Chapter 24

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Third person POV
Kirishima stood in the middle of the kitchen, tears pouring out his eyes. Faint slurping sounds could be heard from the corner of the kitchen. Kirishima quickly turned around to see todoroki with a noodle hanging from his mouth, todoroki had the same expressionless look on his face but his eyes stared through kirishima's soul. No one moved for a few minutes, but they both stared at each other. Todoroki was the one to get up and wash his boil out then leave. But kirishima didn't miss the wave of heat he felt when todoroki walked passed.

Kirishima walked back into bakugou room looking distraught, by this time Mina and sero were sleep but bakugou was still starring at the t.v. bakugou heard the door open he turned his attention towards kirishima and instantly knew something was wrong, "alright loser get out" bakugou said which woke Mina and sero up. "Aweee but we always stay the night on movie nights" Mina said rubbing her eyes "wel I'm not in the mood today now out" bakugou shouted, both Mina and sero groaned but got up anyways and left. When the door closed bakugou stared at kirishima "what happened" bakugou asked and kirishima broke, tears pouring out his eyes like waterfalls.

Denki was irritated to say the least, he expected people to find out it really wasn't a surprise to him but the guilty looks did not make anything better. It just made him angrier, because no one felt guilty nor sad when they were doing it and knew it was wrong so they don't have the right to feel any kind of sad now when they put it on themselves, denki stood up from his bed. The once content calm state he was in is gone. Denki thought for a minute before he decided what he wanted to do. Denki walked to his closet pulling a pare of shorts and a loos white T. Again it was a little late and almost passed curfew but most hero course students didn't care about that. Denki left his room once again but this time peaking around to make sure no one was there.

Shinsou walked down the hallways, his feet barely making any sound. He couldn't sleep as usually so he thought why not, he wouldn't get caught by neither of his parents tonight so he would be able to get of it easy. Shinsou opened the training door being met with a un-expected sight, there kaminari stood in the middle of the floor absolutely destroying the punching bag raw, Shinsou dropped his bag which snapped kaminari out of the state he was in. Denki turned towards Shinsou breathing heavily like a animal. Shinsou took this time to study kaminari state, kaminari was pissed. Little sparks flew around him, his hair was matted on his forehead. His knuckles were bloody ripped and bruised, Shinsou sighed as he saw kaminari but none of them made a move, "I can leave" denki said gathering his self together. Shinsou shoulders slumped "after I clean your knuckles" shinsou said and denki was ready to go against it but those purple eyes told him different.

It wasn't new to izuku when todoroki would come to his dorm room after curfew, so when todoroki stood in front of izuku door. "Sho" izuku asked and todoroki walked passed him, izuku closed his door and sat on his bed. Izuku could feel the heat coming off todoroki so izuku knew he was pissed "sho did something happen" izuku asked and todoroki looked at him "the bakusquad are assholes" todoroki said and that got izuku really curious, "what do you mean sho" izuku asked and todoroki looked at the ceiling, "I think- I think I know what fully happened with the kaminari thing and we are truly assholes" todoroki said and izuku was little taken back seeing how todoroki barely cursed, izuku was also curious because it seemed like todoroki knew the full story. But was it really any of his business either way, "do you want me to tell you" todoroki asked and izuku looked at him, but shook his head.

Denki sat against the wall, Shinsou kneeling in front of him, Shinsou was tending his wounds and denki wince every once in a while. "Wanna tell me what got you so worked up" shinsou asked denki sighed "worked up?" Denki asked and Shinsou scoffed "let's not act like this was just regular training you're pissed from something" shinsou said, denki was a little shock form how talkative Shinsou was towards him. Denki sighed "i was just letting of steam" denki said and Shinsou raised an eyebrow "so half of the rumor is true" shinsou muttered and denki head lifted up "what rumor" denki asked and Shinsou shrugged "apparently word going around that something happened in class 1-A I mean it's not hard to tell" shinsou vividly explain. Denki sighed it was a little obvious Shinsou didn't know what to say.

After Shinsou was done denki stood up dusting his shorts off, "thanks" denki said looking down and Shinsou also stood up "yea no problem just don't try punching the punching bag with no protection" shinsou and denki nodded "gotchu" denki said as he picked his bag up and walked out. Shinsou watched him then sighed, usually kaminari would make some type of joke before leaving or even finger guns, but now it was just nothing. But it wasn't surprising really Shinsou could relate to denki in more ways than one, since his quirk was deemed as villainous a lot of people avoided him, bullied him and even faked being his friends as a joke as well. So kaminari acting like this after what has happened is not surprising. It's just the fact that they did this to HIM one of the sweetest boys in class 1-A. Shinsou shook his head dismissing the thought from his head, they will get what they deserved.

To be honest I didn't even know how many days went  pass. But I hoped you people enjoy this chapter.

Anyways stay hydrated and don't do (to much) drugs

And if I have any mistakes I apologize


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