~Chapter 10~

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*Shakes wattpad violently*
Why won't you work.

Wattpad keeps deciding to crash after I type about 20 words.

Anyway, it's show time.

There was no sound. Only quiet. The moon gave everything a faint glow as no light was lit. It was everything perfect for an little red assassin. However he was running out of time as the sun started to rise.

Grian had managed to get himself into the palace and has perched himself on a window. His shadow could barely be seen on the floor of the palace.

He had very little time to do this. Grian made his was through the palace as he stood on the window ledge. Many people had past by him as it was quickly becoming day, but none saw him. Luck he guessed.

Grian finally made it to where he needed to be. He sat on the ledge right in front of the throne room. If the doors were to open right that instant he'd most likely be spotted. He had a plan for that though.

He took out a bottle of a silvery shimmering liquid. He uncorked it and drank a the potion. Grian never really used invisibility potions before, it was a thin, bland tasting potion. Slowly Grian watched as his hands faded away.

Now he had 8 minutes to go through with his plan.


Mumbo walked through the halls of the palace. It was kinda quiet compared to normal. To be fair most of the staff was running around trying to help Queen Stress, who was trying to fight of an unknown poisoning. (What? pov change in the middle of a chapter, that's new)

Mumbo continued walking to his destination, carrying multiple papers and books. He'd thought of someone amazing and wanted to make sure it was okay. Mumbo's steps slowed as he came to the huge doors of the Throne Room.

Mumbo pushed open the doors. He stumbled, dropping all his stuff. There the Assassin held up a knife to an unconscious Xisuma, and he clearly wasn't expecting someone to walk in on him.

The Assassin stared at Mumbo as if time had stopped, before taking out an other knife and throwing it at him. Mumbo panicked and ran. He heard the clang of a knife hitting the floor and not him.

He ran through the palace look for someone before he collided with False.

"Woah, Mumbo are you okay?" False asked, suddenly alarmed at Mumbo's panickness.

"The Assassin is in the Throne Room," Mumbo managed to pant out.

False straightened, "Go get other people," she said as she left Mumbo running towards the room.

She came to a stop and saw a similar sight to what Mumbo say. False drew out her sword, glaring the Assassin. The reck cloaked assassin smile.

"Hello there," He said, his voice didn't sound entirely human.

"Let go of Xisuma," False said, she tightened the grip on her sword as she heard the foot steps of more people coming.

"I don't think I will," he said back, a terrifying grin spread across his face, or at least what False could see of it.

False smiled back as she felt the presence of more people around her. She pointed her sword at the Assassin.

"What are you going to do now?" False asked, "After all you are surrounded."

The person in front of them laughed. A deafening, manic laugh. He tilted his head back as he did so, not enough for False to see what was underneath however. The Assassin looked back at everyone around him and cocked his head to the side a tiny bit.

"Are you implying that I give up?" He asked, "Saying that I have no escape route?"

There was only a short silence for an answer before he continued.

"There's always a way for me to escape," he didn't sound human any more, "After I've been evading, capture of years."

The Assassin brought the knife he was holding against Xisuma up, but before he could do anything False gave a simple order, 'Charge'.

The Assassin didn't even flinch as a group of guards ran towards him. He simply smiled and did something no one excepted. Puffs of purple magic shot out from the back of his back and swirled up into the sky, breaking the glass as it did so.

He looked up with a the smile turned smug, and for the first time False saw his face, or most if it. Purple eyes that seemed to be glowing in the shadow of his hood and wheat brown hair that seemed to be to fluffy for someone this dangerous.

He laughed again, "Surprised?" He asked, "You should be."

The dazed guards snapped out of their trance and charged toward the Assassin. He didn't move from his position. Still standing there, holding the king of their kingdom.

A ripple of magic coursed through the room pushing the guards back and sending some to the floor. He laughed again, seriously how often is this dude going to laugh.

"You can't defeat me," there was not a single ounce of human left in that voice, "I am too powerful for your weak little army."

False growled then charges at the Assassin. He sent a wave of magic towards her and she cut through it with her sword. There was shock then a snarl of the assassin's face as he realized what had just happened.

"Pretty cool trick right?" False asked, "How are you going to fight me now?"

"There's always a way," he said, then suddenly charged towards False. She Barely blocked him.

False looked behind the Assassin she was grappling with to see he had left Xisuma just on the floor. She narrowed her eyes and she brought the sword up to strike, however the hit was blocked by the blades held by the assassin.

She growled and he smiled. It was a dance of blades, until one of the small blades the assassin held stabbed her in the hand. False let go of her weapon, to hold the now bleeding hand. She looked down at her hand then back up to see the Assassin no where in sight. Before she tripped backwards.

False attempted to get back up, but soon found herself being held down back magic.

"What the-" She said before looking at the Assassin staring down at her, "Alright who are you!"

The Assassin seemed to think about the question for a little bit, "How about Xelqua?" (I needed to use the name for something)


"My name is Xelqua."

That name felt familiar to False and she wasn't entirely sure why. It didn't matter now, she need to get out of the magical bounds around her. Even though she knew there was no getting out.

The Assassin walked over the Xisuma. He smiled, has the knife he was previously spinning around stopped.

"Now," He said, "I can finally do what I was going to do before I was so rudely interrupted."

He held up to knife, before collapsing onto the ground.

Have fun with that ending.

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