Chapter 15

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Third person POV
Denki and Kai both stood on a abandoned building, "so you building hopped before" Kai asked and denki scoffed "the question is why the fuck are YOU building hopping" denki asked. Letting his self relax, Kai shrugged "it was the only chance I had of ever getting away" Kai said and denki raised an eyebrow deciding not to press further, which Kai was it really grateful for.
Kai titled his head "how do you know how to building hop" Kai asked and denki shifted his weight, "when I lived America I had bullies they would only pick on me when I was on my way to go to school so I had to get creative if I didn't want to to beaten for school" denki explained and Kai nodded.
It was quiet for a few moment not at all uncomfortable though, with warning Denki took off skillfully hopping on building, "oh you fucking minx" Kai shouted smiling widely, denki almost had the courage to laugh " catch me if you can" denki shouted his smile hiding in his voice which was very much noticeable.

Oh how much Kai wished he could see the smile izuku saw so many times.

Aizawa sat at his desk slowly waiting for denki to return, if he said he wasn't worried that would be a lie because at this point anything can go down. His class literally betrayed him, who know what that can do to the kid so of course aizawa was gonna watch over him. But it's been four hours almost curfew, so aizawa waited. Until he saw the familiar golden hair walking up to the school, aizawa breathed in relief but what he didn't expect was to see denki, with a slightly annoyed expression walking beside a smug looking boy who basically radiated mischievous.
Aizawa was intrigued but he also felt the instinct to shoo him away from denki.

"It was fun hanging out with you blonde" Kai said as they stopped in front of UA "your not to bad" denki said but Kai lightly punched his shoulder denki shoulder "you know you enjoyed it blonde" Kai said and denki did but he was afraid what would happen if he did say how he really felt, it never worked out in The past so why should he say it now. Denki rolled his eyes and walked towards the UA dorms "TELL IZU I SAID HI" Kai said and denki threw his hand up to let him know he got the message. Once denki was in the UA dorms he was met with the sight of aizawa, "kaminari I need to talk to you" aizawa said, then he turned around walking somewhere more private, denki took it as a sign to follow him.
Once denki and aizawa was somewhere more closed off aizawa started talking.
"Tomorrow There will be a class project, I myself didn't assign the partners hound dog did. The project It self is more of a actually relaxing one  and a mix of hero training, this will go on for two or three weeks and every two days you will switch partners. For the first two days your partner will be Jirou, then Mina, then sero, and kirishima I wanted to tell you do you can gather yourself, I tried to change the partners but you would have to get it out the way at some point."
Denki was upset hell who wouldn't be, he didn't want to face neither of those assholes, but he was grateful that aizawa told him so he could collect his self. "Thank you aizawa sensei is there anything else" denki asked and aizawa looked like he was genuinely trying to think of something else. " shinsou will be joining our class tomorrow as well" aizawa said and denki raised an eyebrow. Now a couple months ago denki would have been ecstatic, but now there was no reason to care. The dude didn't want to be his friends he no longer wanted to be Shinsou's friend so it was that. Denki shrugged "not really important to me but tell him congrats" denki said the he turned around and left.Aizawa almost frowned, denki really did change and not in a good way.
Denki walked passed izuku dorm but stopped, denki sighed and knocked on izuku door. Which was answered right away "kaminari~kun?" Izuku asked confused "Kai said hi" denki said then he walked away. Why he did it he didn't know should he have done it? probaly not but he couldn't do anything about that now. Izuku was confused in the least 'did they meet up with each other did denki somehow run into them' izuku thought as he closed the door, izuku picked up his phone to call one of his best friends "yess izu" serina asked on the other line "uhm hey did you hang out with Kai and kaminari today" izuku asked "uh no me and Kano went shopping for his sister" serina said. "Oh okay well uhm sorry to bother you rina go back to what you were doing" izuku said as he hung up so serina couldn't ask anymore questions.
Izuku laid in his bed a smile cracking on his face, he wouldn't say he shipped Kai and denki but he knew their new found friendship might be powerful together. It would make sense, since they are almost the same.

Heyo I know this chapter might be a little boring but it is a kaminari x oc and he will have to spend sometimes with the oc but as you can see the really trouble starts next chapter.
Anyways I hoped everyone had a good Easter and I truly feel your pain from school anyways love you people.

I'm out~~~~~❤️

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