Chapter 41

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Third person POV
In all honestly denki didn't know how he got here, all he wanted was a snack from the vending machine. How he ended up in mei's lab with some type of goggles on his face? He didn't know. "Why am I here" denki asked, mei looked up from her table "you were the first person I could find and I didn't know when another person was coming out, and plus I have a new baby someone needs to try out for me" mei explained denki titled his head "why can't you try it out on yourself" denki asked and mei smiled "I can get hurt" "and I can't?" "well your a hero in training I'm sure it will be a little sting" "..." "see I'm right" "yeah no I'm out of here" denki pulled -whatever what was on his arm- off, mei panicked and lifted her head "WAIT" denki turned to mei with a unimpressed look on his face "I'll buy you hamburgers and French fries for two weeks" denki frowned 'how the fuck did everyone know hamburgers were my weakness' "make it three and I'll stay for whatever the hell this is" denki said, mei nodded and denki sighed while walking back to her, "Kay so how does this work" denki asked and mei smiled.

He regretted it, oh he regretted it a lot but at least he could regret it for three weeks with a hamburger in his mouth, denki was slumped as he walked into the class 1-A dorms, but he did have a wendies bag in his hand and he was gladly gonna eat it in his room. "Kaminari are you okay" denki heard someone ask from beside him, he turned his head to see todoroki there....with his soba "I don't think I ever see you without soba" denki said tilting his head, todoroki furred his eyebrows and looked at denki's wendies bag "I barely see you with a burger in your hand" he said and denki snorted "well played" he said and todoroki smirked "where is midoriya" denki asked "he is in his room with some friends- I was just there but then I got hungry and there was a bit to much people there in that small room for my liking" todoroki said and denki nodded totally understanding what he said, "well I'm gonna go say hi to them but come back soon I'm sure he likes when you interact with his friends" denki said and todoroki was confused "why would I matter" he asked. Denki almost felt bad, he couldn't see the poor bush headed boy liked him "you'll find out in due time" denki said and todoroki shrugged and went back to his soba.

Denki went to his room put on something comfortable, which was plain black sweatpants and a band sweater. He wanted to Collapse right in his room, but he also wanted to say hi to the others. Denki dragged himself out his room to midoriya's dorm and lucky for him his dorm wasn't to far a walk away from him. Before denki even got to izuku's dorm he could hear the chaos, or just them raging in Mario cart but still it was still loud and that was saying something since the walls in the dorms were really strong almost soundproof, denki knocked on the door which caused the loudness to stop immediately "SORRY IIDA WE WILL TRY TO BE QUIETER" midoriya yelled, denki snorted lightly but yelled back " ITS NOT IIDA BUT IF THIS IS QUIETER YOU REALLY NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM" denki said, in seconds the door swung open revealing a happy Kai "SPARKY" Kai yelled hugging denki, "would you be surprise if we told you he was just seconds away from blowing up this room because of the game" kano asked moving his head so denki could see him, "I wouldn't be surprise in the slightest" denki said, "hurry come in" midoriya said and Kai pulled denki in closing the door behind them.

Denki say on midoriya's bed and sighed "I'm beat" he muttered "did something happen" Serina asked and denki nodded "this girl mei, she is a beast when it comes to her inventions but no one really wants them tried out on them and I just wanted something from the vending machine but somehow I ended up with a metal thing on my arm - anyways I was gonna leave but she bribed me" denki said guilty "with?" Kai asked, denki held up his wendies bag "three weeks of burgers and fries and they're my favorite how could I not" denki complained, denki heard someone snort. "It's not funny" denki muttered "you should take a nap you look barely awake" kano pointed out "eat. First." Denki said as he sat up.

Slowly but surely denki ate his food while he was half awake, it was just him his burger and a comfy ass bed. Denki didn't even pay attention to what was going on around him, that could be the reason he didn't hear the camera snap a million times, denki put his trash away and laid back. " I probably should go" denki muttered tiredly "you can stay no worries" midoriya said, denki was a little reluctant until he felt a nice hand in his hair "it's okay sparky go to sleep" someone whispered in his ear, so what did he do?

He went to sleep.

Ik yhis is a quick chapter and I apologize but here is your fluff😅

Not much to say but

I hope you enjoyed

And as always I apologize for any mistakes I may have made

Drink water eat your meals
And sleeep- SLEEP AND EAT


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