Chapter 1

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Class 1-A just finished a test and got the results back, and as always kaminari got clowned for getting the lowest score.
"Guys it's not that serious" Denki said as he threw his paper back down on the desk , Jirou rolled her eyes and scoffed " maybe if you wasn't so much of an idiot we wouldn't have to" Jirou said, Mina snorted at that " okay and I'm just saying it's not that big of a deal". Denki said once again but this time it was bakugou that scoffed "if your gonna piss your pants about it maybe you should try harder" bakugou said. "Dude he is right I mean you did skip some of our study sessions" kirishima said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Even if it was polite denki knew exactly what it meant.

Denki signed and turned towards his boyfriend "babe tell the to stop" denki pouted slightly, sero narrowed his eyes at denki a bit "Kami we talked about this" sero said and denki huffed, a while ago sero told him he didn't want to be called pet names nor his given name. Of course denki thought that was weird but respected his boundaries no less, with the exception of getting his attention which always seemed to be on Mina.

Denki shook the thought off ready to start a conversation with his boyfriend but "hanta sweetie you wanna hang out after class" Mina asked sweatily which made denki freeze. This has happened before, but mins never outright did anything denki wasn't 'allowed' to do. Denki looked at sero for that unpleasant reaction he was always got but sero just smiled and nodded denki

It made denki's eye twitched 'hell no' denki thought as his smile got wider "actually I need to talk to sero after class but don't worry I won't keep him long"denki said giving a sickly sweet smile, sero looked confused but agreed non the less " you heard him"sero muttered clearly disappointment showing on his tone,

As the day ended denki couldn't shake this feeling off, he felt like something was going to happen, he just couldn't shake it. After class ended denki gently grabbed sero's hand and led him to the dorms. Once the two made it to sero's dorm sero took his hand out of denki's hand almost instantly . "is there anything you need Kami" sero said and denki rolled his eyes " I don't know hanta sweetie what do you think" denki asked crossing his arms leaning on the wall. "Kami you know-" denki rolled, his eyes "so why does Mina get to do the things I can't" denki asked, shock was written all over sero face " are you jealous right now" sero asked but denki just rolled his eyes.
"I'm not jealous sero I'm just confused how Mina can call you all. The things I can't why you feel so comfortable around her why she always has your time and- and" denki stopped talking so he could catch his breathe, "Kami what are you saying" sero asked clearly getting irritated "do you think I'm dumb sero? Your actions are spelling it out pretty clearly so just fucking say it." denki asked.

"SHE'S BETTER THAN YOU" sero yelled rage and anger showing in his eyes, denki quickly shut his mouth and stared at sero. 'Wow he said it' denki thought, His golden eyes starring into black ones " she's.....better than me?" Denki asked,"she smart she is beautiful strong funny she can take care of herself, she can keep up...she's the one I actually want" sero started to ramble seeming to forget who he was talking to, and denki stared at sero bit not really feeling anything.
Denki blinked all his tears away and stood up straight, without saying anything he turned around and left slamming the door behind him.

Denki ran all the way to his room locking the door behind him. Despite what people think or have guessed in the passed denki wasn't dumb not in the slightest I mean he is in the top school in the country in the top class, he was far from dumb. But one thing he was a genius in was street smarts, he wasn't dumb he was just nice. So when he sat on his floor racking his brain of sero and Mina remembering all the ' innocent' touching, the flirting, when sero would be the last person to stay at Mina dorm or it would be the other way around.
With the sense of realization more tears fell out of denki's eyes, he needed someone to talk to right now he needed his bestfriend someone to support him. Denki stood up from the spot on his floor, he quickly changed into some sweats and a hoodie and left his room.
Once denki reached kirishima door he knocked a couple of times before the door opened."uh bro are you okay" kirishima asked worriedly, denki shook his head. But kirishima just awkwardly swallowed kirishima was one of his most comforting friends, so why was he being so awkward. "I-I just need a hug"denki softly said, "y-yeah of course" kirirshima said welcoming denki in.
Denki and kirishima was both settled in kirishima's bed, denki fell asleep a while ago and Kirishima was scrolling through his phone. kirishima's phone started ringing which woke denki up but he didn't move deciding he was comfortable enough. " hey bakubabe"kirishima said lightly "hey so what are you doing" bakugou asked " oh I'm comforting kaminari he finally find out about the sero and Mina thing" kirishima said, denki tensed ' what the hell does he mean the Mina and sero thing'. Denki thought as he tried his hardest to keep his face straight while listening to kirishima.
" about time that dumbass realize he was cheating it was so fucking obvious they almost stopped hiding it". Bakugou snorted which made kirishima laugh lightly, denki cringed were they laughing at him? "I know kat it was almost...pathetic I guess? Seeing how In love he was to see sero didn't like him at all" kirishima said. 'Then why would he want to date me?' Denki thought. And like bakugou' quirk was mind reading he seemed to answer the question "I don't know what kind of truth Or dare you played because I can never agreed to date that dunce face". Bakugou said.
Denki could feel his heart shatter, his motherfucking friends knew that sero was cheating, they knew that he liked sero so much and they knew it was a dare, they knew it would hurt him. What kind of fucking friends were they, denki couldn't control the tears that fell out of his closed eyes after that.

Hey if you read this first chapter THANK YOU SO MUCH and if you have any advice please give it to me, I don't really expect anyone to read it but if you do thanks❤️😌

Chicken nugget out~

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