Chapter 8

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Third person POV
TW:attempt of self harm
The next day came and denki barely got any type of sleep thinking about the next events that are gonna happen today. Denki got got up from his spot on the floor, yes the floor even if it caused him a shit ton of pain it was better than the warm scents of the ones you used to love ones surrounding him every night bringing him oh so 'loving' memories of the cuddle sessions, the make outs the oh so lovely nights.
(Feeling poetic)
Denki walked towards his bathroom to get ready, looking in the mirror deep eye-bags rimmed around his dull golden eyes, denki frowned a bit racking over his figure. Now he wasn't out right feasting but he would be lying if he said he didn't going a few days without eating, for a minute denki stopped caring about himself because if others didn't why should he then. Until a few days ago when he actually remembered you can get kicked out of hero school for having a shittty mental state.
After finally gluing his eyes away from the mirror he quickly got ready for class.
Surprisingly denki was the first one to class, and that's saying something considering iIda was a time freak, denki walked to his seat and quickly got everything out. It was quiet denki didn't particularly like it but it was all he had right now and it might have been all he needed. " problem child" someone said from and denki quickly snapped his head up just for his eyes to land right on aizawa, denki body didn't un-tense he used to do when someone he knew and trusted was by him. Which was saying something, aizawa made sure denki saw everything he did until the point where he was sitting on his desk in his sleeping bag.
"Why weren't you at dinner" aizawa asked and denki shrugged, why did aizawa need to know? What would he with the information? He might report and make him leave? Denki forced the thoughts down and decided to tell the truth "I lost track of time" denki said carefully starring into aizawa's eyes. "For the past few weeks" aizawa asked raising an eyebrow and denki seemed to tense up more which of course didn't past aizawa head, "denki.....what happened" aizawa asked slowly and that made denki freeze, his name aizawa said his name.
Without even realizing tears welded up in denki's eyes as he stared into aizawa's worried ones. Denki wanted to say something but he couldn't his mouth wasn't moving and his head was screaming not to trust him, but aizawa was there waiting patiently for him to talk, so despite what his brain was screaming denki opened his mouth and the words came spilling out.
"I loved my classmates I thought they were all my friends and I-I thought the Bakusquad was my family" denki started, by this time aizawa was out of his sleeping bag leaning on his desk. "And when I saw sero......god it felt so good so actually like someone and have friends for once and when I actually fitted in the Bakusquad more than anything it was a like a my family they made me feel safe they-they helped me....sure they made jokes that gutted a little and sure when I asked them to stop they ignored me but that's what family does right" denki asked but it wasn't a question.
Aizawa stayed silent " I guess it was pretty obvious I liked sero but at the same time I didn't care, so when he told he liked me and we started dating god! I was the fucking happiest......but time passed, sero didn't want me to call him pet names nor his given names and I was cool with that. I respected his boundaries, and every time I slipped up he would ignore me which was understandable. But I never missed the time Mina would say his name without a problem or call him sweet heart or any other pet names but I let it slide I also didn't miss the times sero would stay in Mina dorms after movie nights or when the secret exchanged of hand touches I fucking noticed but everyone seemed like it was normal so I let it wasn't normal they just knew something I didn't". Denki stopped talking for a minute collecting his thoughts, "until a few weeks ago when I snapped, Mina called him hanta and sweetie in the same sentence and I couldn't take it anymore so I told him we needed to talk......I just wanted an explanation aizawa~sensei not him telling me she was so much better than me to point out almost every hidden insecure part about me that she had better, I honestly didn't know what to think but I needed comfort so I went to kirishima's room" anger was starting to enter denki as he remembered that day.
" when he seen me at his door with a tear stained face, he was awkward with me asking me what I needed and I just said comfort and he gave me that then I fell asleep on his bed, when I woke up kirishima was on the phone with bakugou talking about it......they knew they knew he was fucking cheating but it wasn't even that it was fucking dare they knew how much I liked him all those times I would rant on and on about him and someone took upon themselves to treat it as a dare they KNEW THEY KNEW and that's not the worst part because only the Bakusquad knew but all the girls knew as well Jirou even made fun of it, kirishima laughed and called it pathetic"
Denki was In The mix of angry and sad, this was his first time saying it out loud and it did nothing but hurt him, denki breathe quickened his kind started getting fuzzy, the only thing he was feeling right now was plane panic. Out of instinct denki hand flew to his arm attempting to claw his arms out of the state he was in. But something blocked him from doing so, once denki gave up on trying to scratch his self big warm arms wrapped around him, denki didn't know who it was but he leaned into the warm touch he has gone to long without.
Once denki came back into reality he lifted his head up to look at aizawa. Making eye contact denki finally said something "I never had a family before but if this is what it feel likes I'd rather be lonely" denki said then he leaned back into the hug, soon to find his self fixing off into the hug.
Aizawa was livid disappointed and worried, he excused denki for the day back once he took him back to his dorm, and but the time he got back all of his class was there waiting talking and having fun. Aizawa couldn't help but cringed with disgust.

Izuku sat at his desk observing something felt wrong, very very wrong yet everything was treated as normal. Until his teacher walked in it seemed like he was the only one who noticed to more gloomy mood his teacher was in when, he also noticed the cringe aizawa had when he looked around the classroom. Izuku also notice that denki wasn't here today, then it clicked. Aizawa soured mood was because of denki or what he found out about denki and denki wasn't here because he was either skipping or excused. Izuku cared about his classmates he considered them he was confused when he heard of sero and denki's breakup yet no one comforted he was also confused onto why Sero was moving on so fast with Mina and the Bakusquad seemed normal with it almost happy, yet there was no denki.
There was also the time when izuku asked denki if he was okay and he almost immediately brushed izuku off without a second thought,izuku knew something was wrong he knew something much more worse happened to denki and he would be damned if he wasn't gonna figure it out.
Denki sat in his room all day looking at the ceiling, he already had his dinner in his room so there wasn't anything he had to leave his room for. Hours and hours passed but it felt like minutes, yet denki didn't move a muscle. So much emotions was going through him right now but the biggest one was betrayal, they betrayed him played with him like a fucking toy, all denki felt was betrayed.

A soft knock on his door knocked snapped him out of his thoughts, for a minute denki thought it was aizawa until they spoke, "hey kaminari~kun can you open the door" the voice was muffled almost a whisper, th set must have been whispering because it was late, despite what his body wanted denki got out of his bed and walked to his door, cracking his door slightly denki opened his door and was a little shocked at who was there.


Not gonna lie it light have been a little rushed but that's because I NEEDED to get it out and anyways I hope you enjoy because things are getting- nvm
Anyways hope you enjoy~
Im out❤️✨

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