and listen to someone teach them about the Watcher hierarchy system.

It was an interesting system. You had the Head Watchers, the higher ups, the ones that ran everything. There were a total of five. To be a Head Watcher you were either appointed by the leaving Watcher or the remaining Head Watchers discussed who was fit.

Then there was the Ruling Watchers. They were mostly the ones the that had multiple Watchers under their watch. Typically they were overseeing Watchers that watched over Kingdoms. They also moved from Kingdom to Kingdom depending on what they wished to do. They rarely ever took on apprentices and there were very few of them. Yalqua was a Ruling Watcher. (Because if course he is :p)

The Teaching Watchers were next. They knew everything. They taught new soon to be Watchers and wrote down everything that has happened in history. They typically took on the most apprentice as there weren't many of them. Something told them that they might become a Teaching Watcher.

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