Football Injury

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Summary: Playing football while 26 weeks pregnant is not the best idea Louis has had. After suffering an accident, it is a mistake he will never make again.

I was gonna make this 2017 but I googled 2017 Louis and could NOT imagine him pregnant (that was such a weird sentence)

**announcement at the very end**


Walking onto the artificial turf of the football field makes Harry feel like a kid again. Looking beside him and seeing his 26-week pregnant husband in gym clothes makes him feel like an adult--or a babysitter.

Though he has warned his husband of the dangers of playing football while at the end of his second trimester, Louis won't listen.

"It'll be fine," Louis says, because he knows Harry is still thinking about it. "I won't dive for the ball or run too fast."

"I just think it's an unnecessary risk," Harry says when he reaches the bleachers on the sidelines.

"Are you sure you don't wanna play?" Louis asks, shifting his weight to one leg.

"I'm gonna sit here and make sure you don't get hurt," Harry simply replies. Lou Teasdale sits in the middle of the bleacher, and Harry sits beside her.

"Well, we have the field rented for two hours if you change your mind." He leans forward to give Harry a kiss, then changes into his soccer cleats and joins Liam and Niall, plus a few friends, in the center of the field.

The boys start by doing a few stretches, which Harry is happy to see Louis doing. When the game begins, his eyes are glued on Louis. He only jogs, just as he said he would, and he subconsciously holds his bump during short breaks in the game.

Niall dribbles the ball to the goal net, hesitating a little when he sees Louis in front of him. However, Louis jogs up to Niall and tries to stop the ball from getting in the goal.

"Be careful," Harry says under his breath. Louis is quite competitive, so his body is flush with Niall's as they both concentrate on the ball; the side of Louis' bump is pressed against Niall's torso.

"He'll be okay," Lou calmly says. "When I was pregnant with Lux I was still pretty active. Your baby's got a lot of protection in there."

"It's not just him that could get hurt if something happens, though," Harry reasons.

"That's true. He's smart, though. He won't let anything happen to his little bump." Louis' T-shirt is pretty baggy, so Harry can only properly see his bump when he is holding his stomach or if he is jogging faster than he said he would. He has to trust him though, because he can see that Louis is holding back on his effort a little bit.

When the scores even up, the boys call a water break. The players saunter to the sidelines and sit on the turf while cooling off and hydrating.

"Hey," Louis waves to Harry and Lou. "Can I have my water?" He holds his arm out and jogs the rest of the way to them.

"Hi." Harry stands up and gives Louis a quick kiss before handing him his water bottle. He takes a few big gulps, then slowly catches his breath from the game. "How's it going?" He asks, gently touching his husband's baby bump while he waits for an answer.

"I think bub likes football. I can feel a little kicking in there," he says with a fond smile.

"Maybe baby's just telling Daddy to stop moving around so much," Harry teases.

"You didn't name your baby Bub, did you?" Lou chimes in.

"No," Louis chuckles, "we don't know the sex."

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