Illicit Meetings pt.2

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Summary: Calvin, Oli, Stan, and Lucas find out that Louis and Harry are dating.

Request from 5secsof1Dmendes


Another day of gym class for Harry means staying as far away from Louis' pack as possible. The four of them are relatively harmless during class, because there are people around and the football coach just so happens to be the gym teacher; it is as soon as class ends that Harry dreads.

"Harry," Lucas says. Louis and Lucas are team captains for dodgeball, which means they get to pick their teammates. Harry saunters over to stand by Lucas, keeping space between them. The captains quickly finish selecting their teammates, and each team goes to a different end of the gym.

"Think you're gonna get hit with some balls today?" Oli asks Harry; Lucas and Oli are on Harry's team, while Stan and Calvin are on Louis' team.

"I hope not," Harry quietly says. The gym teacher suddenly blows his whistle, successfully quieting the gymnasium.

"When I count down from three and blow the whistle again, you will run to the center and pick up a ball. You can run to the end of your side, but you must stay in front of the black lines. If you get hit anywhere on your body from the neck down, you're out. Clear?" The American teacher instructs. Students line up on the black line on their ends of the court, staring down the foam balls laying in the middle of the gym like they are fighting for their lives. As the teacher blows the whistle, almost everyone sprints and rolls balls back to their sides, then retreats to a safe distance. Harry feels anxious already, since he hates dodgeball. He tries to stay in the back of the pack, only picking up a ball when it is right next to him; he would probably get yelled at by his teammates if he didn't. He throws the ball to the other side and manages to hit someone on the shoulder.

Louis says Harry is quite strong and has good throwing aim, but he doubts himself too much in the presence of Louis' idiot friends.

"Nice going," Lucas smiles. Harry starts to smile as well, until he feels Lucas slap his ass. In his anger, he picks up a ball and chucks it across the gym, accidentally getting Louis out.

"Team captain's out!" Oli cheers. Harry mouths "I'm sorry" to Louis, who gives him a warm, proud smile through light laughter. Louis replies with a thumbs up, then runs to the sideline to join the rest of his teammates who have gotten out.

As the game wears on, Harry goes back to picking up balls only when they are by him. He watches his teammates get most of the other team out. Now, only Lucas, Harry, and one girl are left, while the other team only has Calvin.

"We can get him out, it's three against one," Lucas says to Harry and the girl.

"What if we all throw a ball at the same time?" The girl suggests. Stan likes the plan, so the three teammates gear up and approach Calvin at the same time.

"And...go!" Lucas shouts, and colored foam balls are being flung in Calvin's direction. Lucas continues firing after Harry and the girl throw two balls each. Lucas eventually gets Calvin out, then runs to the other side to rub it in his face.

"That's game!" The gym teacher announces. "Class is over, since you took such a long time to play this." Harry starts his death march to the locker room, not knowing what is in store for him. He looks around the gym for Louis before leaving, and he sees him talking to the gym teacher.

When Harry opens the locker room door, he hears showers running and boys talking loudly. There are other boys in there besides Louis' friends, so he hopes Louis' friends won't be too rough with him when they get out of the showers. Unfortunately for him, the other boys are smart enough to quickly file out, but Harry is too busy thinking to start getting changed back into his school uniform.

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