Chapter 33

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Third person POV
The next morning inko walked into the room seeing a bunch of teens jumbled up together on, sleeping somewhat peacefully which honestly seemed impossible from where she was standing, inko had two choices here, either take a shit load of pictures of the teenagers or make breakfast for the teenagers. "Auntie what are you doing" Serina said catching inko's attention, "oh rina your up, I was just about to start breakfast for you guys" inko said standing up straight "really? I'll help you" Serina said moving the boys bodies off of her, " no no rina brush your teeth get dress all that good stuff I wanna take you guys somewhere" inko said, "wait really what" Serina said standing up and inko nodded "yeah
A old friend called me about a place and I want to visit it and bring you guys along with me" inko said.Serina stood up "alright auntie I'll get them up and ready" Serina and inko smiled "thank you rina" inko said before she turned around walking out the room, Serina looked down at her friends. Denki was in the middle of kano and Kai while izuku was just spreaded on top of them, the sight was funny but very wholesome as well. Serina thought for a minute before deciding to get dressed first.

Once Serina was done getting dress she went back into midoriya room just to see the boys still in place. Serina smiled and kicked kano lightly "wake up" Serina said "no" kano said back "come on auntie is making breakfast" Serina said while kicking midoriya's leg. "Leave me alone" izuku muttered curling up into a ball "mido I think your gonna crush me" denki said. Izuku huffed and rolled onto Kai who was still sleep. "Wake up or im splashing water onto you" Serina said, denki was the first one to get up, let's be honest splashing water on denki without him being fully conscious wasn't good for anyone in range. "See kaminari gets it" Serina said with small smile, "leave me alone I just want sleep" kano muttered into the covers. "I'm gonna leave this room and when I come back I would like to see my dear boys up and ready" Serina said while leaving the room. "Kai get up" denki said "I don't want too"
Kai muttered while cuddling into midoriya "alright I warned you" denki said while yawning, "In the meantime I should get ready" denki muttered to himself.

The next time Serina came back into midoriya's room was with dry a big bucket of freezing cold water was in her hand, when denki came back into the room he seen two soaked boys on the ground clinging onto each other for dear life and a girl looking down at them giving them a crazy smile, denki should not have been surprise and he wasn't. This was just plain amusing to him. "Where's kano" denki asked "oh he's helping auntie with breakfast" Serina said looking up at denki, "oh, well I'll leave whatever this is alone" denki said while turning around "dont leave meee" izuku said from the floor. Denki walked away like he didn't hear izuku when all of them knew he did. "Now I asked you nicely but that didn't seem to work at all so we do this my way" Serina said gaining the boys attention, both having a shit load of fear in their eyes. Denki walked into the kitchen seeing both kano and inko talking to each other both smiling at each other, "goodmorning kaminari" inko said instantly noticing the blonde, "good morning miss inko" denki said "hurry sit down breakfast is almost ready" inko said.

"Come on wake up" Mina said while bursting into kirishima's room "Mina what the hell" kirishima shouted while sitting up, "come on dude I'm bored and I couldn't find anyone to bother so here I am" Mina said while giving kirishima a big smile, "Mina a was I'm tired go bother denk..... go bother sero or something" kirishima said Mina rolled her eyes "I would if I could find him, speaking of where is denki by the way -maybe he is hanging out with sero" Mina said "I hardly believe that" kirishima muttered into his pillow, "what does that mean they always hang out" Mina said, kirishima raised his head to look her "Mina they dated and broke up I hardly think they will ever be close again" kirishima said "oh come on it wasn't serious and you know that" Mina said "maybe for sero but don't act like denki didn't like sero when he really did" kirishima said finally getting up from his bed, Mina huffed "cmon this is denki he'll get over it sooner or later" Mina said, kirishima scoffed "Mina it doesn't matter who he is at the end of the day he still a human being with feelings that have gotten hurt by that" kirishima said, "look I won't believe he's that hurt until I hear it from his mouth" Mina said, kirishima laid back on his bed "you'll regret it even more" he muttered not really for her to hear, "look I came in here because I heard about this arcade it's really close and I wanted to take you guys" Mina explained. Kirishima sighed, he didn't know if he really wanted to come with her right now "come on kiri maybe we'll see sero and could drag him with us" Mina sai and kirishima stayed silent "fine"

Izuku ran into his mother arms tears streaming down his face, "izu what's wrong" inko said worry lacing her voice, "Serina and kai ganged up on me"
Izuku muttered into his moms shoulder, kano and denki watched in amusement. By the doorway Serina and Kai stood by each other, Serina saying something and Kai looking sort of panicky. "Izu what are you talking about" inko said while patting her son head, "exactly what I said they both decided to team up and jump me" izuku said "oh come on he is totally over exaggerating" Kai said, izuku rollled his eyes "I'm not you can see the evil in their eyes when they look at me" midoriya dramatically said. Inko laughed at her son, she lightly swatted his head "come on you three sit down and eat"inko said, once everyone were seated a new topic sparked amongst the group, "mom where did you plan to take us" izuku asked, inko frowned "I was gonna take you guys to a arcade place, an old friend owns it and invited us there, I really wanted to beat you guys in some of the games i played, but I can't today since my boss called in and told me I need to come to work " inko explained to everyone "I mean that's sounds exciting but this was suppose to be your day off a day to rest, he works you to the bone mom" izuku said inko sighed "I know izu but I need this job you know that" inko said back.

"You know auntie if that boss is causing you trouble by over working you, our parents will gladly put him in his place...maybe even give the business to you" Serina suggested, inko looked shocked "dear no though I appreciate it that man will not lose his business " inko said "we won't do the business things but you're definitely getting more days off" kano said inko stared at the teenagers tears welling up in her eyes, "noo don't cry" serina said getting out her chair to hug inko, Kai leaned over the kano "so we are definitely the ones talking to the boss" kai whispered and kano nodded. denki watched the two and looked at midoriya who too had tears in his eyes,denki almost smiled at the scene in front of him.

So important question that I will leave to whoever comments.
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next chapter, bc honestly I couldn't choose.

Anyways I apologize for any spelling mistakes

Make sure you guys drink water, eat your meals and stay safe. And don't be afraid to leave your thoughts


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