Bubble Gum Drama Queen

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Summary: (barely BDSM) where everybody thinks Harry is sugar, spice, and everything nice. Louis, the poor thing, is the only victim of Harry's bratty side.

they kinda look like this ^ (but Louis has a little stubble)

Btw when I say BDSM I mean a very very watered down version of it, like halfway through the story you'll probably forget it's even suppose to be BDSM


"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," Harry chants as he climbs on top of a sleeping Louis and straddles him. Louis stirs awake with furrowed brows and an annoyed groan. When he finally opens his eyes, he sees Harry's forest eyes looking happily at him. Harry waves, then leans forward and lays on Louis' chest; he hugs his Dom's sides as well and somehow continues to straddle him.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Louis wonders, lazily resting his hands on Harry's bare sides. "And where's your shirt?" Harry quietly giggles when he hears Louis' voice vibrating against his chest before answering him.

"I didn't want it on, and I'm awake because we have to get up now," Harry explains.

"What time is it?"


"Harry, oh my gosh," Louis suddenly groans, "we still have another hour." Harry immediately feels bad for waking Louis up earlier than necessary, so he sits back up and pouts.

"Oh. I'm sorry," he meekly says.

"That's alright, sweet pea. Now let's get back to bed, because I'd like to go back to sleep." Louis starts to move to his side, which is Harry's cue to move. He lies on his side, facing Louis, then cuddles up into his chest. Louis hugs him to keep him close, wrapping the Sub in his arms and the cozy hotel comforter; hopefully Harry will let him sleep for another hour.


The boys are an hour and a half deep into their concert rehearsal. They run through a few songs and get comfortable navigating their way around the stage, and the crew makes sure the sound and visual effects are working properly.

"Niall!" Harry calls, then jogs to the middle of the stage just in time for Niall's solo.

"Hey, I don't want you to be, the one that got away, I wanna get addicted to you, yeah," Niall sings into his microphone, copying Harry's silly, yet endearing, dance moves. "You're rushing through my mind, I wanna feel the high, I wanna be addicted don't say no, just let go." Louis begins his solo immediately after, and he takes his eyes off of Harry so he can focus on it.

The rest of rehearsal goes smoothly, and the boys finish earlier than normal. They all head backstage so the crew can talk to them about the flow of the concert; Louis is whisked away for a haircut as soon as they're done.

"Lou, you can't cut his hair, we're supposed to be growing it out together," Harry pouts as soon as Lou Teasdale starts brushing through Louis' hair.

"We're just freshening it up a bit," Louis responds.

"I'm cutting off this much." Lou holds her index finger and thumb up so that they're almost touching. Harry looks at her demonstration for a second, then stands in front of his Dom.

"But Da-Lou," he huffs. "I don't want you to cut any of it." Harry should have stamped his foot to fully show off his bratty demeanor. Honestly, he would have, but Lou is right next to them.

"Okay," Louis simply says, almost patronizingly.

"Oh my gosh," Lou laughs. "Who knew Harry had a bratty side?"

"I did," Louis purses his lips and gives a half amused smile, like he is tired of putting up with Harry.

"Harry has a bratty side? I don't believe it," Zayn chimes in, now sitting in a free seat next to Louis.

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