Chapter 35

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Third person POV
After what felt like hours denki finally stopped crying, he took a moment to fully calm down before getting up and walking to his closet, denki pulled out a tank top and a pair of shorts. What was he doing? Well he was going to go train, then let out the built up energy then sleep like the dead. denki quietly changed so he wouldn't risk anyone hearing him, once he was out the dorm he quickly made his way to the stair case. he finally made it to the training room which he was glad no one was there, he locked the door behind him incase any other students decided they wanted to train as well, he wouldn't be surprised really every hero course student snuck to the training room atleast once at night. it wasn't like teachers really cared if they did nezu would have said something about it by now, they just couldn't get caught, denki set his bag down and set up the training area for tonight the only quirk training he was doing will be letting out his built up electricity but can that even count as quirk training. 

denki was exhausted to say the least but he felt better overall, well his knuckles stung and looked really bad but he could ignore that. he put everything back and gathered his stuff, and snuck back to his room. once denki made it to his dorm a little black box stood in front of his dorm. which was a little on the creepy side but he didn't really think much of it and picked it up, once he was changed and he wrapped his knuckles up he picked up the box and opened it. denki smiled once he saw what was in it, it was all the pictures he took with the group today, he took each one out and looked at it. but it was one picture that captured his attention he sat beside kai whole kano also sat by, they were sitting back so izuku was laying across their lap. serina sat by kano who she squished her face together with. kai had denki close to him, and kai gave the camera the biggest smile he could possibly give, teeth showing, eyes shining everything just seemed perfect, denki didn't know how long he stared at the picture but no one had to know that he absolutely adored it, denki set the photo down and looked around the room, he knew he had it somewhere he couldn't just remember where. after a minute of looking around, he finally remembered where they were, denki liked to collect things almost everyone knew this but 'hats' weren't just the only things he also collected picture frames.

denki took five picture frames out, for five of his favorite photos, it was hard to choose but denki finally found his five favorites. he set two of them up on dresser by his bed and three on his shelf across from the bed, so the photos were noticeable and easy for him to see, to remember that day. denki yawned he was convinced that his body was about to shut down any minute, he turned off his light and laid in bed instantly falling asleep. the next morning denki did not want to get, he just wanted to sleep in for the rest of the day. and he would if it wasn't for the "kaminari you have to get up or you will be late for class" yup if he didn't get up his self he was sure his class president would make him "kaminari do you hear me i dont want to but i will come in there" iIda said while knocking (banging) on kaminari's door, denki groaned and rolled around in his bed "im up im up you can leave now" denki said while grumbling "i will leave from infront of your dorm but i wont leave the dorms until i see you walk into the kitchen" iIda said, "yeah yeah" kaminari said loud enough for iIda to hear. denki rolled out of his bed onto the floor, denki stood up and stretched, he couldn't place his finger on it but he just didn't have a good feeling about today, now one thing they have learned from the very first day at UA was when there was a gut feeling, you do not ignore it. 

anything could go wrong today but how bad would it be, denki sighed he would just have to watch his back or just be aware of everything today. denki walked to his closet pulling out one of his uniforms, once he was dressed he brushed his teeth washed his face and made sure he had everything in his bag. once denki was ready he left his dorm, and as iIda said he stood by the kitchen door talking to uraraka, once he spotted denki he turned his attention to denki's "kaminari i'm glad you're and up and ready for the day" iIda said doing the weird the hand thing, kaminari nodded and walked past iIda. mina and jirou sat at the kitchen island having a conversation, kaminari walked past them and they seemed to tense up seeing him. mina gave jirou a look, the look spoke nothing but trouble. the two thought it was good idea to try to talk to denki together, which was a mistake on their part. denki walked to the fridge and quickly got something small to eat, mina and jirou waited for half of the class to go so they wouldn't cause a scene. once everyone was gone mina made her move, which would have happened if someone didn't grab her arm, mina quickly turned around to see bakugou starring at her a stern look in his eyes. "stop it won't work" bakugou muttered, kaminari turned his head to look at them "listen to bakugou, i don't want to talk to you and I damn sure do not want to be all 'buddy buddy' with you" kaminari said staring at both of them, jirou almost shivered by the way kaminari looked at the two. the warm, bubbly, nice denki with the warm golden eyes. were cold and bone shivering. denki finally looked away, and left the dorms. 

denki sat in class with his head on the desk, class didn't start yet and he really didn't want to talk to anyone. he heard the class go quiet and that was sign that aizawa was in the classroom, denki lifted his head and he almost let his shock show on his face. he didn't expect to said dai kaminari standing in front of his class by his teacher "hello class this is an american underground hero blackbolt"



its currently 3:00am 


but you will be probably left on a cliffhanger for a minute 

anyways tell me your thoughts on this chapter. 

and as always i apologize for any spelling mistakes. 

REMEMBER!!! eat your meals drink water and stay safe 

can i really tell you to get sleep if im not?



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