Chapter 29

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Third person POV
Izuku munched on his chips while He sat on FaceTime with his friends, "oh and by the way guys kaminari is hanging out with us from now on" Kai mentioned as he continued doing whatever he was doing, izu almost choked "uh kai I think you have to be a bit more specific" Serina said. "I understood it" Kano said "well I didn't- so what do you mean" izuku ask putting his chips down. "What I meannn is kaminari is now in our friend group and we will shower him with love" kai said leaving everyone in stunner silence.

"He needs to give me some tips" Serina was the first to talk "what the fuck is that suppose to mean" Kai said "oh come on don't act clueless" Serina said and Kai scoffed "that gave me no answer WHAT so ever" kai said "what she means is out of the four of us you and Kano....YOU especially are less likely to bring someone new to the group and like them at that" izuku explained "if we want to get technical you brung him to meet us" kai said "yet you hang out with him more than we do" izuku argued back "you should add him into the group chat" Kano said "dude! Things were getting good did you have go interfere?" Serina asked "they're arguing about nothing important and I want my bestfriend number" Kano said (I love how Kano just claims denki's his bestfriend) "I don't know why you think you're so slick saying he is your best friend" Kai said which made Kano roll his eyes "he likes me best" Kano said "total LIES" izuku interrupted. "Oh dude please he obviously likes me more" Kai said "no. End of discussion" Kano said, "why don't we just add him" Serina injected before anyone else could say something,

Denki sat in the library once again struggling with his math homework that he forced himself to do. Kaminari's phone started ringing which caused the library teacher to shoot him a small glare, denki quickly apologized and got up to leave. Denki answered the phone just to see four people staring straight at him "hey kaminari" Kano greeted "hey Kano" denki said "is there a reason why I was added" denki asked and Kai smiled "yes there is in fact" Kai said "Recently Kano has falsely said that he was your favorite and obviously it's me" midoriya claimed, "and now izuku is lying because it's me" kai said "no no Kano is right it's him" denki said. The phone was quiet for a minute "oh he was right" Serina said out of the blue, "see I told to" Kano said "yeah we heard him" izuku huffed "you sound mad" kano said "you know damn well he's mad" Kai said "you sound mad too" kano said again, Kai rolled his eyes"whatever at least serina likes me best right" "uh no- I favor izu" Serina said moving the screen towards the ceiling. Kai loudly gasped "see look what you did you guys broke my heart you all are traitors" kai said. Denki was about to say something until he saw something from the corner on his eye.

"Hey Kaminari- kun" midoriya said while walking up to him, "midoriya what are you doing here" denki asked, "oh I came to get you, I heard there some new
Hero merch out and I just got my allowance so I wanna get something, I'm also forcing you guys to come with me" izuku explained. And By the way midoriya worded it, it didn't look like he had a choice "you know you I could have told us in your room" someone said from izuku's phone, izuku lifted his phone up "oh- I forgot, but either way same" izuku turned to denki "wanna walk together" he asked and denki shrugged. "Yeah I just need to get my stuff"denki said "oh you were studying here? Sorry to bother you" midoriya said "you can bring your stuff and you can study at my house when we're done" izuku said, "why at your house" denki asked "aunt Inko cooks the best food when guest are over" Serina said and denki thought about it, for a minute "yeah sure" kaminari said.

Kaminari quickly packed his stuff while izuku got permission from aizawa, denki heard the door open from a distance. "Come one bakubro please" the voice and the name made denki freeze "great" denki muttered under his breathe, he quickly swung his bag over his shoulder and hurried out but not quick enough since he could hear Mina call his name. Mina huffed as she looked at the library door, she was pretty sure he just ignored her. "What's wrong babe" sero asked, "it's denki" Mina said kirishima tensed and bakugou look behind him "what about him?" Sero asked "have you not noticed? He's been ignoring all of us and plus I hear from one of the girls he made both Jirou and momo cry but they were so adamant to not tell us why" Mina said, "well maybe they just did something wrong" kirishima said  but Mina shrugged "whatever....he just needs to stop acting all pissy I bet it's because of what happened between you two" Mina said looking at sero "I knew he would be hurt but I thought he would get over it" sero said, bakugou scoffed "he was basically in love with you dumbass of course he wouldn't get over it so fast" bakugou said.

Denki walked down the hall, the air around him grim, "KAMINARI" someone called from behind him. Denki turned around to see midoriya running up to him, "so we actually have the permission to stay at my moms house" izuku said while out of breathe, denki raised a eyebrow at him "you want me to stay over" denki asked and izuku nodded eagerly "yes I bet it would be so much fun and I have lots of games" midoriya said. Denki had to admit izuku was adorable when he wanted to be "yeah sure" denki said and izuku smiled, "good let's go" midoriya started walking ahead while denki followed, "god I can't wait to get so many things" izuku said basically radiating excitement. Even if izuku couldn't see it denki was nodded along to whatever he was saying, seeming to understand everything the green haired boy was talking about.

What's this?
Another chapter?
YES yes it is and I'm extremely proud of myself!!

Anyways hope you amazing people like this chapter.

The next chapter should be out soon.
And as always I apologize for any mistakes I made

Please drink water, and eat and stay safe.


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