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Summary: Louis fonding over Harry while they babysit one year-old Doris and Ernest.

This is kind of a filler chapter (from The Vault hehe) while I finish the 2 one shots I've been on for like 2 weeks


At 8:00, Louis is woken up by his phone ringing. He grumbles as he swipes his phone from his nightstand, the light causing his eyes to sting for a moment.

"Hello?" He quietly mumbles, being mindful of Harry sleeping next to him.

"Louis, thank goodness. Is there any chance you can babysit the twins today? Dan and I have to go to London for a few hours. Lottie was going to babysit for us but she woke up with a cold." Johannah's voice sounds somewhat frantic as she speaks. It takes a few seconds for Louis' tired brain to process all his mother is saying. When he does, he complies without a second thought.

"Yeah, mum, Harry and I can. What time do you want us over there?" Louis asks before stealthily sitting up and stretching.

"Can you be here by nine? Thank you so much, Lou."

"No problem. I have to get ready now, see you at nine." With that, Louis hangs up and lightly tosses his phone on the bed. He looks at Harry, who is sleeping peacefully beside him. "Hazza, wake up," he softly coos as he runs his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"Mm...why are you up before me?" He slowly asks in a raspy voice.

"We have to babysit the twins today. We have to be there in less than an hour," Louis tells him. When Harry hears this, a wide smile creeps onto his face.

"Just us?" Harry looks at Louis with a soft smile after he sits up. Louis nods, and Harry leans in and kisses Louis on the cheek. "We get to be parents for the day," he giggles. He and Louis both go to the bathroom to brush their teeth, and Harry puts his long hair into a bun before throwing on a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt.

"I was gonna wear that one," Louis whines when he sees the shirt Harry is wearing. However, he decides that Harry looks better in it, so he puts on a black tank top to match the black shorts he slept in. The two boys grab their phones and hurry downstairs, where Harry makes them coffee. Louis slips on his checkered Vans, and Harry laces up his black Nike tennis shoes, and they are out the door. "I'll drive," Louis says, having grabbed the keys before Harry could. He locks the door to their house and jogs to the car while Harry grumbles something about Louis always driving too fast.

"You better not get pulled over, Lou," Harry teases. He buckles his seatbelt before watching Louis connect his phone to the car so he can play music. The twenty minute car ride flies by as the boys sing at the top of their lungs to their favorite songs. Thankfully, Louis didn't speed.

Harry barely waits for Louis to park the car before he is unbuckling his seatbelt and practically skipping to the door; he adores spending time with Ernest and Doris because it feels like they are his and Louis' children. "Good morning, Jay," Harry greets Louis' mom with a warm hug as she opens the door.

"Hi, darling. Thank you for coming on such short notice," she sighs.

"Oh, it's no problem. We love babysitting the twins," Harry smiles. Just as Harry steps inside the house, Louis catches up to them.

"Thanks for waiting, Curly," Louis mumbles. Harry simply smiles at his boyfriend, and Louis flicks the bun at the top of Harry's head. All of a sudden, Dan rushes down the stairs as Louis and Harry slip their shoes off.

"Hi, boys. Thank you for babysitting. Lottie was supposed to but she called this morning with a cold," Dan explains.

"Really? That's too bad," Harry frowns.

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