Chapter 47

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There aizawa sensei stood, in all his gloomy glory. Denki knew this was coming,
Did he see kai.
"Kaminari" aizawa sensei said with his arms folded. Kaminari's cheeks turned pink and he rubbed his hand behind his neck. "Sensei I- there's nothing I can say I know what I was doing and it was wrong" denki said his head going down with shame.
Aizawa sighed and rubbed his temples, "denki Nezu has suggested for me to let you go this one time. He has informed of the" aizawa paused and lifted his hands up " 'lack of luck' but I'm gonna let you know this is the first and last time your ever doing this" aizawa said doing the air quotes. Denki wanted to laugh.
Denki nodded his head, Keeping his face straight. "Also" aizawa said with a skeptical look on his face "wasn't that midoriya's friend you were smooching all up on?" Aizawa asked.

He saw that?!?!?
Aizawa smirked, denki was red like a tomato right now. Denki nervously smiled "uhm yeah that's Kai" denki said. Aizawa sighed "well I guess I'll be seeing him around more" he said, which made denki cackle. "I guess so" denki agreed, aizawa almost chuckled "go inside kid" he said waiting after denki, who gladly ran inside the building.

Denki walked in the into the dorms, he saw almost everyone out their rooms socializing with each other. He was going to go to his room, but he hesitated, and that's when midoriya noticed him. "Hi kaminari!" Mioriya saying signaling him to come over where he and Todoroki and uraraka were standing. Denki smiled at him and walked over towards them.

"Hey mido" denki greeted as he walked up to them. "hello kaminari" Todoroki said "hi Roki roni" which stunned Todoroki for a second, one because the name was ridiculous and two, denki hasn't called him that ridiculous nickname in a very long time. Uraraka herself was a bit afraid to say something, and denki knew why. So he just gave her a nod of recognition, and she gladly accepted that. "So what's going on here" denki asked "you know usual game night" midoriya said and denki nodded. He used to love nights like this honestly but after everything happened he just kinda isolated from 1-A completely. Denki looked around and noticed somebody was missing "where's shinsou" denki asked and midoriya shrugged "he snuck off and thought I didn't notice, but when he's comes back we are gonna question him" midoriya said.

Denki turned his head towards the entrance, speak of the devil, shinsou walks into the dorms. Calm looking,
He looks like he wants to smile.
Denki thought about it, his relaxed posture his resting face even though it looks like a resting smirk. "Ohohoho" denki said all of a sudden, which did give him a lot of attention. "Let me talk to you real quick shinsou" denki said before anyone could ask him anything. Denki started to walk away hoping that shinsou was following him.
Denki was happy when he turned around to shinsou standing there, straight faced as always. "So, who are you with" denki asked and shinsou gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about" shinsou asked raising his eyebrow "don't play coy with Me" denki said, "I'm not, and what has you in such a good mood?" Shinsou asked. And that did catch denki off but he was in a good mood "nothing much I just woke up on the right side of bed" he don't know why he found himself lying, maybe he wanted to process the fact a bit longer that Kai was basically his boyfriend.

"Now your the one who's lying"

"so you admit your lying"


"So your lying but just not telling the truth"


"But you just agreed to lying while trying to call me out of lying"


Shinsou stared denki down, nothing to really say to that. But that he was caught, but was he going to admit that? No.

"Whatcha guys doing" both boys turned their heads to see midoriya walking towards them. And like perfect timing denki's phone started to ring, he grabbed it out his pocket to check it and low and behold it was Kai. Denki looked up at the two who were talking "well I'll see you guys later" he said as he waved off and walked away. The call from Kai stopped ringing but he quickly called him back as he approached his dorm.

"Thank god sparkz I thought you ghosted me already"
Denki rolled his eyes

"After today? No way"

" I miss you already"

"ha, your lying"

"And what gives you the right to say that"

"You were just with me fool"

"And I wanna be with you now"

Denki snorted at his response, he couldn't stop smiling if he wanted to. Denki spent the rest of the night talking to Kai, and if they fell asleep on the phone was that really anyone's business?

The next day denki definitely didn't skip class, even if Kai offered to spend the day with him. But he couldn't, because this still was hero school and he still had a spot in the top class which thousands still want. So he can't slack too much, and aizawa would definitely kill him this time.

But denki went through class with ease, he was cheerful going back to habits he used to do. And that didn't go unnoticed by others, his classmates noticed they way he bummed to his self or how he smiled a bit more easy.

And no one knew why but aizawa

Hope u guys enjoy

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