Love Languages

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Summary: Louis and Harry's love languages.

Request from hazzaismylovey 

If you have any requests, just drop them in a comment or private message!


Understanding your partner's love language is one of the best tools you can use in a relationship. Knowing what your partner best responds to in terms of being shown love can bring a deeper level of understanding to the relationship, and it is simply better for both people involved.

Harry's primary love language is words of affirmation. This can mean reassurance from his partner, friends, or family. This means saying, "you're doing awesome" when he is unsure about something and just about everything else that one would like to hear from someone else. However, this also means that words can hurt more for Harry.

Louis' primary love language is physical touch. However, a misconception that people may have about this is that touch is sexual; it is seldom sexual. For Louis, physical touch means holding hands, hugging, or just having a hand on his back or thigh. This is a way for the other person to show that they are there for him without having to verbally communicate it. Again, this also has its drawbacks. Sometimes, Louis can be too comfortable with people being close to him or touching him, which Harry then has to politely pull him away from.


Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry are all crowded around the television on their tour bus, all anxiously watching the nail-biting game of FIFA. Since the boys are going to be on the tour bus for almost eight hours, they have created a FIFA bracket to see who the best player is. Zayn was the first one out, followed by Niall and Harry. Now, it is just Liam and Louis, and there are ten seconds left in the tied game of 4-4.

"Come on, run it," Louis says to his player. He has just taken the ball from Liam's team, and his player is sprinting down the field, seemingly untouchable. With three seconds left, he shoots the ball, and the goalie narrowly misses it. "Goaaal! Oi oi!" Louis jumps up and shouts. Harry, Zayn, and Niall all crowd around Louis and celebrate his victory. Harry is the first one in the group hug, wrapping his arms tightly around his boyfriend.

"Good game mate," Liam smiles when the boys break away from the hug. They all sit back down on and around the couch, talking about the competition. Harry holds Louis' hand and lazily runs his thumb along Louis' knuckles, just to let him know he's there as they all talk.


Harry is sitting in the living room, quietly strumming a guitar. Next to him is his little journal and a pen, and inside the journal are a few verses of a song he is in the middle of writing.

"Who's that shadow holding me hostage, I've been here for days. Who's that whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away..." he quietly sings.

"What is that?" Louis suddenly asks. Harry jumps before looking up, then sees Louis standing next to the couch.

"How long have you been standing there?" Harry wonders.

"About a minute. Sounds good," Louis smiles as he takes a seat at the end of the couch.

"Thanks. I just started working on it today. I think it could be good for the album," he says.

"Well don't let me bother you, keep going," Louis says. Harry hides his smile as he positions his fingers back on the fretboard, then begins strumming once again.

"Baby look what you've done to me, baby look what you've done now. Baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way..." Harry hums a melody to himself, since he hasn't come up with anything else. "Who's that man that's holding your hand and...talking about your...eyes," he slowly sings, then quickly writes it down in his journal before he forgets it.

"You're so talented," Louis admires.

"Oh, thank you," Harry blushes.

"Seriously, songwriting just comes naturally to you and it's always so, so beautiful," he adds. Harry smiles and bites his lip at the compliment, and he feels more confident in his writing ability than before. He continues singing and playing the guitar, eventually finishing the song in less than an hour.

Louis helps by occasionally adding lyrics and saying words of encouragement every time Harry gets stuck or stops to write in his journal.

Harry eventually performs the full song for Louis, who listens to his boy with beaming pride.


Everything seems to be against Louis this week. First, his tattoo appointment got cancelled. Next, he fell and hurt his ankle during stage rehearsals. Now, a show he was invested in got removed from Netflix with no warning. He has no will to be productive, so he lies on the couch and lets tears silently roll down his face.

"Lou?" Harry calls. Louis simply raises his hand for a moment so Harry knows where he is, then listens to his footsteps as he comes closer and closer to the couch. "What's wrong?" He quickly asks when he sees Louis' red, puffy eyes.

"Everything sucks," he simply says, then begins crying harder. "I just can't have anything easy," he cries.

"Baby, come here." Harry scoops Louis up and sits down on the couch, setting the crying boy in his lap. "Everything's gonna be fine, it's just gonna take some time," he reassures him. Harry holds Louis close to him and lets him cry as much as he needs, rubbing his back the entire time. Once Louis has calmed down, he carries him upstairs to their bedroom, where Louis lays in his arms and drifts off to sleep.


Fashion is something Harry has always been interested in. However, not everyone approves of his fashion choices. For the most recent award show One Direction attended, Harry wore a black blouse with black flare pants and gold Chelsea boots. The outfit was quite simple, but it was somehow odd enough for tabloids to bash him and give him the title of "worst dressed".

When Harry reads what people are saying about him online the morning after, he isolates himself in the back of the bus and begins crying. Louis, being the attentive boyfriend he is, knows something must be wrong for Harry to storm to the back of the bus in the way he did. He presses a button that opens the door to the back room of the bus and finds Harry weeping into his hands.

"Oh darling," Louis frowns, then closes the door and kneels in front of his boyfriend. "Honey, what happened?" He cups Harry's face in his hands and gently tilts it up to look at him.

"People online are saying my award show outfit was ugly. I really tried, Lou," he says.

"I'm so sorry you read that, and I'm sorry they felt the need to write it." Louis kisses Harry's forehead before wiping his tear stained cheeks with his thumbs. "I think you looked amazing, we all did."

"But other people didn't," Harry pouts, having calmed down some from Louis' presence.

"I know, but those people don't know you at all. They don't have a say in whether or not your outfit was good enough for them. They're just a bunch of pricks."

"That's mean," Harry sniffles.

"Fine. They're okay people, but they wouldn't know fashion if it slapped them across the head," Louis decides, earning a small smile and a light chuckle from Harry. "See? It's okay. You looked absolutely stunning last night, and anybody with half a brain would agree with me," Louis smiles, then kisses Harry one more time; this time on the lips.

"Thanks, Lou," Harry smiles, then hugs Louis.

Louis always seems to know what to say, perhaps through years of trial and error and carefully studying how Harry responds to certain things. However, Harry doesn't want to discredit himself, because he usually knows how to calm Louis down or share his excitement in a perfect way. Having someone who you know will always be on your side and having someone who always knows what to say or do makes life much easier. Because of this, Louis and Harry are eternally grateful that they have found each other.


First one down (technically 128th one but we're [I am] turning the page and finding peace) even tho I'm pissed about Viral Affair being taken down for NO REASON but hey that's over and done with.

Anyways, thank you all for sticking with me, I really need it right now ❤️


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