Chapter 26

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Third person POV
"That's it for today" aizawa said sitting down in his chair, class was officially over for the day and now the students had the rest of the day and the weekend. Class 1-A started to pack their stuff and izuku walked up to aizawa desk "sooo sensei you picked a place" izuku asked and aizawa nodded, not a lot of people go there and I know the owner fairly well" aizawa said and izuku nodded.

Denki swung his bag over his shoulder and left the classroom this time no one noticed he was gone, denki phone started to buzz which meant he was getting a call which confused him alot since he hasn't talk to anyone in a long time, "hello" kaminari said "blonde!" Someone said on the other line. Denki huffed, he recognized the voice anywhere "Kai you're calling me for what" denki asked ignoring the light feeling he had in his stomach "uh uh do not pull that did you know izuku wants us to meet some of his classmates" Kai said in a more serious tone "yeah I was invited" denki said and he heard a breathe of relief "oh thank god please tell me you're gonna come" Kai asked and denki rolled his eyes "doesn't matter if I do or don't" denki said.

"Yes it does" another voice said which denki could recognized "Kano?" Denki asked "yep" Kano answered "I still don't see the point of me coming" denki said "you and Shinsou are the only ones I will tolerate from izuku's class"Kano said and denki sighed "you don't even know them to form a opinion" denki noted "I don't need to know them from what I seen I don't want to" Kano said, denki sighed remembering that Kano was there that day he lashed out on Jirou "I feel like I missed something and I don't like missing out" Kai said his mood turning all the way serious, denki sighed "nothing serious" denki said and even through the phone he could tell the two didn't believe him "I can't wait to see you blonde bye bye" Kai said "why the nickname" denki asked, instead of a answer he got hung up on. Denki didn't acknowledge the fact that he got used to the nickname Kai gave him.

Denki laid in his bed playing with one of his fidgets, sure he has homework to do but he could focus on that later. Denki heard who was going and he frankly didn't want to deal with any of them but he also didn't want to miss out on anything. Denki didn't forget the fact that Kano was there when he lashed out on Jirou, he also didn't miss the tiny but deadly glare he gave her. Denki eyes shined, of course he wanted to see Jirou piss her pants a little, and maybe even Kai. Denki shook his head clearing that thought away. That wasn't goal now and that definitely wasn't the goal for later either. Denki's alarm went off and kaminari quickly got of his bed grabbing his books, the alarm was a reminder for him to do his homework seeing how he can forget easily, denki sat in his desk opening the first page.

Izuku was nervous, he was very much aware how his friends felt about his classmates but he didn't want that. "Izu honey I'm sure everything will be fine" Serina said from beside him, Serina and izuku both decided to meet up before everyone came. Serina knew izuku would be hella nervous and if he wasn't calm and assured before meeting things wouldn't go so well. "I know rina but I have this.....feeling you could say and it's really strong" izuku explained Serina stayed silent, then She sighed "your teacher will be here right" Serina asked, "he already is" a gruff voice spoke behind them making the two turn around. "Sensei" izuku said straightening up aizawa looked at izuku and nodded "problem child" Serina looked at izuku raising an eyebrow but quickly turned her attention back to aizawa, her eyes shining  with excitement. "Wow- the pro hero eraserhead" she said under her breathe, aizawa stared at Serina then looked at izuku sending him some sort of message did you tell her something about me izuku seemed to get the message clearly no of course not aizawa could tell izuku wasn't lying so he turned back to Serina.

"Don't worry she is just as much of a nerd as izuku" someone said from beside him, aizawa turned his head. "I'm Kano" Kano said walking past aizawa to sit next to Serina "where is Kai" izuku asked "I don't know I lost him on the way here" Kano said, "you.....lost him" izuku repeated and Kano nodded. Serina sighed while pulling out her phone, "hello" someone answered on the other line "Kai where are you" Serina asked, "in a store" Kai answered "why" Serina asked "I don't plan on staying long and when I do leave I don't plan on going home" Kai said, Serina sighed and hung up. "Soooo" izuku asked "he is coming but he might not stay long" Serina answered. "I'm guessing that's your third friend" aizawa said, izuku turned towards him "oh yeah- Kai he doesn't really like new people. Well maybe except Kaminari" izuku said and aizawa raised a eyebrow "kaminari" aizawa asked and izuku nodded "why does he like kaminari" aizawa asked.

Before izuku could say anything the door opened revealing Kai, "finally you're here" Kano said " I couldn't just leave my bestfriend to fiend for his self" Kai said with a devilish smirk, Kano rolled his eyes "I'm not dumb" Kano said and Kai raised an eyebrow "whatever do you mean" Kai asked but got no response. Kai looked at aizawa and smiled "hello sir" Kai said and aizawa nodded, aizawa eyes lingered on Kai for a minute before his face turned stone cold.

Izuku could tell aizawa didn't favor Kai, and he had a thought on why. "When will your classmates be here izu" Serina said and izuku snapped his head towards her "oh let me check" izuku said as he pulled out his phone. "Hello" izuku smiled "hey sho where is everyone" izuku asked "oh- well we just got done getting yelled at by bakugou to act like normal humans so we are almost there" todoroki said, izuku smiled. He knew the reason bakugou wanted them to 'behave' "ok, we will see you here" izuku said then he hung up the phone.

Aizawa sat in the corner of the place observing the four teenagers, and he was quite intrigued to say the less. Izuku was more confident with them he wasn't stuttering and he didn't hesitant to put his thought in, he seemed to smile a bit more too, he looked relaxed with them. Off guard even. Aizawa thoughts was cut off but the door opening, "hey deku" uraraka said, izuku turned around and smiled "hey uraraka" izuku waved "hey mido" kirishima said and izuku gave him a small smile, todoroki somehow managed to already be standing by izuku. "Hey sho" izuku said as he smiled up at him and todoroki nodded.

Serina cleared her throat "hi it's nice to meet you guys- some for the first time and some again" Serina said "hello" momo said stepping out from the group. "Uhm my name is Serina and this Kai and Kano" Serina introduce and momo nodded introducing everyone else, "hello" Kai said doing a small wave, Kai looked at Kano who seemed to be starring at someone.

"You guys can sit down" izuku said and momo nodded, everyone taking a seat. Kai looked around not seeing denki anywhere, and truth be told he was a little bummed about it. Izuku said something to get everyone out their comfort zone which eventually worked, but Kano still didn't say anything. Jirou sat by momo watching everyone talk, due to her quirk she didn't really need to look anyone to know who is speaking, so she let her eyes wonder and it just so happen to meet vibrate purple eyes who stared into her. Jirou froze in her seat, she remembered him from the day when denki finally confronted her she seen him right there, Jirou gulped feeling the urge to sink into momo's side right then and there. Kai noticed the tension between the two and raised an eyebrow but before he could speak the door opened.

Kai looked up and smiled.

I honestly do not know how to feel abt this chapter
But yes it's a long one- do you guys like long chapters?
And I though abt putting everything at once but why not stretch it a bit.

Anyways thanks for reading and I apologize for any mistakes.

And stay hydrated, byeeeeeee❤️✨

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