Double Take

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1. Harry ignores Louis for walking past him when he fell on stage.

2. Louis has an allergic reaction to Anne's cats.

hello it's my birthday and I'm 20 so here's 2 itty bitty one shots!


The music is loud, the fans are loving it, and Harry is hitting every beat...until he hits the floor. Fans scream as Harry lies on the hard stage floor, dazed and staring at the ceiling.

I hope my boyfriend doesn't see me.

As if on cue, Harry sees a tiny pair of Vans walk towards him in his peripheral vision. He looks up at Louis, who completely ignores him; he doesn't even give him a passing glance. How rude!

Harry pouts and huffs as he stands back up, because he is a princess and his prince walked right past him. He finds sympathy from fans in the form of blown kisses, entertained faces, and phones pointed at him. This is likely something he will be hearing about for a while.

"You okay, man?" Niall asks Harry as they sit together backstage after the show. "I was on the other side of the stage when you fell."

"I'm good. Other people were right next to me and didn't help me up," he says in a shady tone.

"Are you talking about me?" Louis wonders, budding into the conversation. Harry ignores his boyfriend, not even looking at him, as he takes a long sip of water. "Oh, I see how it is. You're gonna ignore me because I ignored you," Louis realizes. Harry looks around the room at everything but Louis, and he continues to do so as they all pile into the van and drive back to their hotel.

Louis sits in the row in front of Harry, which means Harry has to keep his head down unless he wants to see Louis being overly affectionate with Liam.

"He's just trying to get me to talk to him," Harry whispers to Niall.

"Should we get him back?" Niall whispers, and Harry immediately nods. "Wow Harry," Niall starts in an obnoxious tone, "you have such pretty hair. I love touching it. And you're so funny. I think you're the funniest one in the band," he dramatically says. He and Harry look at the back of Louis' head to see his reaction, but he doesn't do anything.

Louis and Harry are two separate entities in their hotel room. Harry showers while Louis smokes on the balcony, then Louis showers while Harry lays in bed.

"Hey Bambi," Louis eventually says. Harry keeps his eyes on his phone, so Louis straddles him. When his fit boyfriend is sitting on his hips wearing nothing but underwear, it is hard not to react. Harry figures that Louis is trying to get a reaction out of him, not through his mouth or eyes, but through his dick; Harry might be in trouble. "I bet you think I'm trying to get you off, huh?" He says. His fingertips slowly run up and down Harry's sides, giving the younger boy goosebumps. Dammit, why does he have to be so responsive? "I'm just gonna help you relax a bit," Louis says in a calm tone.

He keeps dragging his fingers along Harry's sides, and Harry hears a quiet humming in his mind. He focuses extra hard on his online Scrabble game so he doesn't laugh when Louis starts tracing the tattoos on his chest and tummy, because he is a little ticklish. When Louis sits beside Harry and begins tracing his tiger, Harry knows he is in big trouble. He loves when Louis touches his thighs, because he knows how much Louis loves them.

"So strong, Harry. Remember when you did a squat with me on your back? I wonder what else you could do." Louis straddles Harry once again, chuckling to himself when he feels that Harry is beginning to get an erection. He leans forward and presses their fronts together, just barely fitting between Harry's arms, which are holding his phone up. "Do you feel relaxed? Or are you just getting worked up?" Louis asks in a low tone as he fits his hand over Harry's throat. He lightly squeezes, and Harry immediately whimpers and bucks his hips. "Gotcha."

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