chapter 45

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third person pov

before anyone could even answer the question aizawa got a message and it involved kaminari only. "Kaminari I need to you to go to nezu's office, you'll see when you're there, you're dismissed." With that kaminari nodded and walked off, with a sigh of relieve leaving his lips ever so slightly.

kirishima stood by bakugou stretching, aizawa sensei worked them non the less so kirishima was trying to keep his muscles from locking up. but bakugou stood there unfazed. aizawa as giving them a 35 minute break before they moved into the next activity, sero and mina walked up to the two. "maybe he is going to put us in groups" sero said while mina nodded in agreement "if we do im not taking any of you losers on my team" bakugou said calmly which made kirishima scoff. "Well if not us then who? you know we give you the best corporation for team work" kirishima said which he as right. they knew bakugou best, there were things he didn't have to say but they'll know. "so about kaminari" mina started "what about him now?" bakugou asked with an annoyed look. "why are you so annoyed when i bring him up?" mina asked. " because at this point your fucking obsessed, why do you want to be his friend so bad again?" bakugou asked, clearly irritated. Mina rolled her eyes "because he was our friend! and im gonna try to get my friend back no matter what and show him how sorry i am" mina shouted at bakugou. And it was silent for a moment, her actually words sinking into everyone. Bakugou took a deep breathe before he spoke " mina this might be the dumbest you ever fucking sounded. let me explain it to you since your so fucking to dumb to understand in the first place. dunc- kaminari wasn't our friend when we were using him, he wasn't our friend when we were betraying his trust, laughing at him, deceiving him and lying to him. mina the only thing he is asking is for us to leave him the fuck alone and after everything we have done. Thats the one thing he's asking, SO DO IT."

Denki walked through the halls, he wondered what nezu wanted from him. did he do anything? not that he would have known of. once he got to nezu office heh took a deep breathe, he was about to turn the nob so he could go in but something stopped him. "so how does he do in school" a gruff voice asked through the door, there was a beat of silence before someone else spoke " im sorry mr. kaminari but you are not denki kaminari's legal guardian so that information cannot be disclosed to you" denki heard his principle answer. by far that confirmed his suspicion that it was his biological parents in there right now. "He's our son" miss kaminari stated and nezu chuckled lightly, "yes many years ago maybe but when you give your child up and hasn't contacted them for years im pretty sure the states and the child doesnt think hes your son" nezu said in a 'matter-of - fact' tone. Denki sighed, he didn't know what to feel nor think in the moment, and it wouldn't be a good idea for him to try and even look them in the eye right now. so denki just walked away from the door, he knew nezu would probably be upset that he didn't come, yet he couldn't care less what nezu felt in the moment.

He decided to not go back to class, he didn't want to see what aizawa sensei had planned for them, not if it had anything to do with that group. Denki could guess that his parents being here probably had something to do with that 'hero' group considering his bio sister was in it. Once denki made it to the dorms he made a straight B-line to his dorm, not even taking a minute to glance around. once he made it to his room he stripped his self of his uniform and put something comfortable on. he knew there would probably be consequences for skipping, there always is. but as much as he was thinking about it he didn't really care. He just couldn't help but wonder what the fuck were they asking for him.

Nezu was not upset Denki didn't come in the office. Actually he was very pleased, he didn't like how these two had the audacity to March in here. And try to be worried about a kid who they haven't raised or seen in years. He just wanted them out as soon as possible, "well can you at least call him and see if he wants to come" misses kaminari asked. "I've already did but it's seems he has chosen not to come down here so unfortunately there is nothing I can do" nezu said clasping his hand paws together. Mr. kaminari sighed and stood up 'dusting' his self off "well there's nothing to do if he doesn't want to see us" Mr. kaminari said. He held his hand out for his wife, who had a slight frown on her face. But grabbed his regardless, "thank you, have a nice day" Nezu said as they made their way out.

Denki laid on his bed staring at the ceiling, there was nothing to do. Sure he could've went back to class, no he should go back to class. Denki thought about it, his sensei would definitely be upset. He will get detention and he might miss something important. But he just did not want to go back. He went back and forth in his head. ultimately deciding he would go back to class. Just as denki was getting up he got a notification, and surprisingly it was a text from Kai.

Wassup sparky

No hi? Hello? Just 'Kai'


What do u need?
😒,do you wanna hang out?

                       How do you know I'm not in class?

U wouldn't txt back if u weren't, or u would have said something

                                      Where would we be going?
Idk, tbh I just want to be around you.

Denki's cheeks turned red, sometimes Ka's flirting was a lot. But his decision of going to class had magically disappeared.

                            U can be here in ten minutes I'll          be outside by then.


Denki turned his phone off and sighed, a slight smile on his face. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he wanted to be around Kai too. Shaking his head, he grabbed his shoes and anything he would possibly need and made his way out the dorms.

There was really no way to 'sneak out' not in broad daylight at least. So he would just, walk out and hope for the best. And the best was actually happening. No one said anything to him, his phone didn't go off, nor did any alarms ring when he walked past the gate. He knows Nezu saw him leave and he knew he would have a consequence when he got back but right now all he was worried about was getting out.

And he did, denki didn't even know he was holding his breathe until he stepped in the sidewalk and deeply exhaled.

Everything's fine.

Denki smiled, he pulled out his phone to text Kai.
"Denki?" A voice behind him said and it made him freeze.

Everything's fine until it's not.

Beep beep boooooooo

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