Chapter 12

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Third person POV
With those last words kaminari ended the conversation and stood up, " you board" Kai asked and denki stared at him" I wouldn't bring a skate board if I didn't" he said as he balanced himself on his skate board.
Kai watched denki intensely, he wanted to know this boy inside and out, of course he wasn't getting attached. But it has been so long since since someone caught his interest. Kai wasn't a creep or a playboy or anything like that, he could blame it on his quirk but that wouldn't really make any sense it was just Kai liked to play with people, not to the point where they would get attached or hurt by it, he just liked to know someone inside and out to know what they would do before doing it, to make them predictable.It brung him a sense of comfort made him fee safe around others, but others didn't like that. People said he would play with them like toys turn you inside and out then drop you like a dog.
Kai quickly pushed those thoughts away and stared at denki as he road through the ring, obviously skilled at what he was doing Kai couldn't help but find himself actually interested in this boy, he wanted to know what happened to him to make izuku bring him here. He wanted to know what happened to the boy izuku described to him, Kai titled his head a bit and watched denki. Izuku said his eyes were bright and gold almost like the sun,  but all Kai saw was lifeless golden eyes hiding all emotion that usually shows.
Denki suddenly stopped and looked towards Kai, the two stared at each other. Denki didn't know what to think of Kai, he liked the way Kai face looked, how mischievous his light purpled eyes looked every time he would gaze at denki. But denki soon got tired of Kai starring at him so he stopped to stare back, Kai was a bit surprise but happy non the less so he stared.
"Hey guys" someone said beside them, denki whipped his head towards the new people just to see serina Kano and izuku. Izuku was smiling at denki while serina was giving Kai a knowing look and it wasn't at all approving, "we thought Kai would be here but I gotta admit seeing you here is kinda weird" izuku said to his self and denki tilted his head in confusion. Izuku seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was again and regain light of what was going on, " what were you guys doing" serina asked them politely but to sweet for denki's taste, but non the less denki brushed it off "talking" Kai deadpanned, serina lightly glared at him " really because it looked like you were having an intense starring contest" Kano pointed out and denki eyes glittered with amusement.
Kai almost frowned, he wanted to be the reason his eyes glittered like that. "Anyways the reason why came is because it's almost four and I don't think they will take it lightly to find us gone" izuku said rubbing his neck and denki nodded " todoroki will probably be the first to notice your gone and the dekusquad would probably go crazy" denki said, all of them looked at him like he had a third head "what" denki asked "you made it sound like they only care about izuku" Kano said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, denki shrugged it wasn't like that wasn't true but still it didn't matter either way.
Once the two got everything they needed they all crushed izuku in the hug and promised to see each other. Denki was already waiting for Izuku when serina pulled him back " I know you seen the way Kai looked at denki" serina said in all seriousness, izuku nodded " he must have found another play thing" Kano said but izuku rolled his eyes " he doesn't have play things" serina said but kano just shrugged, " I did see the way he looked at him but I don't think there is much to worry about though" izuku said thoughtfully, serina looked at him in surprise "what do you mean zu" serina asked.
" I just figured it out but there is a lot about denki that's hidden under wraps.....he may had us all fooled to the point where we filled in the blanks in his life" izuku said and serina titled her head " so this might be a challenge" Kano said and izuku nodded " I just hope no one gets hurt" serina said and izuku nodded."Well I will see you guys later though" izuku giving them a bright smile.
Meanwhile Kai stood in front of denki trying to get whatever he could out of him, "what do you like to do " Kai asked and denki shrugged " a lot of stuff depends on the day" denki said and Kai sighed "and which days are those" Kai asked and denki shrugged "I don't know it's really random" denki answered, Kai eye almost twitched but a sly smirk made it in his face. He made it his own personal mission to twist denki inside out to know him like the back of his hand, like he has done many times before. But right now he wasn't getting anywhere,it exited him.

Denki didn't know what game this dude was playing at to try to get to know him, but little did he know he played the same games with all his classmates, the little questions made all of their flaws and superiority easy for him to see. So denki could scout someone playing at his game anytime, denki didn't trust Kai not one bit. But he would be lying if he said he wasn't having fun playing it. The next question denki couldn't help but smirk, which gave Kai his first clue.
Sadly their little game came to an end and denki felt a tap on his shoulder, denki turned around to see izuku. Denki nodded and grabbed his skateboard and started walking. "See ya later kid" Kai said ruffling izuku hair and izuku huffed " your just a year older" izuku said and Kai smiled "yeah yeah whatever go you have class later" Kai said and izuku smiled and wave "oh and bring pretty blonde back" Kai shouted and izuku snorted.
Kai went to serina and Kano just to be met with a snack to his head "what the hell" Kai said but serina just rolled her eyes " pretty blonde?" Kano asked but Kai rolled his eyes " he is interesting" Kai said and serina groaned "like everyone else" but Kai shook his head " this one is different" Kai said and serina raised an eyebrow "how so" Kano asked and Kai smiled " because he is playing the exact same game" Kai said with a feral smile.

Kai you animal!
Anyway hi and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I honestly can't wait for the next (✨dadzawa✨)
Anyways I hope you hoomuns enjoyed this chapter byeeeeeee
I'm out~~~~~~~~❤️

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