Chapter 28

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Third person POV
Denki looked at Kai, with a guarded look "why do you wanna know about America" denki asked, his voice sharp and icy, Kai wanted to hit his self in the head right now. "When the topic was brought up you sighed, clearly not a good reaction to something so I thought you had some type of personal connection to it" Kai said and denki stared at him. But didn't give him a answer. Both of them walked in comfortable silence for a bit, secretly enjoying each other's presence that they found calming.

"Not all quirks are a mix from your parents" denki said out of the blue catching kai's attention, "some aren't even genetic if you want to get technical" denki said, "is your quirk not genetic" Kai asked and denki shook his head. "No I got my quirk from grandfather it's a complete replica of his" denki said and Kai nodded, "that was the problem" denki added "what do you mean" "my grand father was not a good man he was mean cruel and fucking abusive mentally and physically" denki explained, "what made it worse was that he would use his quirk, hurting my grandmother but like any other shitty human he always felt guilty after and he had his morals, so he wouldn't touch his kids fortunately- but that didn't last for long" Kai glanced at denki who was sparking slightly "I got my quirk from my grandfather but there was one thing that was different between are quirks which were the drawbacks, the more he used it the less emotion he would feel the less sympathy he would have for my grandmother and their children and the sick bastard liked it so he kept using his quirk, eventually he started beating on his children as well" denki said.

Denki sighed " long story short my mom met my dad, my dads family were run through the mud rich so they put the man in jail for life, everyone should've been perfect and fine, and it was my mom had three kids my dads business was doing so great and then I was born" denki stopped talking for a minute, "I got told a lot that I had my grandfathers eyes which freaked everyone especially my mom, growing up I seem to look more and more like him and it gave my mom a lot of flashbacks, she couldn't even look at me she always left me to my father and he didn't favor me either, my siblings weren't a fan of me neither at the time I got used to it but then I turned five and I got my quirk, that really set it off my family went from disliking me to fucking hating me my mom didn't even want to be in the same room as me and my siblings always bullied me and treated me unfairly a year after that my parents drove me to a adoption center dropped me off right outside and left me haven't seen them ever since"

Kai stopped walking but denki didn't notice until he turned around, Kai held a blank face while starring straight into denki's eyes. Denki fully turned around to look at Kai who didn't move a inch, suddenly Kai grabbed the front of denki's shirt and pulled him into a hug. Denki stood there for a minute, in shock because he just told this man his whole life story and the fact that he hadn't gotten a hug in forever. Denki didn't know what to do he didn't know how to react right now so he went with what he usually did.

You let him in he will hurt you.
He will abandon you like everyone else
He will leave you.

Denki hugged him back and he finally felt warm again, the two stood there for a few minutes. Both of them just soaking in each other's warmth, slowly tears streamed down denki's face but out of relief this time. Kai was the first person he ever even mentioned his past to and it felt good telling someone and getting comfort in return from it, Kai hugged denki tighter once he realized denki was crying. Neither of them wanted to move nor talk but one of them had to, once they pulled away from each other Denki immediately looked at the ground not wanting to see kai's face, but didn't have to because kai grabbed his hand and kept walking.

Denki was confused, what was gonna happen now? What was Kai going to do. Was he going to distance himself? see him as useless? Doesn't see him worth of time because his parents didn't either? A lot of thoughts ran through denki's head and he couldn't see to grasp onto them, "your parents are assholes" Kai said out of the blue getting denki's attention "instead of trying to work through it and get more help if needed your family abandoned you neglecting you just because of who you reminded them of, that man sounds like a sick bastard and it's clear as day as why they hated him but to take some of it out you is just pure shitty" Kai said the anger evident in his voice, denki was surprised to say the least. Why was Kai showing this much emotion to him they didn't know each other. They weren't even good friends but he still gave him this reaction.

