Chapter 23

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Third point of view
"All of you stop now" someone said from the entrance, there stood aizawa with his eyes glowing. Denki rolled his eyes and made his way to his dorm, he slammed it once he got in his room. Then he fell on his bed.

Mina and kirishima both stood in the middle of the common room both hearing the door shut, Mina jumped a bit. She wasn't really scared but she was shocked, she has seen someone act like this but denki? Never she never thought. Kirishima was in just pure confusion, what has gotten into denki he didn't know and he really wanted to know why he was acting like this.
Aizawa was just done with all of them, they sit here looking confused after all the shit they put him through and they wonder why he is acting like this towards them. Bakugou walked in the dorms hands in his pocket and a hardened look on his face, it was obvious he was crying but in one made the move to point it out but him.

"Hey kat are you okay" kirishima asked and bakugou sighed but didn't make eye contact with kirishima which kirishima very much knew the answer to his question. "Kirishima take bakugou to his room and everyone go back to what you were doing and no one I mean no one go and bother Kamianri at this moment" Mina say back down with tsu and uraraka and both kirishima and bakugou went to bakugou's room and everyone went back to what they were doing but Jirou and momo. "I know something will happen" Jirou said and momo nodded "at the end of the day it's our fault and we deserve wants coming towards up" momo said and Jirou sighed but she knew she had to agree.

Izuku and Shinsou both walked into the dorms
carrying Shinsou boxes. But immediately both of them felt everyone's mood, "uhm is everything okay?" Izuku asked and the girls turned their heads towards the two boys, " something is wrong with Kamianri" Mina said which made Shinsou scoffed, izuku stared at Mina like she had two heads for a minute until he just shook his head "well did anything happen" izuku asked "other than the break up that happened months ago no" uraraka said and Shinsou lightly glared "just the breakup" shinsou asked and Mina furred her eyebrows.Jirou shifted uncomfortably in her seat which did not go unnoticed by the two boys so they decided to drop it. Both izuku and Shinsou left everyone pondering in some sort of confusion.

Both izuku and Shinsou sat in Shinsou newly furnished dorm, "izuku I have a question" shinsou sat looking up from his phone, izuku looked up from his notebook and stopped muttering "yeah" izuku asked and Shinsou leaned back "is there something going on with Kamianari and Kai" shinsou asked and izuku face scrunched up "you know what I don't really know but I know there is something between probably a new friendship" izuku said and Shinsou nodded "both of them need it" Shinsou said and izuku nodded "I also have a question" izuku asked and Shinsou raised an eyebrow "do you- do you know the full story with what happened with kamainari" izuku asked, "yes I do but it's not my business to tell" Shinsou said and izuku nodded.
"I understand but is it really that bad" izuku asked and Shinsou rolled his eyes "you see how denki is acting you tell me" shinsou said.

Kirishima sat against bakugou headboard while bakugou head laid on his lap. "What happened kat" kirishima asked softly, bakugou sighed softly which was a rare thing for him to do or for kirishima to see. "We-I fucked up ei" bakugou started and kirishima titled his head "it's about kaminari" bakugou said and kirishima raised an eyebrow "what do you mean" kirishima asked before bakugou could even answer there was a knock at his dorm. Both boys turn towards the door, "it's Mina" Mina said and kirishima looked a bakugou. Bakugou huffed but didn't make any move of disapproval, "come in" kirishima said. Both Mina and sero came into his dorm with snacks, "I know you were feeling kinda shitty when you came in so movie night!!" Mina said.
Bakugou stared at the two, they always did this when one of them felt down. But it wasn't right, this wasn't right. They shouldn't be comforting him when the one who deserves it is alone. But bakugou sat with them.

Denki yawned, he closed his notebook, he stuck between being hungry and wanting to go to sleep. You ate nothing but ice cream go eat Denki thought to his self. After a few minutes denki finally got the strength to get up, "maybe I should take a shower first" denki muttered to his self. Denki thought for a minute until shrugging and walking to his bathroom. They were running out of snacks and Mina and sero both being cuddled up together on the ground and bakugou was half asleep, so the only option left was kirishima who was the only one who wanted snacks. Kirishima slipped off the bed leaving the dorm as quietly as he could then made his way to the kitchen. Slipped his shirt on, he just got out the shower and now he was even more hungry but tired at the same time, denki put on his slippers and walked out his dorm making his way to the kitchen, kirishima stood in front of the microwave starring at the popcorn with literal stars in his eyes. Denki walked into the kitchen yawning which definitely caught kirishima attention.

Kirishima turned around facing denki and denki finally opened his eyes, they stared at each other for a minute until Denki walked past him to the fridge. Kirishima sighed "denks did you talk to kat earlier" kirishima asked "mhm" denki said "well what did you guys talk about to make him cry tears" kirishima asked and denki rolled his eyes which kirishima definitely saw. "Bro what the hell is your problem" kirishima asked and denki just stared at him "seriously I'm suppose to be the 'dumb' one yet you are sitting here acting like you did nothing wrong" denki said and kirishima brows furred "seriously denki, we didn't do anything wrong" kirishima tried to say but denki scoffed "really yOu dIdNt dO aNyThInG" denki mocked out of annoyance, "dude if anyone should be mad or upset it should be us you stopped hanging out with us then ignoring us now you made bakugou feel some type of way over what? Some silly ass break up that's not manly " kirishima shouted at denki.

Denki wanted to fucking laugh "silly break up? Oh no you wanna know why I am oh so mad it's because of the fact that not only did he fucking CHEAT with a close friend no - the relationship was a fucking dare, can we not forget that my friends sat there and laughed about it behind my back" denki explained to kirishima like he was a baby, but kirishima was just to shock to say anything but before he could muster anything else denki continued speaking "yes I knew what you said I was up when you were talking shit. And if your boyfriend is mad good or sad even better. You're the one that's not manly and fucking pathetic" denki said. Denki grabbed something to eat and made his way to leave "denk-" kirishima was gonna say something until denki stopped "I should also tell you that only my friends call me denki" denki said then he left.

Here is your chapter great people and I hope you are having a good day/night. ❤️

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