Chapter 3

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Third person POV
Denki grabbed one sero old shirts and shorts he had in his room, denki already had a backpack with extra clothes he would definitely need after this,  now that denki had all the thing he needed he pulled out his phone to get permission to go out.
Denki paused as he was about to press Aizawa contact but then he remembered he would be doing something important right now. Denki clicked his phone off and glanced at his window, it was really tempting to him. It wouldn't be his first time sneaking out, thanks to all those nights where he wanted snacks and nightly rooftops visits.

Denki locked his door and and turned on his bathroom light, incase someone was coming in and they wanted to know what he was doing, they would think he was in the bathroom. Denki grabbed his backpack and walked towards the window, right now it was six o'clock so it was pretty dark, but if denki didn't want to be seen he would have to put a hoodie on, so denki got a all black hoodie and put the hood on.
Denki quietly opened the window, he grabbed his bag and slipped it on. He slipped out of the window onto his balcony, denki was honestly a little lucky. A tree stood not to far directly from his balcony making it easy for him to jump on a branch, if he was brave enough, denki left his window slight cracked and then he stood on his railing Balancing himself in it before jumping towards the branch, denki quickly grabbed the thing closest to him. Hi guided his body weight towards the more sturdier part of the tree and quickly climbed down. Once denki was on the ground he ran off deciding he wasn't safe until he was off UA property.
Denki kaminari POV
I sat on top of a roof in a abandon part of town starring at the sky, right now I was feeling shitty and sad. It felt like there was a whole in my chest, this was nothing new but it was more empty now. I never had a family, being in foster care your whole life does that to you. So class 1-A was my family but the Bakusquad felt like my own personal family it felt safe to me it was like home with them.
So yeah it hurts it hurts like a bitch, that they intentionally caused me pain. I mean mineta? He is somewhat my friend because I know for a fact that's not how he really is but the shit he does, still is not acceptable. But maybe I do make them uncomfortable maybe it is all me. And am I really all that stupid to not realize sero was just faking it all? And Mina I considered her one of my fucking best friends what the hell did I do to her for her to agree to this. I couldn't care less about bakugou not wanting to date me but to fucking sit here and go with it and laugh about it is fucking messed up.
Is it really my fault though?  Being so stupid I can't even tell when someone is faking it all. Because if that's the case I don't think I would survive a year in the hero business.
I shook my head trying to shake off all the thoughts in my head and looked at the sky. It was so beautiful tonight, the stars seemed to shine a little brighter than before though. Like a beautiful storm really, all this bull going on in my life yet the stars still shine like everything is rainbows and sunshine. It's almost calming really, even if I didn't want to I knew I had to. I grabbed my phone to check the time which was '10:30' I checked my messages which were empty. Though it's not really surprising seeing as no one texts me unless I text them first.
It was that obvious, I just really am a dumbass to not realize sooner. I turned my phone off and looked back up at the sky, I didn't want to do it but it was so tempting right now and plus if I stayed in sero's clothes any longer I might have another cry fest which nobody wants. I stood up from the roof grabbing mt stuff then making my way down to the ground. I've been walking for awhile now trying to find the right spot for it, because if I do it close to anything I might cause a lot of shit that I don't need a reputation for.", not here at least. I found myself in the woods next to a cliff, the scene was beautiful it almost made me forget all my worries.
My book bag was far from where I was so I'm sure I won't mess that up when I did let it out, I sat on the ground and activated my quirk.
Third person POV
Electricity surrounded denki as his body shook, he was way past his limit building it up. It was like a burning sensation, but denki knew it wasn't enough to get where he wanted. so he knew he had to go higher.
Four million volts, thats how much electricity surrounded denki without letting it out. At this point tears slid down denki face his clothes slowly burning,  like a timer denki let all the electricity go. There was one thing he could feel one thing that mattered in this moment.
Heyyyyy guys I was a little bored and I wanted to write so uhm enjoy and I want to wish you a good night or a good morning and I really love the comments on the story because it makes me feel sooo motivated anyways
Chicken nugget out~

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