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Summary: Louis, Liam, and Niall attend Harryween.

Request from shahana_009  :)

wow everything about this one's really fanFICTION huh 😩


October 30. Halloween night one. Harryween night one. Too many years in the making. And it's finally coming to life tonight.

Getting to play Madison Square Garden once in a lifetime is an accomplishment. Getting to play it a handful of times in one life, and throw a Halloween party in it at the same time, is something that puts Harry's fame in perspective every time he thinks about it.

As he looks at his costume hanging up in his dressing room, a reserved smile takes over his lips. He quickly zips the garment bag when he hears two knocks on the door, followed by the soft squeak of the door being pushed open.

"There you are." Harry soon feels the safest arms hug him from behind. He soaks in the presence of his favorite person before turning around and planting a kiss on his forehead. "Can I see your costume now?" Louis asks as he takes his face mask off and stuffs it in his hoodie pocket.

"Not yet," Harry replies. He so badly wants to show Louis his costume, to model it for him like he is showing off items from a new Gucci collection--which he has done before--but he wants to surprise Louis. "I wanna surprise you." Louis' lips curve into a soft "v" at the mention of a surprise.

"I wanna surprise you too. Remember when I said we're meeting up with the lads soon?" Louis happily asks. Since surprises stress Harry out, Louis decided that Harry didn't need any more stress during his tour. That is why he told the boy that Liam and Niall would be visiting "sometime soon at one of your shows."

"Are they here?" Harry quickly asks. In 2015, the four boys promised to meet up a minimum of once per year. However, that promised was muddled by the pandemic. Louis smirks, then looks over his shoulder.

"Boys!" Harry's heart beats like a drum as the door swings open. As soon as he sees Liam and Niall, tears flood his eyes and he runs towards them. He wishes he could see their faces, but they are half covered by black face masks. Regardless, he tightly hugs his two friends, resting his head in between theirs. They all revel in the fulfillment of finally being able to hug after nearly two years apart; Harry never wants to let go of them. He only lets go when Louis joins the hug, then manages to wrap his arms around all three of the boys.

"I can't believe you're here. This is sick." Harry wipes his misty eyes and fixes his hair when they all finally disband. "You can take your masks off if you want," he adds, since it is just the four of them and they have all been vaccinated and have been testing regularly.

"Louis invited us, of course we wouldn't say no to Harryween!" Niall beams.

They all catch up for a bit, until it is time for Harry to get ready for the show.

"I'll see you in a little bit," Harry promises. Liam and Niall wish him good luck, then put their masks on and leave the room. "That means you too, darling," Harry softly says.

"Come on, let me see your costume," Louis whines.

"I told you it's a surprise, didn't I?"

"Ugh, fine," he groans, "give me a hint then," he says with a cheeky smile.

"Hm, let's see..." Harry thinks about his costume, which is Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. It consists of red tights, a custom-made blue dress with ruby jewels on it, boots that resemble Dorothy's iconic ruby red slippers, and a little basket with a stuffed animal Toto. "It's red and blue, and there's some white...and the shoes have red sparkly on them."

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