Chapter 49

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Third person pov

denki was having the best weekend of his life, he hadn't felt like this n months honestly and he missed the feeling of such contentment.  he missed being able to freely be his self, not put on this facade like he had to hide these feelings and put on a straight face so no one could hurt him again. but he didn't do that with kai, when did he decide kai was trusting of this? 

kai on the other hand was experiencing a whole new denki, he was smiley, buzzy, making jokes left and right and the smile really did not leave his face. the whole scenery made kai smile widely. he could tell that denki has been through some things, it made him feel some kind of way that it caused him to do a complete 180 from the person he was. but it was evident that person never went away, just buried down deep deep inside denki.

"HA win again asshole" denki shouted when his character landed the last blow, kai grunted out of frustration and threw his controller to the other side of the room. his irritation getting the best of him. denki laughed at him and scooted closer "dont be upset dude im just that great" denki said and he patted kai's cheek briefly before getting up to go to the kitchen. "where are you going" kai asked, "victory snack" was all denki said before he left.

"homemade face mask" denki said holding the bowl of unknown substances to kai's face, "where did you even get this from" kai asked pushing the bowl away slightly. denki casually nudged the bowl back into his face "my old friend mina taught me how to make them and it dos my skin good so i never stopped" denki answered, "and you wanna do this why?" kai asked raising his eyebrow. denki eyed the pimple on his cheek "because you look like you need it" kai was offended by denki's sizing up and down from him. "first of all this face is flawless" kai said, dramatically wiping his face with his hand to prove a point. denki just rolled his eyes and pleaded "please, we can take super cool photo's" denki suggested and kai blushed at the thought of them in face mask taking pictures, "okay deal".

"these are amazing" denki said to himself as he scrolled through his photo gallery, kai and him took a ungodly amount of pictures and he loved every single one of them. kai walked into the room shirtless and a towel draped around his head. Could you blame denki if he couldn't help but stare for a bit? Which Kai took notice of, "you can come touch if you'd like" Kai said in a flirty manner, he was expecting denki to blush and get all nervous but Kai knew nothing about denki. Denki gave him a smirk, "I'll take you up on the offer" denki replied which did catch Kai off guard, but non the less he walked towards denki his heart thumping harder than it should be.

He stood right in front of denki and denki honestly was a bit curious on how his chest felt, why waste this opportunity? Carefully denki traced his hands over Kai's abs, an eight pack to be specific. Kai stood so close that denki could smell him, Kai's scent reminded him of the storm. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it made him feel like it was a stormy night and he loved it. Denki was snapped out of his trance when he felt Kai's chest move, he looked up to see Kai smiling with pink cheeks "that tickled" Kai said softly, not really wanting denki to snap out of the moment. Denki only smiled but kept his hand there, he liked the feeling of this. When was the last time he was this close to anyone?

"Sparky?" Denki looked up once again, but this time the look on Kai's face was different, darker. "Can I kiss you?" He asked which caught him off guard. Denki was speechless for a second. "Sure" and kai wasted no time grabbing his chin and kissing him. Kai felt jittery kissing denki, it felt like tiny harmless shocks on his lips. Kai deepened the pulling denki closer to him. Denki himself felt amazing, he tightened his hold Kai giving him the signal that he liked where this was going.
They made out until both of them were out of breathe. Kai pulled back panting,  he gave denki a dazed smile. And denki, he felt exhilarating, he hasn't felt this good in a while and this really felt like a blissful feeling. They said nothing to each other but when denki caught his breath, he pulled Kai back to him, kissing him once more.

And if the rest of night was spent kissing and cuddling whose business is that really.

Today was Sunday, denki had to go back to school life. It disappointed him, he liked it here with Kai. "I don't want you to leave" Kai complained pulling denki closer in his arm, denki laughed and hugged him back. He loved the physical touch, "I don't want to either but you know I have to or aizawa will have my head" denki said disappointingly. "Mmm if I get you back early will he let you come over next weekend" Kai asked but denki just shrugged. "Im not sure I think it all depends on school performance" it made kai sigh but non the less he didnt focus on that too long, Kai sat up taking the warmth from denki. "Well let's eat some pancakes to eat" he said which denki did not disagree to.

The dorms were relatively quiet, majority of everyone were in their dorms. Though that didn't mean the students weren't up to something. "Mina I thought we went over this" sero said, "no no no let me explain okay" Mina put up her hands defensively "look I understand he may never be our friend again but we can't totally shut him out the class and we give silent treatment we are still a team" Mina explained but sero really wasn't hearing it. "Look I'm sure he's fine, plus it looks like he's found new friends and a boyfriend" sero said in a tone which kind of made everyone pause.

"You sound jealous" kirishima said blankly, he's been that way for a minute not as happy as he used to be. Sero scoffed but Mina's eyes narrowed in on him. Bakugou watched silently, something he also picked up recently. "Why would I be jealous he found other people and discarded us" sero said. "Are you a fucking idiot" Bakugou suddenly said, "he has every right to 'discard us' whatever the fuck you think that means but we are the ones that fucked it up" Bakugou said calmly which was oddly more threatening.

"Anyways Mina that would never work, to be a team you have to have trust and we broke kaminari's trust and trust is the basic foundation to any team" kirishima said without even looking at her. mina sighed in frustration "look i know that, and thats the last thing we deserve honestly, but x-ing him out like this- basically i dont want denki to become a villian or something"  it was silent after what mina said, everyone stared at her but bakugou looked as if she was the dumbest thing in the world. " pinky im pretty sure dunce wouldn't go and join the villians side because of some class drama" bakugou said in his usual grumpy tone. "bakugou is right, kaminari can be angry at us but no way would he go to those that hurt us as a class." kirishima second on what bakugou said, but mina still had that anxious look on her face, " alright if you guys say so....but i still want to try and make amends with him. i know we will never be friends again but the more time that goes byemakes me realize how much kaminari was really a factor in my life" sero scoffed at what mina was saying, showing little care.

which irritated kirishima and bakugou but they said nothing non the less.


god im not really sure to go with the angst- thats why it took so long i did not know what the fuck to put though. 

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