"Kai where are we going" denki asked finally looking up. Kai looked a denki for a second before turning his head back around "to my favorite shop, guaranteed to make you feel better" Kai said, denki held the urge to smile at that. "We might have to hurry I have curfew in a few minutes" denki said and Kai snorted "did your teacher set it for you" denki rolled his eyes "dadzawa just cares about his students" denki said and Kai gave him a look "you call him dadzawa?" Kai asked, denki rolled his eyes "who wouldn't after everything he had done he's like a...father figure I guess" denki said his face Turning red 'Awe how cute' Kai thought, it took both boys to finally notice that they were still holding hands but neither of them pulled away.

"Your favorite a candy shop?" Denki asked and kai looked at him "yeah is there a problem" kai asked raising a eyebrow, denki almost smiled "no because this is awesome" denki said. Which made Kai's face lit up "yeah come on" Kai said dragging denki inside. The whole store was filled with different kind of snacks and drinks denki even saw some American snacks, "this is seriously amazing" denki muttered under his breath "I know, this is my sisters shop she always had snacks nearby her and my mother hated it, so out of annoyances she suggested my sister opened up a candy shop" Kai said "how did the mother feel after that" denki asked and Kai laughed "she was surprised at that and mildly annoyed but still let her keep the shop" kai said. "Pick out as much as you like" denki's eyes lit up. Seconds later denki arms were filled with snacks and his eyes didn't look so dull, " can you carry all that" Kai asked and denki shrugged "for me to know and me to know only" denki said making Kai roll his eyes "whatever blonde let's get you back to the dorms before dadzawa haves my head" kai said putting his arm over denki's shoulder "see now you're getting with the program" Kai laughed.

Denki walked into the dorms, "good to see your here before curfew" aizawa said from the corner, denki turned his head "yeah" "everyone should be in their dorms so you shouldn't have to worry about anyone" aizawa said and denki nodded 'I doubt that's true but I hope' denki thought "go to sleep kid" aizawa said walking past denki. Denki threw his snacks on his bed, he stood in the middle of the room for minute before grabbing his laptop 'wouldn't hurt to stay up a little late' Denki thought as he got comfortable in his bed, then his phone starting ringing which kinda surprised him.

"Hey blonde"
"Do you need something kai??"
"I missed your presence"
"Did I just hear the emotionless kaminari laugh"
"I'm not emotionless"
"Okay- you show no emotion"
"What are you doing"
"Watching criminals minds"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah I used to love that show"
"My sister also loved that show- she would make me watch it and I hated that"
"You probably deserved that"
"So mean"
"Are you home?"
"Are you worried?"
"Answer the question dummy"
"I'm almost home..."
"Good I'll hang up when your there"
"Oh yeah your totally worried"
"No, I'm a-"
"A hero in training so it's your job? Don't try izu always tried that"
"Yeah no your worried"
"It's not that Serious"
"Uh hell yeah it is"
"Whatever dude"
"Does that mean we're friends"
"Of course we don't have-"
"Yeah we're friends"
"Yes!! I hope you know your coming to Every hangout from now on"
"Would your friends allow that"
"AHT AHT our friends and yeah they like you"
"I'm home now kaminari"
"Good now bye bye"
"Bye blonde"

Denki sat there for a minute, holding his phone to his ear. What the fuck had he just done, first spilling his life story to him then becoming friends when not to long ago his old friends played some sick prank and talked shit about him. Denki sighed laying back in his bed.

What the fuck did he just do.

AHT AHT hey?
I know I have updated in a longgggg time
But I have two very good reasons why
1.I got injured like a two three weeks ago (I fell off my skateboard hitting my head and Shoulder)
2. School even though I'm failing it seems to take up most of my time.
But anyways I don't know to say abt this chapter I just hope you enjoyed and gimme feedbacks.
I apologize for any mistakes
And I hope you drank something and ate today.
If you did? Good job!

And I didn't say this but happy pride to everyone!


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