Chapter 22

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Third person POV
Bakugou sat on a bench in a park that the bakusquad went all the time, one night Kamianri couldn't sleep so he gathered everyone up to show them a place he has been going to since he came here. He told them that this was his most trusted place for his most trusted people. Bakugou face hardened, he fucked up he knew he fucked up. Bakugou breathed out what the fuck was he gonna do or say? he didn't even know why he called denki here he just knew he needed to talk to him.
Denki walked through the archive a feeling of dread washing over him, he used to like it- no he fucking loved it here but of course he had to show his friends the same ones that talked shit and played a sick game behind his back. Denki rolled his eyes and continued walking, soon he seen bakugou sitting on the bench looking straight ahead, denki breathed. Ke would say he knew bakugou fairly well, he was able to read him pretty well as well and one thing that everyone knew is bakugou had a temper but not many knew that's how he expressed his feelings.

Denki walked towards the bench making His presence known, bakugou side eyed him and sighed "Kamianri" bakugou said. Good he knows the boundaries Denki sat beside bakugou "you texted me to come here- why?" Denki asked, "I knew" bakugou said and denki let out a bitter laugh "you gotta be specific with me what did you know- there is a lot of things that went on behind my back like sero cheating on me the whole time while we were together oh and let's not forget with my bestfriend Mina- oh oh and the whole time it was a sick joke that almost everyone knew of or the fact that my closest friends laughed behind my back about it so I really don't know what you know" denki said in a fake cherry voice.

Bakugou sat there frozen he didn't know what to say nor do, his first instinct was to scream at denki but he knew he had to have control over his emotions, denki knew him but they weren't friends anymore they weren't close in the slightest. "I- everything" bakugou spit out and denki nodded "if this is some sort of apology this doesn't help your case just makes you more shitty" denki said and bakugou clenched his fist, he wasn't mad at denki he was pissed with his self. "I fucked up" bakugou started "I knew it was wrong but I didn't I couldn't" bakugou stopped talking struggling to find words to say.

Denki knew it was hard for bakugou and frankly he didn't want to be here now, "you can apologize or get the redemption all you want but I won't ever forgive you" denki said then he stood up getting ready to leave "I'm sorry" bakugou said and denki stopped walking never in his life had he heard bakugou say sorry not even to kirishima, denki turned around to stare at bakugou. "For what" denki asked and bakugou sighed "for fucking up- for knowning what was going on and not telling you for going behind your back and not helping you" bakugou spilled out, and the more he said the more he realize how truly fucked up it was.

Denki crossed his arms starring at bakugou, bakugou looked up at denki his face full with shock. "I'm sorry kaminari" bakugou said and denki sighed "I accept your apology but I don't forgive you" denki said then he left. Bakugou stayed on the bench thinking about it, even though he wasn't the one who made the dare or even dared sero to do it he sat there and watched, he watched this build up and now he watched how it broke denki. A tear slid down bakugou cheek, a single tear turned into two and two turned into three. Soon tears were streaming down bakugou face while he sat there looking forward, crying over his fucked up decisions once again.

Denki walked into UA dorms a look on his face, he would be lying if he said he still didn't care deep down. But he wouldn't be lying if he said he still couldn't give a shit, today was going good just why the hell did someone have to ruin, stupid apology denki walked through the common room just to  see half of class 1-A. Denki sighed yet he walked right past them "hey denks" someone called and denki turned around raising an eyebrow, "have you seen Kay" kirishima said and denki I shook his head no "why don't you come join us" Mina said and denki almost cringed at her. "Nah I got better things to do" denki said then he turned back around and walked towards his dorm before being stopped. "Dude what is up with you- you have been acting like a prick" kirishima stated standing up.

Denki wasn't in the mood and if kirishima wanted to start something he gladly will entertain it. Denki turned around about to say something but looking at kirishima made him scoff, "you don't deserve the time of day and maybe you can figure it out on your own why I'm being such a prick" denki said, kirishima was shocked but that didn't stop him from saying something "eh hell are you so mad- are you still pissy about the breakup" kirishima asked, denki scoffed "kirishima if I was '"pissy" about the break up I would have a total different reaction" denki stated, "then What's been wrong with you" Mina said and denki snapped his head towards her.

Mina froze, denki face was straight but his eyes held raw rage.

Not so bad round of applause 👏👏✨

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and drinks lot of water and don't do (to much) drugs.
And I apologize for any mistakes

Anyways byeeeeee❤️✨

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