Chapter 27

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Third person POV
Kai eyes lit up as soon as he seen the familiar blonde, denki stared at the group with a look in his eyes. Denki's hand didn't leave the door, which Kai very much noticed "hey blonde" Kai said a little to loud for everyone not to hear. Denki shot Kai a small glare, "oh hi kaminari~kun" izuku said waving at him "hello kaminari" Serina said giving him a small smile.

Some of class 1-A was extremely confused seeing how casual the four were with denki, denki walked towards the group. The options were either to sit by momo or by Kai. So denki obviously chose to sit by Kai, who's arm instantly wrapped around his shoulder "Uhm do you guys know each other" momo asked, "yes we consider kaminari a friend of are's" Kano said, speaking for the first time . His voice steady with a sharp edge to it. "Oh really" Mina said as she obviously found something interesting about it, Kano nodded. "Denki is this where you been spending all your time we never see you anymore" Mina joked but got no laugh in return.

Kirishima lightly bumped Mina which was a clear sign to not say anything else, which Mina was definitely confused about. Everything was quiet for a minute until momo said something "so Uhm how did you guys meet" momo asked trying to lighten the mood, Serina smiled as she remembered each time met each one of her best friends. "Well me Kano and Kai grew up in America" denki lightly sighed he wasn't really a fan of America, Kai side eyed denki from what he saw denki and America wasn't a great mix and he would be if he said he didn't wonder why. "So me and Kano grew up together and somewhere through elementary school we met Kai who didn't want ANYTHING to do with us but in the end we stuck to him like glue" Serina explained with the most longing look in her eyes.

Kirishima smiled sadly at his lap, he refused to look up. The main reason was for guilt, guilt for what he caused. Denki sat across him not a hint of emotion showing on his face, he just sat there almost like todoroki but he did it on purpose. And kirishima knew it was all his fault, "ohh I have a tiny question" Mina said snapping kirishima out of his space. He lifted his head to look at her and he could already tell by the glint in mina's eyes that whatever it was, was not going to be to be good. Out of habit kirishima looked at denki who was indeed starring at Mina, "sure go ahead" Serina said and Mina smiled. "We can't pretend Kano and Kai isn't cute, so with that being said have you ever liked either of them? Oh oh and izu is pretty cute too have you ever liked him?" Mina asked her eyes basically shining.

Kai and Kano both stared at mina both giving off some type of heat, Serina smiled but it wasn't in any way endearing "no I always thought of them as brothers to be honest never have i liked them" Serina said and Mina raised an eyebrow "really oh bummer" Mina said, "bummer?" Serina asked and Mina shrugged "they're cute guys would be a shame if someone else snatched them you know?" Mina said and Serina stared at her "I'm aromantic so I don't think anyone will 'snatch me up" Kano said cutting Serina off mina titled her head. Denki didn't like this at all, he knew Mina and he knew she would keep asking questions non stop until she gets some sort of satisfaction of whatever her goal is.

"I'm confuse don't you have a boyfriend" todoroki ask, Mina looked at todoroki her smile falling off her face "yeah...what does that. Change" Mina asked and todoroki shrugged, "nothing" todoroki said going back to what we he was doing. Mina turned back to Kai and Kano "so Kai what's your sexuality" Mina asked. "I'm omni with a preference of men" Kai answered, Mina raised her eyebrow "so your just" "Omni." Denki said before she could finish her sentence, mina was very supportive and she accepted everyone as is but that didn't mean there wasn't a few flaws in it. She didn't get most points of sexualities and Omni being one of them. "Yeah I got that but" "but nothing" denki said once again cutting Mina off. Mina and denki stared at each other tension slowly rising. Both were close to snapping on each other.

Mina's back straightened which was no surprise since aizawa was starring at the two with his quirk. Now that was a sign to drop it entirely,  both Mina and denki looked away from each other. The tension not really going anywhere, "hey you never really explained how you met deku" uraraka said changing the topic. Serina raised her eyebrow "you call him deku?" Serina asked and uraraka nodded "yeah that's his hero name" uraraka said and Serina looked at izuku who avoided eye contact at all cost "oh really....well it was the start of middle school and kai's parents was visiting Japan of course he wanted to bring us even if he doesn't want to admit it" Serina said looking at Kai who huffed in response.
"Anyways one day when we were supposed to be in class we actually went exploring and we came across this tiny green headed boy on the ground with bruises" Serina said almost sadly.

"Wait are you talking about midoriya" kirishima asked and serina nodded "really" uraraka said and izuku nodded "I was a very late bloomer so all through my child hood I was quirk-less and people don't treat quirk-less people to kind" izuku said looking down for a bit, Serina wrapped her arm around izuku's shoulder. "Yup- also when we met izuku both Kano and Kai won't admit it but they absolutely adored him" Serina said making all Kai Kano and izuku blush. Denki watched the three boys go red, denki tried his best to hide his smile but the attempts got nowhere. So he just put his head down hiding the small smile. Which Mina caught and made a smile of her own "I seen that denki, does one have crush so fast' Mina asked. Denki's small smile dropped "what do you mean 'so fast' it's been months" todoroki said out loud.

"Exactly it's been what like six or five months and denki was head over heels" Mina said and denki scoffed "shouldn't that make everything worse Mina" denki asked, Mina was confused. "What does that mean" Mina asked and denki rolled his eyes "let's not play dumb" denki said in a bored tone. Kai wasn't an expert but he was good at reading people and he was really good at knowing when things are about to explode, but when that not so subtle glint passed Kaminari's golden eyes he knew something was up. So Kai did the only thing he saw was fit, he grabbed denki's arm gently and coughed "it was nice being here but sadly me and kaminari have to go" Kai said standing up bringing denki with him. From the corner of his eye Kai could see Kano shooting him a little glare that said 'I'll kill you for leaving me' but Kai new if both of them left neither izu nor Serina Would be happy.

Denki didn't go against leaving with Kai for the simple fact he did not want to be there either. Denki glanced at his teacher, who gave him a nod. After that kai dragged him out the door leaving everyone there shocked. "Well that's a bummer" izuku said sighing. Kai and denki walked down the street by now Kai had let go of denki, "thanks" denki muttered not looking at Kai, Kai made a noise of confusion which made denki roll his eyes "don't act clueless" denki said and Kai smiled a bit "no problem kaminari you looked like you were about to explode anyways" Kai said and denki rolled his eyes "that's because I was" denki said and Kai chuckled. They walked in silence for a few more minutes, neither of them knew where they were going they were just walking.

"Kaminari" "hm?" "You owe me" Kai said and denki raised an eyebrow "oh do I now" denki said and Kai nodded, denki wasn't dumb he knew what for so he wasn't really in a place to disagree "okay then, what would your favor be" kaminari asked and Kai smiled "I want to know your deal with America" Kai said and denki stopped dead in his tracks.

Don't look at me like that😃
I feel bad for saying that things are gonna get a little more ✨...✨ and not update for a long ass time.

No but seriously I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay hydrated and get enough sleep🙃 yeah I see you go to sleep.

I also apologize for any mistakes

Anyways byeeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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