~Chapter 7~

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I pretty sure my writing style changes like 3 times throughout this chapter

Grian walked back to his house, after knocking out someone. He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. His mind asking questions about that man. Like why in the world was he following him?

What ever the answer, it didn't matter. He had a headache he needed to get rid of. It had been bothering him throughout the day. And Grian knew to well what was happening.

Opening a chest, Grian took out a potion. The pinkish-redish potion seemed to shimmer in the fading sunlight that crept in through the window. Popping open the lid, Grian drank the potion. The pain of the headache subsided, but there was still something Grian needed to know.

Walking to a mirror, Grian studied his eyes. They weren't the normal brown he normally had. Instead they were a the purple color that he was born with. Grian frowned, that normally didn't happen. He turned and looked around his house.

"Where are you?" He called. No response. Grian nervously glanced around his house. Nothing. He turned back around to face the mirror before jumping back and letting out a surprised yelp.

There it was in the mirror staring back at him. His reflection was no more. Only the shadowy figure staring into his soul.

"What do you want," Grian spoke to the shadow figure.

Grian had to resist the urge to break his (only) mirror. Instead turning around and walking away. When he was a few steps away he turned back to face the mirror. The shadow was gone and his eyes back to brown.

Grian bit the bottom of his lip in anticipation. Waiting for something to happen. Once again nothing. Grian let out a relived sigh. He didn't want to be bothered by that thing till later, when it was actually supposed to come out.

However this sparked an idea, that would most likely not end well. Though that wasn't really his choice to make at the moment was it. He knew he'd end up following out with this plan, whether he really liked it or not. That was just how it worked.


The assassin gathered all of his material. The thought of taking out one monarch, while causing up some chaos was way to tempting. After all it would look really bad if Queen Stress of Khione wound up dead while on a visit to her friends.

Obviously this was a suicide mission, but if it worked it would pay off big time. Imagine the chaos of potential war, it would definitely give him an opportunity to swoop in and kill off the other ruler.

Pulling his hood over his head, the assassin headed out into the night. It wasn't a bright night, but it wasn't a dark one either. However the assassin was mostly in darkness as the trees over head blocked any moonlight, as he walked through the forest. He stopped at the edge of the forest, looking into the empty kingdom streets. Only a couple of windows were lit, and even then they were fading out.  The smallest of smirks formed across the assassin's face as he advanced.

The red assassin walked at a fast pace, but slow enough that he could still be walking. There was little to no sound, but the night creatures and his shoes hitting the stone pathway. As he ducked into an ally way he was almost  tackled by someone, only to stop and sending the person to the ground. The assassin looked at the fallen person awkwardly before walking off. (There was no point to that, other than I felt the need to add it)

The assassin poked his head out as he stared down the outer walls of the castle. His two likely choices were to sneak in or climb the walls. However after making his way to the shadow of the wall, there was no way he'd be able to climb that. So his attention shifted to the two guards that were in fount of the entrance. Easy enough. Brandishing two poison tipped daggers the slowly made his way over. Obviously this would be hard to do, since unlike normal civilians guards of course wore amour.  So it wasn't a surprise that he waited for a while, until the guards just straight up and left. As much as this confused the assassin he didn't think about much as he ran inside. 

For having a red cloak the assassin hid very well as he, still holding those daggers, waited silently for a good time to move. Eyes looking around he noticed an area were he could easily climb up and break in through the window. He needed to get on top of some stables but it wasn't impossible. So after a bit more waiting the assassin moved making his way up and on to the window stilt. Before shattering it and going inside. There was a silence after the loud shattering, but not dwelling on it he made his way down the hallways. 

He knew which room the Queen was probably due to a very reliable source. He sprinted down the hallways, looking around him and only once in a while ducking out of sight when someone came by. The was an oddly not the many people here, which did set off some red flags in a the assassins mind. He couldn't think of many reasons to why it was like that though. He mind stopped as he came to the huge doors that was the guest wing. This area how ever was guarded. 

There weren't many options on how to get past other then head on fighting them, which would not end well at all. So instead he looked at what he had and grabbed a glass ball the seemed to have smoke in it. He really rather save this but it was his only save option. So he threw the glass ball and it shattered releasing the smoke. Holing his breath, the assassin ran through the smoke and into the wing. Where he was greeted with many rooms.

He walked to the end of the hallway and opened that door. After all it was the door that had snowflakes and ice shards on it. He was nothin but silent as he slowly walked over to the sleeping queen. He once again took out one of the fancy poison tipped daggers. He held it up and...

Yeah, I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger. Uhhh but here is where you deiced what's gonna happen next.

You want Stress to live or no?

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