Love Me Until I'm Numb

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Summary: Louis and Harry have sex on the tour bus.

Request from larry_stylinsunny

WARNING: this is some of the finest smut I've written in a long time 😌👌🏼


What happens on an empty tour bus at 2 in the morning stays on the empty tour bus.

Louis: I can't sleep

Harry: It's not my fault you chose to sleep on the bus instead of with me

Louis huffs, because Harry has a point. Whenever he can, he opts for sleeping on the tour bus over sleeping in multiple different hotels every week. This helps him have a sense of familiarity while on tour. Right now, no matter what Louis does, he cannot seem to stay asleep.

Louis: Harry please

Harry: Louis please

Louis: Just come down here, there might be something in it for you ;)

Louis doesn't receive a text back from Harry, so he keeps spamming him with texts to try and convince him to join him on the bus. After about ten minutes, Louis jumps at the sound of two quiet knocks on the door. He pulls his hood over his head, then tiptoes to the front--though he can be as loud as he wants since he is alone.

"Let me in, it's bloody freezing out here." Harry is hopping from one foot to the other, and he is visibly shivering.

"It's not very warm in here either." Louis moves aside to let Harry in, then locks the door behind them. Even though they didn't plan on it, they are wearing nearly identical outfits of sweatpants, a dark hoodie, and thick socks.

"You're alone," Louis notices. "What took you so long?"

"I douched. You're gonna eat me out."

"Am I now?" Louis smirks.

"Yup," Harry nods with certainty. "You said there's something in it for me, so that's my reward for coming down here in the middle of the night." Harry sits on the couch and stretches his arms out on the back cushions.

"I said there might be something in it for you," Louis corrects.

"Do you want me to blow you or do you wanna fuck me?" Harry asks, deliberately changing the course of the conversation.

"Can't we do both?"

"Only if you eat me out," Harry says. "Sixty nine?" He suggests.

"Alright, you're on top though." Louis swipes the blanket from a random bunk and lays it on the floor. Harry watches as he sets up the space in the living room area, still sitting with his arms sprawled and his legs slightly open. Next, Louis straddles Harry and slides his hands underneath the boy's hoodie, running his cool fingertips along Harry's warm back and smiling at the forming goosebumps.

"You're hands are cold," Harry whines against Louis' lips before kissing him.

"They'll warm up in a second." Louis makes circles with his hips on Harry's crotch; their baggy sweatpants make it easy for Louis to feel Harry's cock twitch in response. Louis' hands eventually do warm up, and Harry barely reacts to the cold when Louis lifts his hoodie over his head. "I wonder if we can make it warm in here," Louis coquettishly says before taking his hoodie off as well and tossing it over his shoulder.

"I'll blow you before the concert tomorrow if there's condensation on the window when we're done," Harry promises.

"Is that a dare, Styles?" Louis questions.

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