Believe Me

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Summary: A crew member is being mean to Louis, but nobody believes him.

Request from Fine_walls_28


"The bus is leaving in ten minutes boys!" James announces. The five band members have just made it backstage after their concert, and they are all energetic.

"Sure, sure," Louis says, then plops down on the couch and chugs a small water bottle. Harry picks Louis' legs up and sits next to him, then puts the boy's legs on top of his thighs.

"Time for PDA," Liam jokes.

"We can't do this on stage, give us a break," Harry defends himself and Louis. The boys all sit together on the couches and talk about the show. However, Louis and Harry are less invested in the conversation and are more interested in each other. They quietly whisper to each other, occasionally smirking and laughing, but smiling the entire time. "We have to go now," Harry informs Louis.

"I'm gonna get my cigarettes from the dressing room, I'll meet you guys on the bus." Louis gives Harry a quick departure kiss, then jogs to his dressing room. He meanders to the coffee table where he left his pack of cigarettes, but frowns when isn't there. "Shit..." he sighs under his breath, because he doesn't feel like searching the entire room for a small package. He checks the couch, behind the throw pillows, in the empty drawers, and every other crevice in the room, all to no avail.

"Louis," James' authoritative voice sounds from the threshold of the doorway.

"I know I'm late, I just can't find my cigarettes," Louis says, still searching the room.

"We're leaving right now. Did you not hear me when I said ten minutes?" He asks with annoyance strung in his voice.

"I did, I just can't find-"

"That's not a suggestion. Be late next time and I'll tell the driver to leave without you," James warns.

"Right, I'm sorry," Louis says, then takes one last scan around the room before leaving. On his way out, James shoves Louis, causing him to stumble and nearly fall over. Louis bites his tongue instead of saying something rude, and he speedwalks down the hall to increase the distance between him and James, the inconsiderate prick.


The bus arrives at the hotel in 45 minutes, and James and another crew member, Jack, begin unpacking luggage.

"Liam and Harry, your stuff is right there." James points to the two suitcases sitting next to the curb.

"Thanks," Liam says. He and Harry then head inside the hotel with a security guard. For some reason, there are no fans outside; maybe because they just arrived at the hotel for the first time.

"Niall, here's yours," Jack says as he pulls Niall's suitcase from the side of the bus.

"And Louis." James pulls Louis' suitcase out and harshly sets it on the ground, apparently not caring about possibly damaging it.

"Oi, you can't just drop my stuff like that," Louis says, still angry from James shoving him before.

"Nothing broke. Go inside, Louis," James says.

"I told you he's a troublemaker." Louis hears Jack say to James. Again, he bites his tongue, because he doesn't want to start an altercation and get in trouble with management.

When he makes it to his and Harry's room, he is muttering all the hurtful responses he could have said to James.

"What?" Harry says from the bathroom.

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