~Chapter 2~

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The moment you have no inspiration for a book....well actually this was supposed to be in Iskall's Point of view, but I still haven't decided if I want them to be good or evil. Also while making this chapter I was looking up who was great at PvP and that got me into an interesting rabbit hole. Ok I'll shut up now. Actually I make a lot of comments on this chapter....

Tw: Death? It's complicated.

Being an Elite Guard was a privilege and a huge honor. Protecting the king and everyone else in the castle. You had the highest circle and you were the most respected after the royal family and advisors.

As an Elite Guard any job you get is important. From guarding the king to patrolling the outer kingdom, you were important.

However there was one position that was higher than the rest. The Elite Captain, or just The Guard Captain. They were in charge, and it was their duty to make sure everyone one kept save.

Dear False Symmetry knew that more than anyone. After all it was her job. (Yeah I made her captain, got a problem with that? XD Look it's called plot) Unlike most captains who stay in the Castle grounds she went to visit all the guard's outpost. (Idk a better word)

False was fast, had great reflexes, strong, and was trained by the best. Yet people still doubted her, why? Oh well she was a girl of course. The king himself appointed False as Guard Captain, yet people still questioned her. And she was on a mission to change that.

False took down every opponent and won every battle and yet still people questioned her. Questioned her authority, her power, her skills. Only when she brought them down in a duel would they listen, but did that respect her? Nope. (This has slightly has turned into a equal rights rant)

No mater, her job was to keep everyone save and she would do that. The king trusted her, her friends trusted her, and her family trusted her. And now she was faced with a problem. That problem was named: The Assassin.

She was in the planning room, by herself mind you. Normally she'd be here with the Spy Captain, but Mr. I'm not that type of spy was off somewhere. (So I don't actually know who I'm gonna make the spy captain, but I'm so tempted to make it Etho)

There was a knock at the door. False looked up from the millions of papers on the table.

"Come in!" She called, what sensible person was up this late.

(Roll dice to see which hermit I chose) The magic slime known as Jevin walked into the room. He was holding a few pieces of paper.

"These are the recent reports of the assassinations that happened earlier today." Jevin said, placing down the papers.

"Thanks." False said picking up the papers, "And Jevin, go to sleep."

The slime was about to say something, but after a stern look for False he said good bye and left.

False looked at the papers. The main assassination was a man with some power but lived in the outskirts of the kingdom. Then there were the four guards to were presumably killed and the fifth came running back with the assassin's warning.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem, the royal family got threats all the time but The Assassin has gotten close before. Too close.

False stared at the papers then looked the other reports she has pulled out. She was The Guard Captain and she would figure this out, even if it wasn't exactly her job in the first place


False's blue eyes fluttered open. The guard captain sat up and stretched. She had fallen asleep while working and had been drapped over the table.

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