~Chapter 23~

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The end is near

This is definitely one of my longer chapters. Enjoy

Grian couldn't exactly remember when he had been led back to his cell, or when he had fallen asleep, but at some point he had. Grian stretched his arms as the grogginess from sleep wore off.

Apparently he had subconsciously used magic to look more human once the magic damping cuffs were off. Unfortunately the nagging voice was also back.

Grian leaned his head back against the wall. He closed his eyes again for a brief moment, and recapped everything that had happened within the past week. Somehow he ended up here after trying to assassinate the king, had some unwanted talks with old friends, saw the past of a demon, and then made friends with some vex wizard.

Who, Grian would also like to note, seemed really determined to show everyone he wasn't evil. Admirable.

There was also the fireborn, Tango, who asked a lot of questions. Grian was pretty sure he'd never seen someone so interested in Watchers dying their wings.

Grian opened his eyes again, wondering what would happen today. Maybe Scar would burst out of the wall or something.

Grian then noticed a light emitting from his pocket. Slipping his hand in, he pulled out the crystal Scar had dropped the first time they had met. The crystal was letting off a rather bright purple glow. And he wasn't sure why.

Just as Grian was about to set it down, something snapped.

Just as Grian was about to set it down, something snapped

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Etho sat on the sill of a rather high window, something he'd picked up while watching Grian break into the castle. He hated to say it but it was a great hiding place.

It was also great for watching people without them noticing, and Etho got to stay out of busy hallways. Or that's what would normally be happening.

Etho noticed pretty fast that the halls were unusually empty. And last time that happened Xisuma nearly died. Etho moved from a sitting position to a squatting position and looked down the hallway.

It was desolate and quiet.

Etho was just about to come down when something grabbed his neck and slammed him into the glass (he's pretty sure he heard it crack a little). He didn't know what was happening. The hallway was empty and there was no one around him that could have done that.

Etho reached up to take off whatever was holding him down, only for his hand to touch his neck. He was still being held down, but there wasn't anything there. It felt really weird. Etho attempted to look down and saw magic swirling around his neck.

That was fine, he could just break it

Etho went to grab a dagger when his hands were slammed against the glass as well. He stood there slightly stunned when he finally noticed the figure standing in the hallway, staring up at him.

I WILL end you {Hermitcraft AU}Where stories live. Discover now