Chapter 30- 30!!!

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Third person POV
Izuku and denki walked side by side, izuku rambling about whatever and denki wondering how the hell he was still breathing "so that's why I think he should die" izuku finished off. Denki almost nodded until he words fully processed "wait what" denki asked. "Did...did you know hear what I was talking about" midoriya asked. "That's not even the point why are you explaining to me why whoever should die?" Denki asked look at midoriya "because he should, anyone who says different can catch these hands" midoriya said. Denki was quiet for a minute "who were you talking about" denki asked, izuku shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm not doing that" Kano said which made kai rolled his eyes "come on why not" kai asked "because it's childish" Kano said "how dare you- it is not childish" Kai said "you want us to wear matching onesies, yes it is" Kano said, Kai rolled his eyes and looked at serina "tell me it's not childish" Kai asked. "Kai we are sixteen almost seventeen years old- it's childish" Serina said "what's childish" someone asked from behind the three. Kai turned around to see a interested looking Midorya and a distracted denki. He smiled at both he walked towards the two throwing his arm over denki's shoulder "I had the best idea- what if we got matching onesies for tonight" kai said looking between midoriya and kaminari. "If I can get it after I get my stuff" midoriya said, "izu don't worry either of us will pay for it" kai said but izuku shook his head "no if I'm getting something I'm paying for it" izuku said.

Kai sighed knowing he wouldn't get anything out of the green haired boy, he looked at kaminari "your my last choice" kai said and denki stared at him "sure- but only if. I get to pick them out" denki said, Kai smiled "HELL YEAH! I'm taking Kaminari with me" kai said turning back to the group "what no that's no fair" Serina said walking towards them "I agree with serina" Kano said, "yeah" izuku said and Kai lightly glared at him "you got to walk with him here" kai argued "we literally talked about nothing" izuku said "you explained to me why someone should be dead" kaminari said "shhh this isn't about that" izuku quickly said "you still not over that?" Serina asked looking at midoriya, "why would I be- I won't be over it until He is six feet under" izuku said raising his hands. Denki leaned over to Kano "do you know who he is talking about" denki asked and Kano shook his head "only Serina knows and neither of them wants to tell" Kano said. "Well how many people does izuku hate" denki asked, "HA- you I would be surprised dudes got a whole journal" kai said from the side of them "really who's on there" denki asked "he won't let anyone but Serina see it but she told us there pages of them" Kano said while kai nodded along.

Denki stared at the two but didn't say anything, deciding that he wasn't asking anymore questions. "So we can go now the mall might close" denki decided to say. "Oh right! Yeah which store first?" Serina asked looking at them, "I don't know- we can just walk around" izuku suggested "not against that" denki said "great let's go" Serina said. The five walking through the mall while izuku Serina and Kai all talked there heads off, Kano and denki watched both amused about whatever they were talking about. From the corner of his eye denki saw a store that instantly sparked his interest, denki stopped walking. He wasn't really worried about the others noticing he was gone because frankly no one really did that's how he always got lost, denki walked into the store instantly amazed by everything in it. "Hey welcome need any help" someone asked from beside denki, denki looked over to see a girl with a blue pixie cut. "No I'm just looking around" denki answered and the girl nodded "cool let me know if you need help" she said and walked away.

Denki looked through the store secretly amazed by everything he saw, denki was snapped out of his mind when he heard someone call his name "blonde!" Someone said from behind him, kaminari quickly turned around to see kai Kano Serina and izuku starring at him "yes?" Denki asked "why did you wonder off" Kano asked "oh because I saw this store" denki said "you can't wonder off kaminari you almost gave me a heart attack" izuku said denki raised an eyebrow "huh" he asked "well you just walked away without saying anything and I got scared something happened" izuku said and denki nodded. "Sorry" denki muttered looking at the ground "dont worry about it kaminari" Kano said patting denki's head. Denki held back the urge to smile, so instead he just looked down at the ground blushing.

"Hm what were you looking at blonde" kai asked from behind him, denki turned around to see Kai looking over different jewelry "I need new choker and necklaces" denki said. Kai looked at denki surprised "you wear chokers" Kai asked "yeah even his hero costume has one" izuku said, Kai smiled "I have to see you with one on some time" kai said "we all do" Kano added. "Well I mean I might buy some now" denki muttered, "can't wait to see" Kai said smiling "oh my god" izuku muttered from behind them, izuku stared at the corner of the store with stars in his eyes "no" Serina said. Denki looked towards the corner to see what izuku was looking at and as soon as his eyes landed on the item and snort came out, that small snort turned into chuckles and soon denki was clutching his stomach while he bent over laughing.

A fucking allmight onesie, izuku was staring at a allmight onesie, why was it so funny to denki didn't know but it knocked the fucking breathe out of his lungs. They all enjoyed the sight of denki being just comfortable in this moment, izuku saw the denki he used to always see In the dorms who used to buzz with excitement and just radiate good vibes. Izuku was glad the others got to see just a glimpse of what he used to see al the time. Denki soon stopped laughing and stood up straight tears falling down his face "you can get the onesie just for making him laugh" Kano whispered to izuku. Midoriya smiled "hell yeah" he said as he ran over to the corner where the onesie. "Now why would you do that" Serina asked looking at kano "no I think I made to right choice" kai said "giving him more allmight stuff won't cure his obsession" Serina said "but it will give us embarrassing pictures for when he gets older" kai said and Serina stared at him "I agree and plus he made kaminari laugh" kano said, Serina looked at denki for any kind of support. And just because he was feeling nice today he decided to give it "you should let him get the allmight onesie then take pictures then take the onesie away the next day then everybody get what they want" denki said "see! Win win win" kai said Serina rolled her eyes but nodded clear sign of agreeing.

"OH MY GOD KAMINARI THEY HAVE POKÉMON ONESIES" izuku yelled in seconds denki was over there to izuku.

I hope yo I guys enjoyed this chapter and
Hint: one more fluff chapter till more angst
!!I apologize for any mistakes I made and feel free to give Feedback.
And I'm kinda loving denki's and Kano friendship rn btw
I'm also question. How when I type 'yo' to someone it corrects. It as 'you' but when I mean to type 'you' it's 'yo'
Anyways drink water and eat something - why are you still up? Go to sleep-


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