Chapter 43

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Third person POV
Sero followed behind denki causally as they made their way to denki's room. Honestly sero couldn't care less about Kai. Maybe that was lie but still he really didn't but it was a way to irk denki off and to get him to notice him enough to talk to him so sero took that leverage and obviously it turned out how he wanted because denki offered or demanded they talk. Once both boys were in the room and the door was locked denki started talking.

"What is your problem" denki asked crossing his arms, sero sat in a chair and leaned back "nothing at all just wanted to gain your attention" sero explained "and you did that through kai" denki asked which sero nodded to. denki rolled his eyes and sighed "You got it now what" denki asked. Sero wanted to be smart he wanted to play mind tricks and games just to talk about the mistakes they made and frankly denki was tired of it. before sero could even open his mouth denki put a hand up. ''and for the record this doesn't change anything it won't change how I'm treating you or how I view you, you made your mistakes and all this pointless talk that you guys are trying to do with me means nothing" denki said making direct eye contact with sero. sero was shocked to say the least when bakugou said that leaving denki alone was the best option he just thought bakugou wasn't trying hard enough, he thought none of them were, sero knew denki would be pissed for awhile it was suspected and he wasn't that dumb. but he thought it could be fixed with time and dedication to becomes denki friend again, because that's how denki was, always the friend to first forgive someone and always the friend who wouldn't stop nagging his way back into forgiveness.

denki cringed at the look on sero's face '' you don't honestly think that's how its gonna be right?" denki asked though he did already know the answer to that ''and why not this was your way of trying and apologizing to us" sero asked, the cool calm collective facade he had slipping right off his face.

Kai sat in izuku's room quiet, he wasn't in a bad mood he was just curious honestly. Curious on what was sero's goal, obviously he wanted kaminari's attention but it was clear kaminari really didn't want sero in his face. Is that just the dynamic or did something happened? In any way it's obviously annoying even bothering kaminari. "You wanna play" izuku's voice snapped kai out of his head, kai looked up at the controller in his direction for a minute before taking it, minus well have something to distract him from thinking about it. Serina grumbled and laid out on the bed "where's kaminari I thought this was supposed to be quick" Serina complained "you miss him already" kano asked, Serina rolled her eyes "duhh? He's way better than you guys" izuku put a hand on his heart "wow, I could get kai and kano but me? Betrayed"

Kaminari stared at sero, how utterly stupid he sounded "yeah but I never pretended to like and date one of my friends for a dare while dating a close friend behind their back, oh and also humiliate them because almost everyone but that friend knew what was going on and I never let any jokes or pranks go on for months, so regardless of the way I apologise it's what I did which was never as bad as this" denki explained to sero like he was child. " Does it not click in your head that you guys betrayed me? Humiliated me? Totally threw away our whole friendship? If you guys thought that I would just forgive after time then it shows you really didn't know me at all" denki stood up " and obviously this conversation will be a waste of time so you can leave." He walked to the door opening it, sero looked in disbelief for a minute before the hint painfully hit him. He got up without a word and left.

Denki went to his bed laying down looking at the ceiling, he could feel them he could feel that there was no way stopping them. He closed his eyes and breathed, it didn't hurt any less, betrayed, hurt, humiliating. The people he loved so much, he would have done anything for did those things to him. Are friends even worth it?

Kai sat beside izuku, waiting, his stomach didn't feel good call it a gut feeling, (or maybe he had to shit) but it just didn't. A pinch on his neck snapped kai out of his thoughts, it wasn't new for anyone to be pinching him so they did it quite alot which annoyed Kai to no end, he turned around to complain to whoever was there but to his luck kaminari stood there with a amused look on his face, "move over" denki said as he tried to shoved his self between Kai and midoriya. " Why don't you just sit over here we have more room" kano said patting the been bag beside him. Kai glared "he's fine right here" Kai said interrupting kano while wrapping a arm around denki.

Serina gave him a look.

But nevertheless the group settled it with kaminari being by izuku and kai. denki enjoyed his time with the group, he was treated a bit differently here and maybe he could stay for awhile.



My senciere apologizes for the long wait, yes this chapter is a little bore but dw ;)

Idk maybe I should put it in their POV it's like narrating.

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