~Chapter 16~

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I just realized that other than Grian, have never described what anyone looks like in this.

Short chapter, sorry :p

Impulse paced back and forth. False asked him to do something, that he was more than happy to do, but he wasn't quite sure how to do it.

"If you keep pacing you're gonna leave an imprint on the floor," Zedaph said.

"Or magic residue," said Tango, with a bit of a laugh.

"That's not how magic works Tango," Impulse said, stoping his pacing to stare at him, "You should know that."

"Well I mean one of your demon friends sure does," Tango said, "He was dripping that weird purple stuff everywhere"

"He's not a demon," said Impulse, "And that's him." Impulse gestured to himself, "I don't have any trace of wayward magic on me."

"He's not a demon?" Zedaph asked, sitting up straight to question Impulse, "What is he then?"

"He's dead.... Well sorta, he's not like Cleo dead. It's complicated," Impulse said, "And that's not the point."

"What is the point then?"

"That I don't leave behind magic residue and that False asked me to do something that I feel might be more complicated than intended," Impulse said with a sigh.

"You've possessed people, looked into memories, and all that stuff before," Zedaph said, "What's so bad about this?"

"He's a Watcher," Impulse said, "You know powerful know it all's that pass judgement or whatever. Last time I came face to face with one I nearly died."

Tango nodding his head, with is eyes closed, "Indeed," he said as if he knew everything.

"Hmmm, it is possible though right?" Zedaph asked, ignoring Tango.

Impulse shrugged, "I'm not sure," he said.

"Well that's reassuring," muttered Tango.

Impulse continued, "If it is I'm probably not powerful enough to do so," he sighed, "I'll probably have to do some weird mind digging or whatever."

"Sooo you plan on doing this when?" Zedaph asked.

"Honestly I'm trying to put it off for as long as I can."

"You keep doing that False is gonna come in here and drag you out by your tail," Tango said.

"I'll do it tonight," Impulse said, "and besides, last thing we need is False dragging me out."

"You're gonna sneak past the guards aren't you?"

"I'm gonna sneak past the guards."


So in terms of sneaking past the guards.

It was easy.

Like way to easy.

Did False do something?


Impulse had decided that it was an appropriate time to throw on a cloak and walk into the dungeons. Yup. Very appropriate.

Impulse turned to corner to see the sleeping figure of the Assas- Grian. He quietly walked over and sat down near the bars. Impulse let out a sigh, he knew that once he did this Grian's mind would be completely opened to him, but his would be completely open as well.

Small trade off, but oh my gosh Impulse hated it so much. Like sure it made sense, it made a lot of sense actually. Look into someone else's mind while they can look into your's. But something about willing letting your mind open just rubbed Impulse the wrong way.

Impulse closed his eyes and dove into his mind.


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